I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 114: The last chance

Originally, Chen Mo wants to really pack Gaffeffef, Likai, etc., is actually very simple.

Chen Mo is here, you can let Qian Zelin have remained them.

But he did not do this, because now he stolen that this is not explained. If this is unclear, the students of the whole school will think that they are thieves, Chen Mo will stay in Nanyang University.

So he must clarify this.

On the other hand, Qian Guangfa has been shocked by Chen Mima in his heart. Even if you go to the front of the classroom, your face is still very nervous.


Qian Guangfa took a breath and then walked into the classroom.

"Director Qian, how come you? Is it what is the result of Chen Mernail?" Yanmere saw Qian Guangfa, and the expression is excited to ask for money.

"I am coming to find someone!"

Qian Guangfa returned to a sentence, then twisted Zhao Hongtao inside the class shouted: "Zhao Hongtao, you come out!"

Zhao Hongtao was still immersed in his own plan. He heard the sentence of Qian Guangfa, and then he quickly stood up and asked: "Qian Director, what is it?"

"The principal makes you in the past!"

Money is clear.

"okay, I get it!"

Zhao Hongtao smiled and agreed, and then followed the time to go out of the classroom.

"I didn't expect Zhao Hongtao, and he was definitely to accept the principal!" Xu Jiao saw Zhao Hongtao out later, as if there was a little envious.

"Yeah, I know that this is so smoothly, I am doing it myself, and now I still let Zhao Hongtao account for meriting!"

Li Kai also regretted.

After all, I grabbed Chen Mo's thief. Zhao Hongtao has a lot of credits, saying that the school will give Zhao Hongtao awarded award.

"As long as I can expel Chen Mo, I don't want to give us it!"

Gao Feifei's mood is good. She now thinks about how she is going to laugh Chen Mo, and wait for Chen Mo's notice to be opened.


Zhao Hongtao seems to think that he is to accept praise, twist smile, rushing money, sang, sang, sang: "Qian Director, you said that I helped the school to catch Chen Mo's thief, the school is not giving me some bonus Oh? "


Qian Guangfa heard this, and the heart was secretly screaming. I will wait for him to wait for him. Zhao Hongtao actually has a mood to prize.

"Qian Director, I will tell you, Chen Mo should be opened directly, then give it to the police, our school has lost so much money, it should be all Chen Miman, treating this kind of person must not be soft! "

Zhao Hongtao continued to say Qian Guangfa.

"You still consider your own thing!"

Qian Guangfa faintly returned.

"My own thing?"

Zhao Hongtao heard the words of Qian Guangfa, I couldn't help but say anything: "Director Qian, what do you mean? What is it?"

"Waiting you will know!"

Qian Guangfa faintly, then reached out opened the door of the principal's office.

Zhao Hongtao hesitated, and immediately walked into the office.

When Zhao Hongtao entered the office, I found that Chen Mima actually sat on the chair of the principal, and the principal Qianzelin stood around Chen Mile.

Zhao Hongtao flashed in his eyes, screamed by Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, what do you do? Do you have something else? Sitting there, give me a quick giving me!"


Zhao Hongtao's money hasn't thought of, lifting the leg is a big feet directly bored the buttocks of Zhao Hongtao, and then smiled at the bead: "What do you think? How do you talk to Chen Gongzi?"

"Chen ... Chen Gongzi?"

Zhao Hongtao was kicked by Qian Guangfa, and his face was very upset.

He didn't understand how Qian Guangfa has changed the individual, and he shouted Chen Money Mono, and even the principal of their school was also familiar with him.

Zhao Hongtao is a face, I don't know what is going on at all.

Chen Mo slowed down to Zhao Hongtao, and then squinted: "Zhao Hongtao, you have always been a small person in my eyes, so even if you are in the class, you can take it to me, I I haven't worried about you, because I feel that the garbage meter like you is, it is a waste of my time, but I didn't expect you to be so excessive, I also learned to fall into others, I want to set it out, you still It's really poisonous! "


Zhao Hongtao stunned, then pulled his voice: "When did I fall into you, what evidence you have to fall into you?"

"Zhao Hongtao, this time, you still don't plan to admit it?"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.

"What do I admit? What can I recognize?"

Zhao Hongtao screamed, then looked at Qianze Lin's position, said with a smile: "I understand what is going on, you must use the thief of using the money to bribe the principal and the director is right? Chen Mo, Chen Mo, you It's really a heartbeat, even if the principal can bribe, how much is this? "


Chen Mo looked at Zhao Hongtao in front of himself, he didn't know what to say, and Zhao Hongtao's brain circuit is indeed not ordinary people.

"Money principal, today you have to give me an explanation, or I will go to the police now, saying that you are bullied by students!"

Zhao Hongtao shouted with Qian Zelin.

"Zhao Hongtao, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I am the president of our school's board of directors, so I suggest that you are best to say now, otherwise I can only expel you at any time, understand?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhao Hongtao.

"Hahaha, Chen Mo, when are you? You don't have to blow out here, how can you be the president of the School Directors? Who don't know if you are a poor child?"

Zhao Hongtao seems to hear the ridiculous joke in this world, shouting a scorpion.

"Chen Gongzi did not brag, he was the president of our school's school's school, he didn't need to bribe me, and you said that Chen Gongzi stolen other students eight thousand dollars, I think he should not be in accordance with Chen Gongzi. Will make such a thing for eight thousand dollars in this district! "At this time, Qianze Lin said that there was no expression.

Zhao Hongtao heard this, it was directly in the original place, and the expression on his face was very incredible. It came into a burst of humming. The whole person is stupid.

If Zhao Hongtao said that Zhao Hongtao may not believe, but Coyze Lin actually admitted that Zhao Hongtao is still stupid, he can feel that Qianze Lin has not joked with himself!

Chen Mo is actually the president of the school board?

How can this?

Is Chen Mo not a poor child?

Zhao Hongtao looked at Chen Mo at the eyes of the bead. He didn't know how to describe himself now.

"Zhao Hongtao, what is going on today, I am now giving you the last chance to explain!"

Chen Mo said softly to Zhao Hongtao.

"Today ... Today ..."

At this time, Chen Mo's identity has been completely shocked to Zhao Hongtao. He flashed a fear among his eyes. It didn't know how to face Chen Mo once a time.

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