I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 388: Looking at the earth in space

When Lu Yanshan introduced the basics of space, the spacecraft had sailed out of the earth and arrived in near-Earth space.

Looking at the blue planet in front of him, Lu Yanshan was ruddy and very excited. Huo Jin, Wang Qiqin, and even Yang Liwei got up and looked out of the round window.

"This is the planet we have lived for decades!"

Hawking has a complex complexion and studied cosmological theory for a lifetime. Today, he is the first person to experience the real universe firsthand. This feels so cool! Cool to the explosion.

Lu Yanshan also took out the telescope and kept looking at the earth.

"I depend on it, and it really requires an astronomical telescope, which is not visible at all with ordinary telescopes."

Lu Yanshan wanted to use telescopes to take a look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, the Great Wall, Lugou Bridge, and even Taierzhuang and Songhu. Unfortunately, ordinary telescopes do not work.

Although Wang Qiqin was in shock, at the same time, she also took out her pen and wrote:

"In my eyes, the earth at this time is so strange. It is like a large, bright and round fluorescent ball covered by a white glass, surrounded by constantly changing clouds and fog, and it is difficult to see the mountains and the In the wheat field, there is a dark green and brownish yellow in the eyes, and there is even a dark blue. I think it must be the ocean, and the brownish yellow should be the land ... I see this earth for the first time. "

All the people present expressed their emotions and were shocked by the sight in front of them.

Yang Liwei also leaned on the round window, his expression was sometimes excited and sometimes low, but in the end, there was a touch of awe in his eyes.

"Individuals have become smaller compared to nations, nations have become smaller than the earth, earth has become smaller compared to space, and compared to the entire universe, I don't know what the solar system looks like?"

Only people who have come to space know the small and humble human beings.

Feeling intimidated!

At the same time, the camera also gave a picture of the Earth from space.

Countless people watching the live broadcast, the blood surged.

This is the first time they have seen the Earth from this perspective, and they have felt inexplicable shock.

"It turned out that the earth we've been living in looks like this!"

"It turns out that our country is nothing compared to the earth!"

"It turned out that the earth is more beautiful than we think. This is our common home."

At the same time of shock, some people also developed a strong sense of pride.

No matter how vast the earth is, it is about to be conquered by human beings. Human beings can look down on the earth unscrupulously, and set their sights on a sea of ​​stars that is wider than the earth. No matter how vast space is, it cannot escape the fate of being explored by human beings. One day, space will be conquered by human beings.

The Chinese people have raised their heads proudly. It is a spaceship made by our Chinese people. Finally, the Chinese people will lead the world to conquer the universe. Without us Chinese people, people in other countries are dregs.

When the audience was shocked by the picture they saw, Lu Yanshan turned on another camera. Without gravity, he first flipped a few times and explained with a smile:

"Everyone must be curious about the weapons loaded on the spacecraft! Such a large spacecraft only took 100 people and 2,000 intelligent robots to the moon. What should we do if we encounter aliens?"

"However, I want to say that you can rest assured that the spacecraft has two protective covers that can handle any weapon."

Speaking, Lu Yanshan stretched out two fingers.

"The first is the" magnetic cutting shield ", which is the same technology as the" magnetic cutting bomb ", which can effectively block any physical performance weapon. It is like a pig killing knife, which can twist everything into powder;

The second type is the "anti-gravity protective cover"!

Maybe some people do n’t understand that anti-gravity technology is not only for the gravity of the earth. The anti-gravity function is not only used for flight. It can also resist meteorites with weak gravitational force. It is like a cannonball flying at a high speed. I can also Use anti-gravity to resist ... "

Lu Yanshan Barabara said a lot, but many people knew a little.

Lu Yanshan also knew that the audience couldn't understand it. Simply giving a picture would make everyone realize.

As the camera turns, it switches from Earth to outer space.

Compared to the azure earth, the scenes in space are much inferior. Except for countless stars, there is only endless darkness and desolation.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no sunlight in space. On the contrary, the sunlight in space is more intense. But there is almost a vacuum in space, and there is no reflected light or diffuse reflection light, so it appears that the space is very dark. Unless you look directly at the sun, you can't see the sun, so it's dark.

However, the people watching the live broadcast did not put their eyes on the dark space, but they saw the huge solar power storage panel.

The barrage Hayward brushed up immediately:

"Is this the power we use for space? The area of ​​solar energy storage panels is at least larger than that of the island nations, catching up with the three major provinces and cities in China."

"Such a huge amount of solar energy, and robot maintenance from time to time, it costs a lot of money!"

"I was thinking, how much sunlight would be blocked by such a large Tianyang Energy?"


When people brush the barrage, they can't help shaking it.

At present, space power is not universal in half of the countries on the earth, and solar energy is so huge. After the global spread, the area of ​​solar energy ... I dare not imagine!

However, people's attention was quickly attracted by several small spacecraft.

I saw several circular spacecrafts, which were arranged in a circular arc, and were pursuing and intercepting space trash. The magic thing is that the spaceship did not touch the space trash, but the space trash was gathered into a pile by one hand. In a huge woven bag.

"I see. Use anti-gravity technology to control the movement of objects."

"Create the opposite force and gather space trash!"

Many senior professors of cosmology ~ www.readwn.com ~ have all expressed the exquisiteness of anti-gravity technology.

With this technology, when traveling through the asteroid belt, there is no need to consider that the asteroid will hit the spacecraft, as long as the anti-gravity device is turned on, these asteroids are naturally repelled to the edge.

Seeing the barrage, Lu Yanshan smiled, knowing that someone understood the true role of anti-gravity technology, he didn't explain much, and played mahjong with Hawking and others.

I have been flying for three hours, and my aesthetics are tired. It's time to relax.


"Ha ha, find out all about myself, I did not expect that Lu Yanshan was so lucky that I had a big name in space."

Lu Yanshan banged on Mahjong and shouted happily.

Due to the magnetic force of Mahjong, it will not float.

Hawking is quite speechless, if he doesn't bully him, how can an Englishman play mahjong! Later, after practicing Mahjong skills, Hawking said that he would kill the Quartet.

Several people were playing happily, and the spacecraft suddenly issued a warning: "Astronauts, please note that the spacecraft is about to travel to the" Van Allen radiation zone. "Astronauts, please wear radiation protection clothing."

Hearing the reminder, Hawking suddenly froze.

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