I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 111: No one can expel me!

"Do I need to knock on your office?"

Chen Mo's sentence is extremely arrogant, directly puts the president of Nanyang University, and asked Qian Zelin.

In fact, Chen Mile treated Qianzelin in such an attitude, not Chen Mia thought it was forced, but because he knew that Nanyang University's principal, although he looked in Wen Wen, it was not a good thing.

Although Qian Zelin is not as bright as Money, it is clear that some things that make people feel unscrupulous, such as the teachers inside the school, and is intentional use of scholarships and the quota of the inquiry to hidden rules. .

This kind of thing, Chen Mo has heard of a lot, but most of the students are only discussing the discussion in private, no one dares to get these things, after all, now Nanyang University is Qianze Lin and money The world of two people, the students can't help but get two people.

Others don't dare to get sin, don't mean Chen Mo.

"Money Director, this ... What is this student? Is he a trouble?"

After Qian Zelin passed through a short shock, the expression was very excited to shout.

And Qian Guangfa has been frightened by Chen Mo just now, and quickly rushed to Chen Mo. "" Is your kid crazy? You hurry up to stand up to the principal! "

Chen Mo looked at Qian Zelin, then said: "Is this kind of person to apologize?"

"you you……"

Qian Zelin was shaking by Chen Mo's breath and shouted: "Qian Director, what is this person going? Is it a problem with the spirit?"

"Money principal, this kid stole money in the class, so I brought him here, I want to ask how you should handle this kid!"

Qian Guangfa believes that Chen Mo, at this time, has already known that he will definitely be removed today, so it will be such a unspeakable, so quickly rushing to Qianze Lin.

"Stole money is caught?"

Qian Zelin couldn't help but smile, then whispered: "I didn't expect that Nanyang University actually made a category you like this. This kind of person is not eligible to receive education, directly removed in our school, and inform the Ministry of Education. As long as it is a university in Nanyang City, don't admit this student! "

Those behaviors who have just been completely annoying money, Qianzelin not only wants Chen Mo, but also reports this matter to the Ministry of Education. In this case, not only Nanyang University knows that Chen Mo is a thief, other Several universities will also know this matter. At that time, Chen Mo didn't have a chance to go to other schools.

"Do you want to expel me?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"Yes, people like you must be expelled, who will help you ask!" Qianze Lin shouted very excited.

"This school, unless I don't want to read it, no one can expel me!"

Chen Mo said faintly.

"You ... what do you say? I am the principal of Nanyang University, you don't say that I can't expel you, it is so ridiculous!"

Qianze Lin shouted at Chen Mo's cold.

"I said that you can't expel me, you can't expel me!"

Chen Mima's face is still calm.


Qian Zelin didn't want to use Chen Mo's waste, and picked up his mobile phone directly, then dialing a number.

"Teacher Zhang, trouble, you will transfer the archives of the three students called Chen Mo, I have to expel this student now!"

Qian Zelin shouted, and then did it directly hanged the phone, and said to Chen Mo. "You are waiting for me. For a while, you will send it, you can see you today!"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo looked at Qian Zelin that smiled at an empty and corrupt, and then reached out and picked up his mobile phone and dialed a call.

"Kid, now I think of calling to find someone to help?"

Qian Guangfa looked at Chen Mile and then whispered: "If you have just come in, you can give you a chance to stay in the school, but now you want to find someone to help, it may be a bit late. , You are waiting to be fired! "

Chen Mo did not take care of money, but quietly looked at his mobile phone.

"Chen Gongzi, hello!"

It quickly turned on the phone very quickly.

"15 minutes, Nanyang University President Office!"

Chen Mo fell back.


The other party did not ask Chen Mo what happened. After finishing this, he hangs up the phone.

"Today, you will call the educational director, I must expel your student, I have been the principal of so many years, or I have encountered a student like you first!" Qian Ze Lin saw Chen Mile hung up the phone. And the expression is very excited.

"You now say this is a bit too early!"

Chen Miman is free to return.

"Ok, then you will wait!"

Qian Ze Lin saw Chen Mo's attitude so arrogant, and the hatred of Chen Mo is even more deep in his heart.

He feels that Chen Mo's current behavior is provocating yourself.

And he can see that Chen Mo's dress is very ordinary. It is not like a background amazing rich second generation, and it is natural that it is impossible to find anything.

Just now, Qian Ze Lin said that he did not give face, but he didn't give face. .

Chen Mozi is sitting casually sitting on the chair, quiet waiting.

And Qian Zelin also looked at Chen Mo with a angry eyes with money, and the entire office fell into a silent.


The principal is silent, but the class is in this case, but it has become a pot of porridge.

All students are talking about this matter, while Gaffeffi Li Kai Zhao Hongtao and others are secretly embarrassed by the principal. This is definitely a good life, Gao Feifei has always begun to think When Chen Mo leaving the school, I should ridicule Chen Mo.

And the pretty face of Liu Di is tight, because she feels that this thing is definitely not that simple.

Zhao Anan sat in the seat, the expression on his face is very ubiquitous, and the heart is secretly regretted that he should not talk about the loss of the money. He can't stop calling, see if you can find some relationships, don't Let the principal turn over Chen Mo.

Liu Ruomang is sitting in the same place, and there is no God in his eyes. I don't know what I can do now.


A blink of an eye, twenty minutes of time.

A middle-aged man with glasses went to the principal's office, and then said to Qianze Lin, and then said: "Money principal, I will give you the information!"


Qian Zelin reached out Chen Mo's archive bag, then looked up at Chen Mo, and then took Chen Mo's information directly.

"Chen Mo, you still dare to say that I can't expel you?"

Qian Ze Lin took out a representative to expect the seal of the students, and asked Chen Mail while cold voice.

"If you cover this chapter, I will let you regret it forever!"

Chen Mo looked at Qianze Lin faint.

"Every time, you dare to threaten me!"

Qian Zelin smiled dismissed, and then raised his hand to cover the seal.


However, when Qianze Lin's hand just raised, the door of the principal was suddenly pushed.

Qian Ze Lin's ability looked at it, and immediately stunned.

After the people who saw the people came in, they were also in the original place, and they were flashing in the eyes.

Only Chen Mo is still quietly sitting on the chair because he already knows who it comes in.

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