I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 406: Build a palace on the moon

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Twenty people left behind on the moon saw a compatriot of the earth landing on the moon, all grinning at Yahuazi, and they ran up and greeted their compatriots. m.slk.tw

Somehow, they felt particularly kind to humans.

Maybe it's been wild for a long time.

The two sides met and warmly embraced each other.

The two sides did not forget to exchange inflatable babies, cups and other objects, and praised friendship forever.

They are all colleagues of the New Territories Company, and the relationship is naturally harmonious.

Mr. Xu, who finally appeared on the stage, looked very serious. "Take me to see the" Caiyuanzi "project."

"Yes, Professor Xu!"

A man named Zhang Shan who stayed behind took all the professors and experts to the "Technology Godfather" spacecraft to stay on the lunar hull, which is now the lunar base.

On the way, those who stayed on the moon kept feeling:

"My admiration for Mr. Lin is like a torrent of rivers, which is endless. I didn't expect that in just three months, I actually built a larger spaceship, which really hurt my company.

"Yeah! I guess there should be many people staying on the moon this time, so don't worry about loneliness."

"I feel a little homesick! I want to go home ..."

Just as everyone whispered, everyone had come to the vegetable garden.

Mr. Xu looked up.


His face was instantly filled with surprise.

About 500 square meters of space, full of greenery, growing trees, fruits, and food, all grow very lush.

"Professor Xu, this is the soybean we have grown!" Zhang Shan introduced.

"Well?" Father Xu was surprised again.

"Why does this soybean have the size of a marble? Is it too big?"

No wonder he was surprised. On the earth, there is only a small piece of soybeans, and on the moon, the cultivated soybeans are as large as glass marbles.

This kind of soybeans can squeeze out a large bowl of soy milk with just a few grains.

"It's still big?"

Zhang Shan shook his head, like a treasure show, pointing at the potatoes that had not yet been dug in the ground, and said, "Professor Xu, how big can this potato be?"

Mr. Xu froze slightly, remembering the space pepper. After the small peppers are irradiated by radiation in space, they will have genetic mutations and become larger. Now potatoes ...

"There must be a football size!" He asked tentatively.

"Football size?" Zhang Shan shook his head, shocked to see you die, and immediately dug out a potato with a spade.


Mr. Xu took a closer look and suddenly stayed.

It's not only the size of a football. You have reached the size of a bathtub. To wash this potato, you must at least use a large bathtub.

The people at the scene also widened their eyes, and murmured in their mouths: "Good guy, how many days does it take to eat such a potato?"

However, the surprise was not over yet, Zhang Shan pointed to the cucumber on the shelf next to him, his head high.

The moment the dozens of people present saw the cucumber, the corners of their mouths twitched, and the first feeling of the cucumber in front of them was "pain."

That's right, that's the feeling.

"This cucumber has caught up to the thickness of the kettle, it's hard to eat and harder to use!" The expression on everyone's face was wonderful.

They originally came with research ambitions, but when they saw the food planted in front of their eyes, they were all in the dark, so subverting the human outlook on life, how can plants grow so big?

Some people are a little discouraged.

Father Xu was not decadent, but was full of excitement and enthusiasm. "Hurry up and take me to the laboratory. I will study these plants now."

As soon as he arrived at the laboratory, he received a call from Lin Feng.

"Father Xu, this time you come to space with only one purpose, to study a plant that increases yield."

Lin Feng's request was simple.

"Please rest assured that I will complete the task."

Mr. Xu patted his chest and promised.

When it came, Lin Feng didn't forget to remind him: "Don't make me the last thing."

When it comes to the last time, Mr. Xu has a lingering fear, but it's a zombie, so that the whole world will not perish.

"I will definitely pay attention to safety."

After hanging up, Mr. Xu led the team to start the research on botany.

At the same time, there were many architectural experts who came to the moon with the spacecraft. When they arrived at the headquarters, they received an architectural drawing.

But when they looked at the drawings, their chins didn't scare them off, not because of how beautiful the design drawings were, but the three big characters on the drawings surprised them.

"Guang Han Palace!"

At this moment, the name that is not unfamiliar to hundreds of millions of Chinese people has been passed down for thousands of years. Everyone present was extremely familiar.

No one had expected that Lin Feng would build the Guanghan Palace on the moon.

Looking at the building materials again, their cold sweat rushed down, except for the space structure of the main structure, the whole body of ultra-solid glass.

They didn't know what ultra-solid glass was, but when they mentioned the word "glass", they could only think of the word "fragile", and the glass broke when they touched.

"Isn't Lin Feng crazy? I dare to use glass to build a building. What if the glass explodes?"

"No, this job can't be answered!"

"At first glance, it is the tofu residue project."

Just when they were horrified and wondering whether to take over the job, a beautiful woman came in.

Tian Jiaxin is wearing a OL uniform, a business woman fan.

None of the people present had seen Tian Jiaxin, or even the name.

But thinking of the moon being about to be managed by this person, they couldn't help a little more awe.

The people of the New Territories Line Company are awesome beings. This is the power brought by Lin Feng.

Tian Jiaxin is naturally the girl who was scared and cried by Lin Feng, but now she has been promoted to become the manager of lunar operations.

"You guys, if there is no problem, we can start the project. Our time is precious."

Tian Jiaxin's language is powerful, and people can't help but obey.

However, some people still stood up and accused Lin Feng of constructing a tofu dregs project. After all, the strength of a glass-made building is certainly not enough, let alone in a vacuum environment.

Tian Jiaxin is not hesitant to show them the characteristics of ultra-solid glass ...

Not long after, these people were shocked into the construction of the project, and the kind of ultra-solid glass lingered in their heads. This new type of building material may cause a revolution in the history of architecture.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Tian Jiaxin nodded with satisfaction. Lin Feng entrusted her with a heavy task this time. She must complete the task in excess, not to humiliate Lin Feng, or to hinder Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, rest assured, I will definitely make the moon beautiful for you."

Tian Jiaxin's beautiful eyes showed perseverance.


However, it was said that passengers dressed well in space suits and stepped out of the spacecraft in batches. 200 people were divided into 10 teams, each led by a tour guide and heading to different attractions.

At this point, one of the teams gathered in front of a huge crater, listening only to the guide via radio:

"The crater you see in front of you has more than 6,000 years of history ~ www.readwn.com ~ At that time, our country of China was still in the Stone Age. This crater has witnessed history and has historical significance ... Please take photos to take pictures. "

It's a regular travel mode, but tourists feel fresh and feel 1/6 of the gravity.

Of course, after listening to the guide's explanation, they took out their cameras and started taking pictures.

The camera is specially made by Huawei. The camera is Leica and has been acquired by Huawei. This camera is mainly military-quality and can be exposed in outer space to take pictures.

There was a constant click, and then the tour guide continued to take visitors to the next spot to visit.

There are mountains, craters, basins on the moon, and the complexity of the terrain is not inferior to that of the earth. Even the texture similar to the river channel is there, but there is no water.

After visiting many attractions, the prescribed entertainment program began.

However, just as the passenger was about to leave, a striking warning sign suddenly broke into the eye ...

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