I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 133: The car has a problem!

And the valley can indeed refine a medicinal medicine called Bai Dan, which can eliminate most of the toxins inside the body, but can only be some very common poisons, if it is very special Poison is nothing effect at all.

Those people outside may have some misunderstandings for Bai Dan, directly put Bai Dan as a god.

Zhou Qi understood that Lu Xiangyang did not continue to say more after the matter.

And Lu Xiangyang felt something for his sister just said, after all, he didn't understand Chen Mo's identity. Now, in this case, Chen Mo is obviously unprotonated. If Chen Mo is, what is the bad person, then Things are troublesome.

"Chen brother, is you because of what this time?"

Lu Xiangyang rushed to Chen Mail.

"I am going to Yuku to find some medicinal materials ..."

There is nothing to hide, directly replied directly.

"Oh ..."

Lu Xiangyang looked todped, then looked at Chen Mo asked: "Chen Xiong, where are you from?"

"Nanyang City!"

Chen Mo replied.

"Nanyang City ..."

Lu Xiangyang stunned, and then said with a smile: "That is really a fate, I just went to Nanyang City for some time, and I also saw the old generals of Nanyang Huiding Group ..."

"Li Juncheng?"

Chen Mo said directly.

"Do you know Li?"

Lu Xiangyang flashed a lot of excitement.

"Of course you know ..."

Chen Mai returned to a sentence, but he did not tell Lu Xiangyang, because he felt that Lu Xiangyang still didn't know that his identity was better.

Lu Xiangyang knows that Chen Mo knows that Li Juncheng will determine that Chen Mo should not be a bad person, and there is nothing malicious to himself, so there is a lot of relaxation when talking to Chen Mo.

Lu Xiangyang talking without any shelves, giving people a very humorous, getting along with very comfortable.

But Lu Xiangyang's sister is different, and the character is very proud, and when you talk, you will urge Lu Xiangyang to waste time in Chen Mo and others, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Although Lu Xiangyang is a brothers and sister with Lu Nian, but the character is very different, Chen Mo also knows the most important reason is that education accepted from two people is different.

After Lu Xiangyang, he must inherit the families of Lu Jia, so Lu Xiangyang has been in the future of Lu Jiao, which is the future heir to cultivate, whether it is paying attention to all aspects, this will lead to Lu Xiangyang is very peaceful, whether it is very pleasant, such people easily expand their own people's intersection.

Chen Mo knows a lot of rich second generation, but it is possible to compare with Lu Xiangyang and only Jiang Ziwei, the rest of the other rich second generation will have no way to compare with Lu Xiangyang.

From this point, Chen Mo can feel that the big family of Lu Jia should be really not simple.

As for the girl, the length of the girl is still good, the body is also very good, the face hangs a touchless makeup, wearing a white short skirt, put in the eyes of ordinary people, it is absolutely calculated to be white and beautiful. .

However, Lu Nian's body has a very strong rich person. It should have received good education from this regard. After all, Lu Nian is just a girl. After all, I will marry it, so Lu Jia will not waste on Lu Ming. Too much time, as long as there is no problem in the general aspect.

Although this society now does not have the problem of heavy men, but in fact, in many big families, they still pay more attention to the training of boys, and ignore the education of girls.

"Chen Xiong, we are all going to Wangyuan Town, otherwise it will be a piece!"

Lu Xiangyang knows that Chen Mo is not a bad invitation to have a bad person.

After Lu Nian, after this sentence, the expression on his face was very unhappy.

Chen Mo hesitated, he felt that he would like Lv Xiangyang, there will be a lot of convenience, but there will be a lot of questions, plus Chen Mo's time to go to the Valley, but it is intended to do it directly, so he I don't want to be tired of Lu Xiangyang.

"forget it!"

Chen Mo's light refused.

"OK then……"

Lu Xiangyang saw that Chen Mo didn't seem to have a helplessness in the eyes of his own peers, but there is not much to say.

And Lu Nian saw that Chen Mo's expression on his face was slow.

Zhou You is actually going to walk with Lu Xiangyang. After all, Zhou Qi and Chen Mo are now indeed nothing. If they follow Lu Xiangyang, she can easily, but she is seeing Chen Mo. I don't have much to say anything after I rejected.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo is almost the same as Zhouwei, so I will leave the hotel first.

"Lu Xiangyang this person is still good ..."

Zhou You said softly to Chen Mo.

"It's true, if I have the opportunity, I can let my company cooperate with Lujia, I think Lu Xiangyang is more reliable ..."

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Wei.

"Then why didn't you have a past with them?"

Zhouwei asked someone.

"I don't want to be tired!"

Chen Mo replied.

Zhou You was helpless and smiled after hearing Chen Mo, did not say much.

"Mr. Chen ..."

But at this time, Chen Mo's driver suddenly ran out from the car.

"what's happenin?"

Chen Mo saw that the driver seems to be a little less important, frowning.

"Mr. Chen, our car seems to have a problem, I am being repaired now, or if you still go back and wait!"

The driver said very helplessly.

"The car has a problem?"

Chen Mo listened to the driver's words and gods.

"Yeah, just now, the car is so good, but now I suddenly can't fight fire, I need to check out what is going on!" The driver looked at Chen Mo's explanation.

At this time, Lu Xiangyang came out of the hotel with Lu Nianyi and others.

"Chen Xiong, why haven't you leave?"

Lu Xiangyang saw that Chen Mo is actively inquiry after talking to the driver.

"The car has a problem, I may need to repair it!"

Chen Mimo watched Lu Xiangyang, very helpless reply.

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