I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 383: Moon landing plan

Lin Feng looked at the two, a serious explanation, and one added his side. How could he not find out before that Hawking and Lu Yanshan still have the best potential for cp.

"What are the benefits of logging into Mars?"

Without waiting for Hawking to answer, Lu Yanshan took the lead to say: "Ignore the resources on Mars first, and talk about colonization first, you think! If you log in to Mars, point to the stone and say that this is 'tofu', and come later Martians will call the stone called tofu. This is a preferential treatment for naming rights. In the future, any stone on Mars will be tofu, the big stone will be soybean curd, the small stone will be small tofu. Martian language! "

Listening to Lu Yanshan's very funny answer, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "You're so yy, you can't write this blindly."

Lu Yanshan licked his face and said modestly: "It's nothing, petty, I also thought of putting our New Territory Technology logo on the moon. By night, everyone on the planet can see our company logo. That's a bar, it's a bar. "

Lin Feng was speechless, which was really high. He looked up at the moon and changed it to look at the New Territories trademark, but he can try it later.

"Lu Yanshan, tell me the truth, are you a Martian, or why hurry to log in to Mars?"

Lin Feng was joking.

Lu Yanshan froze.

At this time, Hawking solemnly said: "We need to explore whether Mars has life, and landing on Mars can explore unknown areas and prove our technological strength to the world. Mars can also serve as a transit point for space exploration. Of course, Mars also has Rich in mineral resources. "

Listening to Hawking's authoritative answer, Lin Feng reluctantly spread his hands: "To spend an uncountable amount of money, just to install a b, and Mars resources are not so rich, after all, it is a rusty planet."

It wasn't that Lin Feng didn't want to land on Mars, there was no need to land.

If it was because of curiosity, Lin Feng would like to try.

However, he has already passed the age of curiosity, and the New Territories Line Company is very short of money. How can there be so much budget funds to land on Mars?

Hawking smiled hard at Lin Feng's words.

If from a merchant's point of view, landing on Mars is really not necessary, it is better to start landing on the moon, no matter how much, the moon's mineral resources and the earth have a fight.

Lin Feng suddenly asked, "Yes, Huo, how long will it take to land on Mars with current technology?"

Hawking didn't hesitate: "If you use anti-gravity technology, you save a lot of fuel, 100 earth days, and properly reach Mars."

"100 days, 200 round trips. This distance ... seems a little far away." Lin Feng kept shaking his head.

Lu Yanshan still did not die: "General Lin, why don't we go to Mars directly after landing on the moon? In this way, we are the first people on Earth to land on Mars, and we will forever record in history. Think about it a little bit excited. "

"Going to yourself, I don't have time to toss about it blindly. This is 200 days, a full six and a half months!" Lin Feng completely extinguished the idea of ​​going to Mars.

The main reason is that the speed of the spacecraft is too slow. At present, most of the space equipment uses ion engines. There is no excellent engine technology and the system has not been given. Lin Feng does not have these technologies.

If he were to be invented, he would not be able to invent it in a short time.

After all, the engines used for space navigation are not as simple as gas turbines.

"Forget it, talk about the moon!" Lin Feng waved.

"Compared with Mars, the moon has very rich mineral resources. Nearly all the elements and minerals on the earth are on the moon. The 17 most common elements on the earth are everywhere. You can lift your hand Pick up titanium. "

Hawking explained helplessly.

"So start with the moon!" Lin Feng made a decision.

However, Lin Feng asked quickly: "The moon does not allow casual mining? After all, the resources are abundant, what should we do if we overexploit?"

Hawking drew a corner of his mouth and said, "The moon is an unowned thing. If you just mine it, you dig the moon and no one else can control it."

"The United States doesn't care? The flag of their country is on it?" Lu Yanshan asked.

Before waiting for Hawking to speak, Lin Feng laughed: "The national flag has a hair purpose? In the future, our company's trademark will be printed on the entire moon. The moon is the New Territories Line company."

"Eh!" Lu Yanshan gave a thumbs up.

Hawking left the room with convulsions, and then listened. Sooner or later, his longing for science was polluted.

In this way, Lin Feng added another one in addition to the "three steps" plan to build a lunar base.

After landing on the moon in the future, a large base was built to prepare for lunar immigration, and Hawking was within the scope of the first batch of immigration plans.

Of course, Hawking also participated in the Lunar Building Project.


Over the next period, the news media successively reported some news that Lin Feng was preparing to enter outer space.

However, after the people saw it, they all laughed and listened to the joke.

As we all know, Lin Feng has three predictions.

The first prediction: the power industry will enter a permanent cold winter;

The second prophecy: Biology has begun the era of great evolution, and it has broken the constraints of the environment on creatures for hundreds of millions of years.

The third prediction: humanity will go to space in three years, and start the interstellar era.

Nowadays, one city starts to use space power every day, and the power industry has indeed entered the cold winter. Coupled with medical care, biological engineering, etc., the second prediction has also come true.

However, the third prophecy is obviously unfulfillable. If such news is reported 100 years later, some people still believe it, but now nobody reports it.

Even Lin Feng's **** fans laughed after hearing it, thinking it was media hype.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ As time goes on, this kind of news is getting more and more, and the people are more and more suspicious. Is Lin Feng really going to engage in aerospace and prepare to enter outer space?

After three months.

On January 15, 2019, New Territories Technology Corporation issued two announcements:

"Announced that on January 19, a new annual product launch will be held;

At the same time, a manned space mission to the moon will be launched. At that time, the spaceship named "The Godfather of Science and Technology" will carry 100 astronauts, 2,000 artificial intelligence robots, and various living materials and plants. Build the first alien planetary base in human history on the moon.

The list of 100 astronauts is as follows: Hawking, Lu Yanshan, Lu Renjia, Wang Qiqin ...

In addition, the manned moon landing will be broadcast live to the world, and Hawking and others will also interact with the audience during the live broadcast.

As soon as this news came out, it caused an uproar, and the attention of the whole world was put on Lin Feng. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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