I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1134: Accounting?

After all, I have been discussing for so long, and now I have finally been a result, these people are also long-lasting.

But when everyone is ready to leave, a young man rushed into the main hall.

"The old age, big things are not good!"

Youth expressions are very excited to rush to the old man.

"whats the matter?"

When I heard the young people, I cried, and I asked with my brow.

"That Chen Mo is coming to the valley ..."

The young people said in Baba.


The old man heard the sentence suddenly stood up, the expression on his face was very incredible.

Other people present all all revealed the shock expression. After all, these talents have just discussed how to deal with Chen Mo, Chen Mai actually sent it to the door directly.

"The old man, what is Chen Mo is now?"

The three elders frowned and asked in the old age.

"Yeah, this Chen Mo will not be intended to deal with our Valley?"

Beautiful young woman frowned.

"Is Chen Mo who came over?"

I am hesitant to hesitate, and then he asked whispers.

Young people can't help but stunned, then slowly shook: "He is not a person, it seems to have a woman ..."

"It's over ..."

The old old eyes flashed a desperate.

At this time, Yugu's Grain has not come yet. If Chen Mo is really with Yan Xia, then they can't be the opponent of Chen Mo Yan.

"The old age, what do we do now?"

Everyone is panicked.

"Don't be nervous, you will not give him the things you need to give him a lot directly, but the woman is also followed. If the woman has not come over, let's remove Chen Mo, then find someone to remove the woman. ! "

The old old is cold.

Everyone looked very helpless, because their hearts were clear, because Chen Miman couldn't come over, Chen Mo definitely brought help with helper, so they would be so arrogant.

On the other hand, Li Chang Lao knew Chen Mo's identity, the expression on his face was very incredible, and stuttered in Baba: "Chen Mo, you dare to come to our ..."

"Why don't I dare to come?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"How did you find here?"

Li Chang Lao looked at Chen Mai asked.

"I brought him!"

Zhou Yan knows that he has no meaning to continue concealing the identity, so it directly took off his own sunglasses to the beautiful face.

And Li Chang was looking for Zhou Wei, the expression on his face seems to be more fearful, and it is said to be said: "Ziwumen, you actually betray our granks, don't you know that this person is the enemy of the Valley? You still bring him over ... "

"If I don't bring him over, he will kill me!"

Zhou Yan looked at the explanation of Li Chang's old face.


Li Chang Lao looked at Zhou Wei, the expression on his face was abnormally excited, but he didn't know what to say.

And Lu Xiangyang looked at Chen Mo's position with Lu Xiangmei, the expression on his face was very confused. At this time they didn't figure out how this is something.

"Chen Xiong, what is going on? Miss Zhou is a person in the valley?"

Lu Xiangyang hesitatedly, and the Baba was asked in Chen Mail.

"Yes, Zhou Qi is indeed a person of the Valley, I forced her to bring me, and I am a private grievance between my valley!"

Chen Mo said very calm.

Lu Xiangyang looked at Chen Mo. At this moment, he reacted that Chen Mo said that it is necessary to deal with a little private.

Lu Nian thoughtfully looked at Chen Mo's position, and it was shocked outside of his eyes. Because she didn't figure out how much this is now.

On the other hand, the elders have ran out of the elders of the Valley, but when the old people discover Chen Mo's side, there is no Yanme, and the expression on the face is a lot, after all, let the big The elderly is a good musk instead of Chen Mo.

"I didn't expect this Chen Mo even a person. He really didn't put our grain in your eyes!"

Three long people can't help but sigh.

"Chen Mo Xiao Xiaowei Xiangyu, but this is good, we can take this opportunity to remove Chen Mo!"

The old man said.

The beautiful woman heard the two people's conversations, and there was no choice but did not speak.

"Chen Mo, you dare to break into us, you are not small!"

The three elders in front of the front step expression angry rushed to Chen Mo.

"Do you can't come?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"You are less nonsense ..."

Three long old mouths just need to refute Mo, and the long and old, she stretched out three long and old, then said that there was no expression: "Three elders, don't be excited ..."

The three elders heard this sentence, did not speak.

And the older, the old man went to Chen Mo, and then smiled and said: "Chen Gongzi, don't know why you come to the afternoon?"

Lv Xiangyang heard the story of the old and old and arrogant, the expression on the face seems to be more incredible, because he does not understand why the old age is so polite to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo looked at the old and old, then said that there was no expression: "Your long-standing long and warm home people teamed up with me, and I still want to set up my death, I am coming to find you!"


When I heard this sentence, I couldn't help but smile, and then said softly: "Don't know how Chen Gongzi you plan to think this account?"

"As long as you can help me find these three medicinal materials, I will no longer count this, from now on, you have no megara ..."

While Chen Mer took out the note.

The old man looked at Chen Mili's note, then the eyes flashed a helpless, whispered: "Chen Gongzi, it is really embarrassed, the three medicinal materials you want. We don't have ..."

At this time, the old man didn't know that Yanme was really not angry with Chen Mo, so he has already checked, only in full confirmation of Yanme-heme did not follow Chen Mo, the big older will move to Chen.

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