I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 394: Moonlight tax

"The moon will always belong to the New Territories technology, but also to my personal Lin Feng. It is not a common wealth! Do you understand?"

Lin Feng looked at the camera with a harmless expression on his face, as if it were a very ordinary incident.

But when they heard it in their ears, they felt inexplicable shock, and stunned.

Obviously, Lin Feng was announcing the ownership of the moon, and planned the moon as his private property.

To have the courage to say these words is not ordinary domineering. Domineering is almost strong to a solidified state. From ancient times to the present, Lin Feng is definitely the first domineering person in the world.

And everyone knows that no country other than the United States can land on the moon, they have no qualifications to snatch, can only dry up, or look at it like a frog sitting in a well.

And even if the United States can land on the moon, it can only send a few people to it, and it cannot form the scale like Lin Feng. It can be said that Lin Feng has absolute control of the moon.

This is probably an established fact,

Lin Feng continued: "At the same time, I also welcome other people to compete with me. If you are strong, it is not difficult to give way to the moon!"

In Lin Feng's view, space belongs to the unowned. Whoever can enter space to develop resources will belong to space. As long as there is no common wealth, the fist is the bigger one.

In addition, some people can do nothing at all and want to **** the fruits of others in the name of "common wealth". Is there really such a good thing in the world? Obviously not.

Of course, he will not prevent other countries from entering space and developing space. At the same time, he will not help other countries to enter space. He wants to get rich resources in space by virtue of his ability, not in the name of "common wealth".

"And today, I also officially announced that from now on, if you want to enjoy the moonlight, you must pay the moonlight tax, otherwise ..."

Lin Feng stretched out a finger and shook it, which is self-evident.

"Without paying the moonlight tax, don't even think about seeing the moon again."

Lin Feng said this, and everyone's eyes almost didn't stare out.


Moonlight also collects taxes?

Everyone present was embarrassed. They thought that Lin Feng would announce the development of the moon and how to manage the moon, but they did not expect to come up with a "moon tax".

What is the moonlight tax?

What is the difference from "IQ Tax"?

A while ago, when IQ developed pharmaceuticals and spread them around the world, the price of each pharmaceutical was very high, and it was not that petty-funded families could not afford the pharmaceuticals at all.

The World Health Organization and the price departments of various countries have also asked Lin Feng many times. Why does Lin Feng give free injections in China, but sell them so expensive in foreign countries?

Lin Feng's answer is very simple, only three words, IQ tax.

If foreigners want to develop IQ and obtain high intelligence, they must pay expensive IQ tax.

The original "IQ tax" is exactly the same as the "moonlight tax" now.

Looking at the stunned crowd, Lin Feng grinned and said lightly: "My compatriots don't have to pay. I can come to this day with Lin Feng. Thanks to your support, I will never forget you."

Lin Feng showed grateful gaze.

When the company was in economic trouble, it was the billions of Chinese who used their baby's milk powder and rations to buy products from the New Territories so that he could have economic income and the company would not be in trouble.

He naturally wants to give back to the Chinese people.

The Chinese people present were obedient, pouting, pouting, a speechless look, moonlight was originally good for everyone, now it has turned a big circle, as if owed Lin Feng how much affection.

Seeing that the Chinese people were not interested, Lin Feng shook his head and smiled. How could the feedback he gave be so small? In the future, the opening of the moon trip will inevitably be implemented in China.

Form a ring around the moon!

space exploration!

Comet observation from zero distance!


Good things happen!

However, the foreigners present were not very good, and their faces were full of anger.

This **** godfather of science and technology is blatantly charging a "moonlight tax".

What about the face? Face is bigger than flying saucer.

Cheeky to the extreme.

The foreigner hated his teeth almost!

Lin Feng is completely absent from the eyes of the Chinese people who almost killed people. As a qualified socialist successor, how would he care about other things? Especially foreigners.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lin? You openly deprive human beings of the right to enjoy the moonlight, does the Chinese government ignore it?"

A brown-skinned female reporter asked.


Lin Feng took a break from his body. Looking at it, he found that it was a female reporter from Yindu.

"Tibet Province has 125,000 square kilometers of land. If I'm not mistaken, it will be occupied by you!"

Lin Feng was smiling.

"We are talking about moonlight, please Mr. Lin not to avoid the importance." The female reporter's face remained unchanged.

"I avoid the heavy and take the light?" Lin Feng spread his hands, speechless, his belongings, but was frequently questioned by the outside world. Whoever put it on, I was probably in a bad mood.

"The moon is mine. Everything that comes from the moon, including moonlight, belongs to me. If you want to see the moonlight, you have to pay. If you can give me all the curry for free, I will consider letting You see moonlight. "

"Curry is cultivated hard by our people."

Lin Fengxi laughed: "The moon was obtained after I spent huge sums of money to develop anti-gravity technology. The curry in your country is not enough for me, and I still have moonlight on my face?"


"What I am, I can tell you clearly, because of your rude words, Yindu will never see the moon today, or even never see the moon."

No matter how angry the foreigner was, Lin Feng left his sleeve and left. The follow-up moon landing plan is still underway. There is no time to chat with these reporters who can only talk about it.

Lu Yanshan stared at Yindudu reporters and followed Lin Feng behind him.

"Mr. Lin, this is what you asked me to bring." Lu Yanshan carefully handed over an aluminum box ~ www.readwn.com ~ thanks. Lin Feng took the aluminum box and strode back to the company's headquarters.

After Lin Feng left, the outside world was full of excitement. From the initial moon landing news, all of them became Lin Feng's negative news.

Some media said that Lin Feng has swelled. He must stand on the opposite side of mankind, dominate the moon, and rob the wealth of humanity on earth.

Some media also said that Lin Feng would not only invade the moon, but might also occupy the earth and drive humans into space.

Furthermore, foreign media have not talked about Lin Feng's anti-gravity technology, nor talk about the great pioneering work of the moon landing. On the contrary, they have devalued Lin Feng's low level of ideology, only knowing that he has focused on the contention of interests and ignored the benefit of humanity.

The Indian government even stood up and fiercely refuted Lin Feng.

"Unexpectedly, the world-famous technology godfather actually asked us to give him curry for free. This is a big joke. I do n’t want to spend a penny to get curry for free. This is Chikuo's contempt for working people. Lin Feng does not deserve the title of the godfather of science and technology. He is a shameless man, a shame of human beings ... "To find this site, please search for" "or enter the URL:

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