I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,20: Wen Jia Wang

Chen Mimi plunged on the ground to adjust the breath inside the body, and then slowly stood up and looked at the middle-aged person.

"Who is this person? It's so powerful ..."

"Yeah, I have never seen this person, I can take the palm of the palm to fly directly ..."

"Is this human?"

The martial arts present in the scene looks at the position of the middle-aged person with a different gaze.

In fact, some people have guess the identity of the middle-aged, but they feel that there seems to be a little inconsistent, so they don't think much.

When the temperature of the Wen Zhenhai and the warmth saw this middle-aged person, the eyes flashed in the eyes.


Temperature Zhenhai shouted.

"Grandpa, have you come over?"

The warmth is also busy with it.

The middle-aged person looked faintly in the warmth of the sea, and the expression on his face was still very calm.

In an instant, everyone in the scene was in the shock, because they found that their guess is true, this middle-aged people who appear at this time are not someone else's home to Temple.

Only because of the death of Wen Zhen Tianshi, the appearance of Wen Zhentian seems to have differentiated in the middle of the four or five years old. It is even more than ten years old than the temperature of the temperature.

For so many years, Temperature, Temperature, I haven't been there to be in front of ordinary people. The business in the home is also handed over to the warmth. There is also a warm sea and others to take care, so these weighs even don't know the temperature, and it is also very normal. thing.

"This is the real martial arts!"

Everyone looked at the position of Temperature, the expression was very excited.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this thing, I have attracted the people of Wen Zhen Tian ..."

"It's too shocking ..."

Everyone looked at the position of Temperature, and the eyes were full shocked.

After all, in the eyes of these martial arts, Wen Zhen Tian is simply a legendary figure. They feel that they can see Wen Zhentian once in the year of birth. This is honored.

Even if you look at the nation, the number of wears may be a lot, but the number of martial arts people can absolutely countless.

Just picking out a martial arts high person, it may be the existence of the Wei Zhen!

"Forgetting the Chuan Zhenhai, the facts of your two today are giving us the heart!"

Temperature can't help it whisper.


When I heard this sentence, I flicked in my eyes, and my forehead was full of sweat, and I would want to explain.

"Master, in fact, things are not ..."

Temperature Zhenhai also wanted to speak.

"What do you explain? What is our Wen's home, if you really want to get practiced, you can take it directly, but you have two people with Sun's Valley, this is a time. Do you want to have a lot of words?

Temperature Zhentian continues to laud.

Everyone heard the expression of the expression on this sentence of Wen Zhentian, because they did not think that Temple of Wen Zhen was actually because the warmth did not directly ask him, but not because of grabbing others.

"I didn't expect this Temperature Zhenbian to be shameless than Teminaptine."

Chen Mo did not help but sigh.

"Grandpa, this thing I did, I did something wrong, I originally want to inform you, but later I think that Chen Mo is not an ordinary person, no need for you to do it, but I didn't expect this kind of Chen Mo's strength. terror!"

The warmth is also a long out of breath at this time.

"It is your heartless heart, this kid is not as simple as you think ..."

Temperature and vibration faces have no expression.

"The owner, I don't understand why this strength is so weird ..."

Temperature Zhenhai frowned asked.

"Ha ha……"

Temperature smile, then got up and down, Chen Mo's eyes, said no expression: "Your name is Chen Sail?"


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"If you now tell me about the practice of physical Dan's refining method, I can spare you not to die, this is your last chance, don't think I don't know your little trick!"

The temperature of the temperature is said to Chen Mima.

"My little trick?"

Chen Mo heard this sentence couldn't help but stunned.

"Your real realm is nothing more than a war that I have just gotting forward, and even a military person may be able to defeat you, but before fighting, you secretly take the god of God, causing your combat power to rise in a short period of time. I can even achieve the combat power with the military high people, I said right? "

Temperature Directly reveals Chen Mo's bottom sign.

After hearing this sentence in Temperature, the people will be stupid in an instant, and the expression is abnormal.

Because when they found that Chen Mo can beat Guo Qi Li and others.

It turned out to be because Chen Mo took the borrowed God.

In an instant, everyone in the scene saw Chen Mo's gaze had a very big change. They originally thought that Chen Mo was a mulberry genius, but who would want to get a result of such a result.

And Zhou Yan looked at Chen Mo's position, the expression on his face was clearly released. After all, she also saw Chen Mo's medicinal herbs, but she didn't figure out how this is.

"Grandpa, this world actually really borrowed God Dan?"

The warmth of the Chuanchuan is very surprised to rush to warm the temperature.

"When I was young, I saw someone to refining the goddean, but I have passed so many years. I am not sure if someone else can refine the goddean, but this person's body is in the body over time The increasing increase is gradually, this shows that he is definitely taking a borrowed God! "

Tempered to reply to the sky.

"Grandpa, this man after Chen Siles must refine the borrowing of God Dan and practicing the body, if we find that person ..."

The warmth of the Governor has flashed a lot of excitement.

At this time, Temperature is also very interested in the borrowing God of Chen Mo.

Chen Mail is standing in the same place. He is the first time I heard the name of Shen Dan, because when Li Taibai gave Chen Mer, I did not tell Chen Mo's medicinal herbal medicine.

But now Chen Mo has no mood to consider these things, because his biggest secret has been discovered by Temperature, so Chen Mo is now very dangerous.

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