I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 11:2: See also Tang Ying

"I can't go, it is mainly to see you don't want to go!"

Wen Rui replied.

"No, there is no matter what we go back, let's take a look ..."

Chen Mo smiled and said.

"Well, I will let my friends buy two tickets. I told you that Tang Ying concert is still very difficult, but I know a friend, he has a way to buy ..."

Wen Ruo is very happy to rush through Chen Mo.

"Well, you look at it!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

Wen Rui directly took out the mobile phone to all his friends' call, and bought two tickets smoothly.

After buying the ticket, Chen Mo took the taxi and rushed to the position of the concert.

After the stadium where the concert is located, Chen Moai knows how terrible in Tang Ying now, basically only use the four characters of the people in the mountains, basically in front of the gym.

"There are so many people!"

Chen Mo did not help but sigh.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to have so many people ..."

Wen Rui also shouted and then continued: "If you think people feel more, we can go back now ..."

"No, since you have come, let's take a look ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

Maybe because Wen Rui is too beautiful, so when Wen Ruo appears, it will lead to countless people's gaze, and these people have seen Chen Mo around Wen Ruo, all revealed the expression, because these people are I don't understand why Wen Ruo is so beautiful to look at Mo's very ordinary boys.

Chen Mo looked at the crowd in front of him, and the eyes flashed a helpless. In fact, Chen Mo didn't really like this kind of place.

After all, if there is any danger, Chen Mo is also difficult to protect the safety of Wen Ruo.

Moreover, Chen Mo also found that there is still a military existence in these people, although the quantity is not a lot, but there is no war.

Now Chen Mo's observation is very powerful, even if so many people can observe the existence of the war, but Chen Mo does not have a way to determine the specific location of these martial arts.

Moreover, Chen Mo also saw a lot of police officers. After all, there are so many fans now, and maybe there is any criminal case, so the police come over and very normal.

"I didn't expect Tang Ying's popularity, and the martial arts came to see her concert ..."

Chen Mo was softly sighed.

Chen Mo knows that because of the fondance of the military exchange, there is a lot of martial arts in Yuancang City, and these martial arts are Tang Ying's fans to watch the concert is also normal, so Chen Mo did not think more.

"Chen Mo, can enter ..."

At this time, Wen Rui shouted in Chen Mo,


Chen Mo heard the moment when he was gentle, and then followed the position of the concert in the concert.

Because there are many people who come to the concert today, it is possible to take two hours of time, and Wen Ruo is bought, but not only the position is very baked, but also in advance.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not need to queue with Wen Ruo, and after the security inspection was passed, it entered the stadium.

After entering the stadium, Wen Ruo has found two positions, then sit down and rest.

Chen Mo's position is still very good, it is very nice from the stage. It does not need a big screen at all, and you can see the people above the stage.

"You are here waiting for me, I will go to the toilet!"

Chen Mo said softly.

"Well, go!"

Wen Rui looked at Chen Mo nodded.

Chen Mo hesitated, then directly got up and walked in the location of the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo came to the bathroom, because there is not much fans in admission, so people here are not a lot.

But I still don't wait for Chen Mo to enter the bathroom. He felt that the farther's breath he found in the location of the bathroom came over.

Chen Mo just just came to the bathroom, these military men rushed over the location of the bathroom, this is certainly not a coincidence, Chen Merlo thought that the Wan Zhong and others he met last night, the moment, I suspect that these people may be like it. Participate in the war of the Warrior Command, I have always tracked Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not find it.

"It was not to come over, but rushed to me ..."

Chen Mer didn't help but sigh, and the expression on his face became tense.

After all, now Chen Mo is only two Dan medicine, Chen Mo does not want to waste.

But helplessness is still on the spot, now Chen Mo has no way to leave.

Chen Mo hesitated, wanted to turn away here, after all, the location of the bathroom is remote, very suitable for those who have been doing yourself, but if you wait until Chen Mo has come to the crowd, then these people have no way to do it. After all, there is so Many people, even if they give these people, they don't dare to do it.

However, when Chen Mergang had to turn around, he suddenly walked a woman.

This woman puts his own parcels, with a yarn with a yarn, and there is a hat, all of the facial features are hidden, and there is no way to see this woman at all.

After the woman saw Chen Mo, the instinct was stunned, and the expression was surprised by Chen Mo's shouting: "Chen Gongzi, how are you here?"

Chen Mo learned that this woman is in an instant after hearing this voice.

"Tang Ying?"

Chen Mer's questioning probes.

"Yes, Chen Gongzi, it's really you!"

Tang Ying quickly took the sunglasses on his face, and the expression was excited to rush through Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at Tang Ying's exquisite pretty face, his face was very speechless, because he did not think that he was able to encounter Tang Ying.

And Tang Ying once again saw that Chen Mo was very excited. After all, Tang Ying is very clear, it can be renovated, all because of Chen Mo's relationship, because of the last time in the resort, many entertainment circles Everything I feel that Tang Ying is a lover relationship with Chen Mo. These people are naturally trying to try Tang Ying in order to please Chen Mo.

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