I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 101: Do you want Chen Mili as your boyfriend?

Yichengyuan Restaurant.

Li Kai saw Gao Feifei to revealed Chen Mo, and quickly stretched his hand and stopped Gao Feifei, then said that there was no expression: "What do you do?"

"This, Chen Mo must be liented by him, please come here to eat, I want to wear him in the face of everyone!"

Gao Feifei slammed the silver tooth.

"How many people are this restaurant? Do you have any significance of this now? Up to which girl will leave Chen Mo!"

Li Kai said helplessly.

"Yeah, Feifei, we have already set up a good situation. In the afternoon, the squad leader will find that her money is gone, and we will expose Chen Mo's good. You now go to reveal Chen Mo, you can only fight the snake!" Xu Jiao I quickly advised.


Gao Feifei heard Xu Jiao, stunned, hesitated for two seconds directly to sit directly.

"You don't have to worry, Chen Mima will be replaced back. At that time, everyone will know that Chen Mo is actually a thief, and the school will also expel him!"

Li Kai smashed the Gaffield.

Gao Feifei turned his head to Chen Mo's position, said that he said cold: "Chen Mo, how long can you still come? Today, you may even have a chance to pick up garbage in the school ..."

Li Kai hesitated, and took out the mobile phone directly to Chen Mo's position, then took the mobile phone to continue to eat.


On the other hand, Chen Mo actually pays attention to Gaffeffef, Likai and others, but let Chen Mo feel that some unexpected is Gigfifi, which did not take the initiative to come to find their own trouble.

Chen Mo felt Gaffefi After several lessons, he should have long been long, so there will be no such thing in your heart, just find a seat to sit down.

The waiter of the restaurant saw Chen Mo and others, and took the menu directly to Chen Mo and others.

But after seeing Chen Mo's dressing, I chose directly to I ignore Chen Mo. She thought that Chen Mai came to this place to eat, definitely followed her classmates, so they brought the menu to the face of Mingmei, then smiled and said: "Miss, What do you plan to eat? "

"I can eat anything, or I will click!"

After the Mingmei has taken the menu, the menu is directly in front of Chen Mo.

The waiter heard the phrase of the Mingmei, and the eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Chen Mo's soil bag must be the first time to come to this place to eat, how can he let it go? Or let me!"

Wei Jiaqi shouted, and then grabbed the menu directly from the Mingmei to start.

"Give me a halal boiled fish, come back to a fried squid, come back to a halogen tongue ..."

Wei Jiaqi knows that today is Chen Mail, and I don't know if it is intentional or how, a small mouth is a one, and I will have a few dishes for a while.

After Meng Liang, Liu Rui heard the things of Wei Jiaqi, I couldn't help but sorrow, I would like to know that the price of this restaurant is not cheap. Wei Jiaqi will click on a few dishes. It is already a thousand dollars. !

Meng Liang and Liu Rui are worried that Chen Mo has no money to pay.

But Chen Mo's face is very calm.

"Give me a goat milk cream ..."

Wei Jiaqi seems to still stop.

"What, Jiaqi, or almost the same thing, let's five people, you can't eat so much!"

Meng Liang really can't see it, and even if you are busy advise Wei Jiaqi.

Wei Jiaqi looked at the menu, he hesitated, whispered: "I still have a snail."

"You have so much, have you eaten?" Liu Rui shouted with Wei Jiaqi.

"How can I eat it?"

Wei Jiaqi returned to a sentence.

"Since she thinks, let her point!"

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly shouted.

Meng Liang Liu Rui Wei Jiaqi and others have heard of this, and they have seen the position of Chen Mo, and the expression is very unexpected.

They feel that today is not just a Mingmei, but Chen Mo is also very abnormal.

Wei Jiaqi saw Chen Mo asked himself, and the heart was also very surprised.

In fact, she is not because she wants to eat, but I want to be difficult for Chen Mo. At this time, she found that Chen Mo did not respond, it would be a little disappointed, so I said directly to my mouth: "You let me click on me." Ah? I am not told! "

After that, Wei Jiaqi directly gave the menu to the waiter around him, whispered: "Okay, I am finished!"

"Well, I will call you in a moment!"

The waiter faintly returned, and then took the menu left.

"I go to the bathroom!"

Mingmei loudly rushed to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded.

Wei Jiaqi saw that Mingmei left, and quickly followed the Mingmei to the toilet.

After the two girls left, Meng Liang asked directly in Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, what is your way? How do I feel that today's Mingmei doesn't seem to be?"

"Yeah, didn't she be gone? How do I feel that you are still approximated today?"

Liu Rui asked.

"After home from the bar, I added WeChat with Mingmei, I explained things, she forgive me!"

Chen Mo naturally doesn't mean that there is such a big change in the beauty because Mingmei knows his identity, so it can only find an excuse to pay.

"I didn't expect your kid to be very powerful!"

Meng Liang looked at Chen Mo smiled, then the eyes flashed a helpless, whispered: "Chen Mo, how much is you now? Is it enough for today's meal? Now is the end of the month, and just After paying the flight, I don't have much money in my hand! "

"You don't have to worry, I just found a part-time job in the bar, there is money in the hand, there is nothing wrong with the payment!" Chen Mo looked at Meng Liang and said.

"Oh, then!"

Meng Liang looked at Chen Mo's eyes nodded and did not say much.


the other side.

Wei Jiaqi walked into the bathroom with Mingmei.

"Two beautiful, what are you going to do today? Let's not have already said it, a shy Chen Mo? How do you suddenly want to change my personal, not only don't help me, but let me give this Chen Mo apologize!"

Wei Jiaqi looked at the Mingmei, who is serious, shouting with a small mouth.

"When did I say to humiliate Chen Mo?"

Mingmei faintly returned.

"You ... have you been in order to humiliate Chen Mo today?"

Wei Jiaqi said.

"Of course I am not in order to humiliate Chen Mo!"

"Then what are you from?"

Wei Jiaqi looked at the Mingmei in front of himself, and asked the expression.

"I wanted to let Chen Milume as my boyfriend!"

Mingmei said with a slow star side.

"Let Chen Mo ... when ... is your boyfriend?"

Wei Jiaqi heard the phrase of Mingmei, the whole person is stupid!


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