I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 403: Beginning of 3 wars?

Under the frantic reports and strong rendering of the media, a comprehensive science popularization of various anti-gravity products was conducted to tell people how anti-gravity technology will bring changes to human life, especially in China.

When the Chinese people saw all kinds of news, although they knew a little about anti-gravity technology, they were deeply moved by the changes that anti-gravity technology can bring.

"Anti-gravity cars can optimize the transportation system. The city can achieve multi-level and diversified transportation modes. Not only can it save energy, but it can also effectively suppress smog and global warming. The greater benefit is that it is convenient to travel and there is no traffic jam. This is the case. "

Of course, more people are not talking about anti-gravity cars and high-speed rail, but about anti-gravity aircraft carriers, airplanes, and land war gods. They can't wait to find someone to share and discuss immediately, and speak out their "imaginary".

Therefore, the Internet is lively.

"If you consider the Soviet Union and the United States as imaginary enemies, I think so. Let the flying land war gods open up in a triangular array, followed by anti-gravity aircraft carriers and anti-gravity aircraft, and the flanks are launching aircraft of magnetic storm bombs and magnetic cutting bombs. It will be more perfect to control the "Technology Godfather" spacecraft as the main control. I dare say that this formation is invincible and can flatten the world. "

"This is the rhythm of the Three World Wars! When a country is strong, it will inevitably go the road of external expansion, just like the original World War II and World War II. This is irreversible and a historical law. Now China has the strength to host this war. So, I ask the country to give me 30,000 intelligent robots, and let me be a pathfinder. "

"War? Silly! Now that hot weapons are in place, war will only make the people suffer, and it is the people who suffer the most. And with the breakthrough of space technology, resources are no longer limited to the earth, and there are many unknowns in space. The region is waiting for us to conquer, and there are richer resources than the earth waiting to be mined. Therefore, the war horse is completely meaningless. "

"At present, the most important thing is to resolve land disputes, such as Wantai, southern seas, Tibetan land, and so on. Our country in China is not only to be the master of the country, but also the master of the world."

"I agree with the idea upstairs. In the past, the United States has always played the role of world police. After Lin Feng's rise, he was relegated to a regional police. After the rise of China, he became a police officer. I am afraid that even the city management can't compare. So we have to take over the banner, complete the task instead of the United States, and make the world more harmonious. This is our unshirkable responsibility. "


Netizens' vigorous discussions naturally caused the madness of some militants. A Central Asian country has repeatedly invited China to "jihad". The Chinese people were also invited to jihad.

Under this circumstance, the high-level leaders of China are extremely calm. To be precise, the high-level officials have never thought of the word "war". With the current strength of the country, foreign countries have long been out of reach.

Solving the land problem is the first task to be completed, and then there are stars and seas waiting to conquer. War will only hinder the development of China, and landing in space is the most important goal of China.

However, I am afraid that it should not be that China is worried about World War III, but that other countries are more worried about World War III than China!

March 15, 2019.

When outsiders quarreled because of military weapons, Xinjie Technology Co., Ltd. and Dongzheng Electronics ushered in a work inspection by the head of China. This is the first time that the head of state has visited Lin Feng's company seriously.

At 9 am, the director came to the Dongzheng Electronics Factory, and Lin Feng naturally received it in person.

He and the chief walked in the workshop of Dongzheng Electronics one after the other, followed by bodyguards, reporters, and staff of nearly a hundred people.

Lin Feng and the leaders visited the assembly workshop of anti-gravity flying vehicle, intelligent robot assembly workshop, space alloy smelting furnace, the spaceship's staged manufacturing plant, and the pharmaceutical preparation laboratory ...

Take a tour and spend the whole morning.

The workshops and workshops that Zoma sees have made the head very shocked, because looking at the entire company, they are all modern equipment, the assembly line exceeds German technology, and the staff is very harmonious. The factories can be compared.

Just listen to Lin Feng continue to introduce: "Head, the spaceship in front of it can carry 500,000 tons, which is equivalent to 5 Ford-class aircraft carriers and 10 Waliangge. It is our company's first large spaceship. Undertake two functions of transportation and manned, it is expected to be officially completed in two weeks. At that time, astronauts of our company and those who sign up for space travel will take this spacecraft to the moon and carry out large-scale moon reconstruction tasks. .

In addition, our company has learned a lot of experience in the manufacture of the God of War, and has completed the industrial chain layout of the spaceship, and will soon realize the mass production of spaceships.

It is estimated that around October of this year, it will be able to build ten 'Technology Godfather' spacecrafts, or two large spaceships per month. I believe that in just a few months, the interstellar era will really come. "

"Amazing, awesome!"

The head sighed repeatedly, and often gave a thumbs up in front of the reporter.

Previously, he thought that Lin Feng was able to complete complex construction work because of the cooperation of various industries in China. I did not expect that a family of Dongzheng Electronics under Lin Feng would complete all the work. Not enough to describe.

After the flash flashed a few times, the chief slowly spoke:

"Lin Feng's achievements today have shocked me. In just two years, I have created such a large foundation. It can be seen that he has upheld the spirit of" hard work and self-reliance and hard work "in my country. It is a standard of life, a working style, a concept of interest, a state of mind, and a noble goal of struggle and the common value of human beings ... "

While listening, Lin Feng lamented that the director had a profound literary heritage.

Everyone else at the scene praised the director for speaking very well ~ www.readwn.com ~ I really know the words and heartfelt words. I ca n’t overdo it as a life goal. I was inspired and had a broad mind…

The head of the speech aside was even more emotional.

Hua Guo follows the era of wireless power consumption, running into the era of intelligence, followed by the era of human evolution and reproduction. Now, the interstellar era has begun. No country in the world has been able to have such an earth-shaking event in such a short period of time. Changes, the head is very clear, these changes come from the hands of Lin Feng.

After speaking, he raised his hand and cried, "Hello comrades!"

Some flustered employees hurriedly answered, "Good head!"

"Comrades have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!"

After the conversation on Qingcheshulu, the head turned and asked, "Next, what are you taking me to see?"

Lin Feng smiled mysteriously, "An advanced glass!" To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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