I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,27: I will let you as a general manager!

"There is no matter what happened, there is a lot of bosses and the warrior who want to see you, you should know that there is a refining method in your hand, you want to cooperate with you ..."

Wen Ruo said whispered.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo heard that this sentence couldn't help but laugh, and then whispered: "I really don't know how these people think, I will not work together, how can I cooperate with them? Occupant dreams ... "

"Yeah, I don't know what these people think, and in order to meet you, I will give me a lot of benefits, but I have been refused, I know that you will definitely not meet these people ..."

Wen Ruo said softly.

"Is Zhou You still there?"

Chen Mail asked.

"Still, I have already controlled her, now it is in the room!"

Wen Ruo is busy nodded.

"That way ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

And Wen Rui slowly looked at Chen Mo and said softly, Chen Mo said: "Chen Mo, you know, don't know that we have changed very much recently?"

"What is the change?"

Chen Mo asked Wen Rui.

"Now everyone people regard me as your woman, so they also have a very big change to my attitude, and those who are originally despised, I am very respectful for me, they talk to me Careful, and my parents are also much higher in the company, and now my father is the company's vice president, these changes should be the ... "

Wen Ruo said whisper.

"Is this not very good?"

Chen Mo said.

"It's good, but in fact, we have no relationships, I think some are not peace of mind!"

Wen Ruo looked at Chen Mo in front of him. She inside Chen Miman did not like him. Chen Mo did only because of her maturity, so this feeling made Wen Ruo feel very uneasy.

"You don't have to think about those things, as long as I don't say, they will feel that you are my lover. If you don't dare to ask you anything, now you want to do anything, Don't worry about others' opinions! "

Chen Mile stopped, then continue: "Right, if you look at what people, you can marry him directly, don't use me!"


Wen Ruo looked at Chen Mo in front of himself, and his eyes flashed.

In fact, Wen Ruo is now very trying to tell Chen Mima, who is really like, is Chen Mo. The person she wants to marry is Chen Mo, but Wen Ruo is also clear that Chen Mo's favorite person is not myself, I can't assume Chen Mo.

"I may not fall in love with other men in my life!"

Wen Rui can't help it in the heart, then looked at Chen Mo did not speak. At this time, she didn't have the courage to speak her heart at all.

"Right, I still have something to discuss with you ..."

Chen Mo looked at Wen Ruo and said softly.

Wen Rui heard Chen Mo's sentence couldn't help but asked Chen Mail: "Do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, I want you to be the general manager of the Wenshi Group, let you help me manage the Wen family, how do you think?"

Chen Mo asked.


Wen Rui heard Chen Mo's sentence in an instant, and his face was very incredible.

"I said that you will be the general manager of Wenshi Group!"

Chen Mo repeatedly, then continued: "This time the Wen Jia design framed me, although I can't put them, but I will not let them go, I will prepare for a meeting, when I arrive I will let you be the general manager of the Wenshi Group, and the location of the Wen Jia's master will be when you come. After all, the whole warm home is only you can trust ... "

"But I am worried that I have no ability, I have never managed the company, and Wen Jia people will agree?"

Wen Ruo is a bit worried.

"You don't have to worry about this. Wen family will definitely not oppose it. As for the management company, I will find someone to help you, let you learn how to deal with the company as soon as possible ..."

Chen Mo said.


Wen Ruo looked at Chen Mo, the expression on his face seems to be a little hesitant.

"Nothing, I believe you should be able to do well!"

Chen Mo saw Wen Ruo or some hesitated, said it was very firm.

And Wen Rui looked at Chen Mile for two seconds, then nodded gently, whispered: "Well, since you believe me, then I am willing to try it!"


Chen Mo has promised, then continue to say: "You now call everyone everyone shouting, I will tell them this thing!"


Wen Ruo nodded, and then got up and left.

"This little girl seems to be a little unaware of you!"

Wen Ruo, I just left, Yan Xia went to Chen Mo's side, then smiled in Chen Mo.

Chen Mo heard the words of Yanme, he glanced at the Yanmei, and said helplessness: "I certainly can see it, but I am only one in my heart, I have no idea for other women, so I Now I can only hope that she will forget me early ... "

"Forgetting a person is not so easy ..."

Yanmei hand, fragrant, soft.


Chen Mo heard this sentence, I couldn't help but stunned, and then smiled and asked: "I mean to hear you this sentence. Do you seem to have someone who can't forget?"

"I haven't forgotten people, I just watch those people in the TV series, they have forgotten a person ..."

Yan Xia said faint.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo smiled very helpless and did not continue to say more.

After half an hour, everyone of the Wen's home gathered in the living room of the mountain.

Let Chen Mai will not think that the warmth is also over.

Chen Mo faintly saw that the warmth did not say anything, after all, he didn't want to waste time with this person.

"Is there anyone?"

Chen Mimo watched his eyes and asked softly.

"It's already over ..."

Wen Ruoyi came back to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded, then looked at the people of the Wen Jia, whispered: "The old man's home is Wenzhen, you should know, what do you know?"

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