No one thought that Mingmei has still given up the pursuit of Chen Mo after listening to Gaifei's words.

This thing happened at this time is like a joke in the eyes of everyone.

Mingmei's Bai Yimei can like this kind of poor silk in Chen Mo. In fact, it is already a drama, but after Gao Feifei finishes her story, Mingmei actually likes Chen Mo, which makes people think about it.


Gao Feifei looked at the Mingmei in front of him. I feel like a joke in an instant.

I just said that there were so many generosity, and Mingmei actually didn't listen in a sentence.

And Liu Ruomang stood in the same place, did not know how to describe his mood, although they always feel that Chen Mo is good, but not enough to make Mingmei like the white rich and beautiful?

"Chen Mo, what do you still do? Hurmese Mingmei?"

Although Meng Liang doesn't know what is going on, the words that have just been Mingmei have been touched Meng Liang, so he is anxious to let Chen Mo will agree on the confession.

Chen Mo looked down at Mingmei and then said a sentence that made everyone more surprised.

"Mingmei, I think we are not suitable, or do friends first!"

After Chen Mo's sentence, the entire restaurant was again trapped in silence.

Everyone is in the original place, the expression on the face has been surprised to be surprised.

No one thought that Chen Mo actually refused a beautiful confession.

This kind of situation is even if it is quit to another person, will it be directly agreed?

Li Kaiwei flute and others have grown up their mouths, and there is no way to understand what Chen Mo is doing!

Gao Feifei also stunned in the original place, and the expression did not understand Chen Mo.

"This Chen Mo actually refuses to make a bright beauty? What is going on? Chen Mo's brain is broken?"

Wei Jiaqi shouted his big eyes and stunned.

"Chen Mo, don't you plan to give me a chance?" Mingmei pitifully boar asked Chen Mail.

"I said, we are not right, first be friends!"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

"Chen Mo, are you crazy? Every family girl is actively explained to you, why don't you agree?"

Meng Liang heard Chen Mile, it seems to be a sudden shout.


Chen Mimo looked at Meng Liang, and there were a lot of things in this, which is not known to Meng Liang Liu Rui, so Chen Mo is now hard to explain this matter.

"Chen Mo, what are you thinking?"

Liu Rui is also an intake of a face at this time.

"I didn't think, we are not suitable for us ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Chen Mo, you don't want to face it, Mingmei gives you a confession, what are you installed here? Mingmei can like you, that is the blessing of your eight generations, you don't know?" Wei Jiaqi's previous step, The expression is very excited to rushing to Chen Mo.

"Jiaqi, you don't say, Chen Mo he has the right to choose!"

Mingmei frowned and screamed.


Wei Jiaqi heard the phrase of Mingmei, I was speaking in an instant, I didn't know what to say in the same place.

"Chen Mo, you may not like me yet, but I will not give up, I will definitely let you like me!"

In the past one in the morning, the deep inferiority said Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at Mingmei and she laughed, I didn't know how to answer this sentence.

The students in the restaurant also looked at Chen Mo with a strange eyes. They now have no way to understand Chen Mo's behavior.

In their eyes, people can look at you, is already your pleasure, you still refuse people, this is not to face it?

"Let's go eat, don't stand here!"

Chen Mo did not want to continue to look at him like a fool, and he turned directly to the seats of several people.

Mingmei Wei Jiaqi and others are also busy with Chen Mo to return to the seat and prepare to start eating.

Gao Feifei saw Chen Mo and others leaving, a person standing in the same place, silent for two seconds, then he suddenly shouted: "Chen Mo, I know why you refuse Mingmei, I finally understood what happened. ! "

Chen Mo listened to Gaffield, I couldn't help but looked up with Gaffey.

"You have no way to forget me now. Is it right in your heart or not?"

Gaffield shouted very much.

Chen Mo looked at G G Gifei did not speak.

"Don't talk, is it acknowledge right? You can't let me down now, so you can find Mingmei to play this show, the purpose is to want to stimulate me right, but Chen Mo tells you, I can't in this life. From the new and you, I can't like you. You are best to die, you can't afford to me at this kind of poor silk, you will know if you don't know if you don't know. ? "

Gao Feifei looked at Chen Mai asked.

She feels that there is only such a situation to explain everything that happens today.

Chen Mo found the Mingmei play to stimulate himself, I want to go back to the heart, or how can it be able to see Chen Mo, how can I know Chen Mo's poor and slag, continue to talk to Chen Mo's table, how can Chen Mo still refuse Mingmei?

But if everything happens, Chen Mo is a play that is going to play himself, then this can be said.

Liu Di Xu Jiao and others seem to feel that G G Gifei is still very likely.

Chen Mo looked at G G G Gifei and said that he did not express: "Your brain is really a bit!"

"Chen Mo, you don't have to argue, I have seen everything, you are really painful, but I am sorry, I can't easily I like you, you still don't waste your strength!"

Gaffield returned to a very proud, then turned directly to the restaurant.

Li Kaikuo and others were also busy with G G Gifei left the restaurant.

After Liu Rui saw Gao Feifei left, the expression on his face seems to have some doubts, and asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, just not really what you play with Ming?"

"Do you think I am so bored?"

Mingmei smashed Chen Mo and then continued: "I really like Chen Mo, who will play to the silly woman!"

Liu Rui's expression was embarrassed to see Mingmei and did not speak.


Maybe because Chen Mo refused Mingmei, so everyone did not say this when all people were eating.

After more than an hour, Chen Mo and others finally finished eating.

Meng Liang took out his mobile phone to see time, then said softly: "Time is early, Jiaqi Mingmei, what do you have in two afternoons? I heard that I have just got a movie recently, let's go to watch movies. OK?"

"Okay, I have nothing to do in the afternoon!" Wei Jiaqi quickly nodded.

"I am nothing in the afternoon ..." Mingmei faintly, she is rushing to Chen Mail today, nature does not want to go back.

"That line, let's go to the movie, the cinema is very close ..."

Meng Liang saw two girls agreed to be very happy and prepared to leave.

"I will buy it!"

Chen Mo said this, turned to the position of the restaurant cashier.

Meng Liang saw Chen Mima to go to the bill, I want to have a piece with Chen Mo, because he worried that Chen Mo's money was not enough, but he suddenly rang at this time.

Meng Liang looked at the phone number above the phone and found that the classmates in the class came over, so I took a call and said: "Thunder, what happened?"

"Meng Liang, are you still with Chen Mo?"

Meng Liang turned on the phone and asked the other party.

"Yes, what happened?"

Meng Liang loudly replied.

"Your Chen Mo has Liu Rui three hurry to go back, let's go out!"

"What is big? What big thing?"

Meng Liang's expression asked.

"Let's have a thief, now everyone is coming back, I'm gone three!"

"Let's have a thief in class?"

Meng Liang heard this later, it was straightforward, and the eyes flashed in the eyes.

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