I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 408: Dominate near-Earth space

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Gao Yang's next words were serious. m.slk.tw

He detailed the same:

"Large buildings such as the Guanghan Palace, the large-scale resettlement base for the moon, the mining farm, and the space machinery production plant have all been put into production. At present, they have been subcontracted to the construction team of Huaguo. The construction is expected to be completed by the middle of this year. Construction, to achieve environmental balance, you can accommodate 10,000 permanent residents and truly realize the resettlement plan. "

Chen Zhichao aside, nodded secretly. The space excavator, space mining vehicle and other equipment are manufactured by Dongzheng Electronics Factory.

Gao Yang glanced at the calm and calm Lin Feng and continued:

"With regard to the construction of the moon, we sent the most famous biologist in China, Mr. Xu, cough, and grandfather Xu Mengyao, as the head of the research on lunar biology. All of his undergraduates are authoritative persons in various academic circles, even former Harvard Botany The professors signed a 10-year employment contract with our company, the purpose of which is to study mutant gene animals and plants, and to establish an efficient and authoritative research team, and eventually become the backbone of New Territories Technology Corporation. "

When referring to Mr. Xu, the admiration on his face was not because of his identity, but since Mr. Xu entered the institute, he showed his unique charm and professionalism, diligence and diligence, and made great contributions to the company. Thanks to everyone's praise, especially afterwards, Mr. Xu made breakthroughs in artificial organs, limb regeneration, and gene technology, which not only continued the glory of the New Territories Company, but also created the company's prestige in the field of biology.

Lin Feng also showed a respectful expression, and said lightly: "At first, Mr. Xu was sent by the state to carry out research projects. Later, I was dug up. From then on, it was out of control."

The crowd obeyed and smiled bitterly.

It is said that in addition to inventing black technology, Lin Feng's technique of "digging the wall" is even more difficult. Many people in the company have digged it himself.

I really answered that sentence: "As long as the **** dances well, you can't dig without a wall."

However, it also reflects from the side that Lin Feng's face is very big.

Gao Yang straightened his tone and continued: "The 50 large spaceships expected to be built are now being constructed in sections and are expected to be completed and put into use by the end of this year before large-scale immigration programs can be launched."

"And these 50 spaceships are manufactured according to military quality. They have anti-radar systems, wave-absorbing coatings, and are equipped with large magnetic cutting bombs and small metal hydrogen detonation bombs. They are more powerful and usable than the Technology Godfather spacecraft. In the war."

As he approached, Gao Yang said with shock: "With these 50 spaceships, it is not a problem to sweep all countries on the planet."

The outside world knows that Lin Feng is building a spaceship with all his strength, but what is unknown is that he has been blocked by many parties during the construction of the spaceship.

Yindu warned Lin Feng that it was fundamental to develop the earth on the ground that metal wasted resources. The moon was out of reach, and the trading of rare metals was stopped. Lin Feng was not supplied with an iron golem.

The Soviet Union and Russia used earth security as a reason and hoped that Lin Feng would slow down the development of outer space and avoid attracting the attention of other high-level cultural stars. Protecting the earth is a top priority.

The European Union even blamed Lin Feng for making the spacecraft with outdated production technology. This is a joke on the lives of the people. The moon landing fails to cause tragedy. This is the last thing their European Union wants to see.

Regarding the obstacles in these countries, no matter whether it is Gao Yang, Chen Zhichao, or Anyou God, there is no such thing as Lin Feng, a great **** who supports them, and they can walk sideways.

Gao Yang turned a few pages of manuscript paper and continued: "The rare metal reserves on the moon are abundant, and most of them will be used in the construction of spacecraft to solve the problem of various metal tensions. For some associated mines, such as platinum mines and gold, Mines, especially gold mines, are estimated to have more than 500 billion yuan of gold in a pit, and this is only a pit on the surface. If you dig deeper, you may dig more gold. "

Regarding gold, Gao Yang didn't want to say more. After all, compared with some expensive rare metals, gold is only a fraction of the price. However, because some people proposed to use this gold to cast a statue for Lin Feng, they paid attention.

"This batch of gold ingots is currently loaded on the spacecraft, and when the spacecraft returns, it can be transported back to earth for the use of casting statues." Gao Yang said.

"Huh!" Lin Feng nodded.

He had refused to cast a statue or something. People are still alive. What kind of statue?

But later the company's senior executives, Ren Zhengfei Ma Yun, and others suggested that Lin Feng cast a statue, and even the chief nodded his support, for nothing else, just to spread the reputation of the technology godfather throughout the world.

Therefore, Lin Feng waved his hands and prepared to cast 12 statues, which were imitating the history of "casting the golden man twelve", but not "the people in the weak world" but "the country in the weak world".

Seeing Lin Feng nodded, Gao Yang wiped his sweat. He now felt that getting along with Lin Feng was getting more and more nervous, and the powerful people on Lin Feng could not breathe.

He hurriedly said: "The ETC network is also being fully deployed. It has now been deployed to the moon, completely covering the moon and the earth, and can achieve long-distance calls and network sharing. All foreign communication facilities have also been passed on to the ETC network. The original network system and the Internet have been eliminated. "

It is precisely because of the ETC network that countries and the New Territories have a lot of grievances. They are very dissatisfied with Lin Feng, especially the matter of Lin Feng's private removal of satellites from various countries.

If it were not for the general trend of the "Interstellar Age", I am afraid that these countries would have blocked Lin Feng's house.

Of course, this also proves that contradictions are being accumulated and only waiting to erupt.

"The probes to Venus and Mars are also on the way. With the power of the ion engine and sufficient fuel, they can reach their destination in half a year. By then, Mars and Venus can be fully detected."

With Gao Yang's words, the people present were shocked, and there was a reality that had to be accepted. Lin Feng had so far controlled the near-Earth space.

Although it is beyond the moon beyond the scope and has no real grasp ~ www.readwn.com ~, this is enough, and it is already in the forefront of all countries in the world.

Lin Feng heard this and shook his head.

It is naturally not enough to control the near-Earth space. The key is to complete the system's mission.

Only by completing the mission can you get relevant rewards, and you will see a wider world.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "The steps are bigger, the methods are more ruthless, and the company is more aggressive. My purpose is to start the interstellar era and let humanity move to outer space. Understand?"

Hearing this, the crowd nodded again and again, and looked stunned.

As a close relative of Lin Feng, they are obliged to complete anything that Lin Feng has explained.

"We ... get it."

There was a smirk on everyone's face.

The devil's claw of New Territories Line Technology finally began to reach the world.

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