I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 134: Three borrowed God Dan

The old man is not an expression in the same place. His instinct does want to escape, but he knows that he can't run now, because now he wants to run, then the valley is completely chaotic.

After a moment, Chen Mo went to the front of the elder, then said that there was no expression: "Can you find the three medicinal materials I need now?"

"Can't find it!"

The old man said firmly.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of the old man, couldn't help but smile, and then hold the big elder neck, faintly: "What about it now?"

"I still can't find it!"

The old man replied.

"If you have a bone ..."

Chen Mo smiled, then his right hand slightly.


Just at this time, I didn't come a roar.

"Finally came out ..."

Chen Mo smiled and then released the elder neck.

Those people in Yugu have turned their way to see the distance. I saw a young man who looked only about 30 years old, and slowly rushed to Chen Mo's position.



Everyone saw this youth and shouted.

The youth that appeared at this time is the Great Valley of the Valley!

Chen Mo looked at the position of your youth, and the eyes were flashing. Because he didn't think that the Gugar of Yugu is so young.

"You are the Valley of the Valley?"

Chen Mo got up and down, and asked the youth without expression.

"Yes, I am the Lord of the Valley!"

Gigu is gently nod, then turned to see the three elders of the old seven elders who have been held in the past, whispered: "Chen Gongzi, you have no hatred with us, no need to act like this ? "

"Without hatred?"

Chen Mo heard that this sentence couldn't help but a smile, then whispered: "When you are taking hands with Wen Pei to kill me, you don't seem to say this ..."

Gulin looked at Chen Mo's eyes and flicked, then whispered: "I don't know how Chen Gongzi, how do you plan to solve this?"

"It's very simple, as long as you give me the medicinal materials I need, I will leave!"

Chen Mo replied.

"Ha ha……"

The Great is very disdainful smile, and then faintly said: "I can only give you a medicinal material. If you can accept it, then there is a strike!"

"You are not eligible to bargain with me!"

Chen Mo said.

"I am not qualified?"

The Great eyes flashed a trace of angry, then said loudly: "Chen Mo, I originally planned to give you a little face, but I didn't expect you to be so not lifting, do you think you have ate two borrows? It is invincible in the world? I will let you see the power of the valley today ... "

In an instant, a powerful force broke out from the body of the Great.

Everyone felt that after the strong breath in the Great Perspective of the Valley, all exposed the expression of fear.

"For so many years, you are the first person who said that I am not qualified!"

The Lord whispered in Chen Mo shouted.

In the next second, the Great appeared directly in front of the Chen Mo, and then raised his hand, it was a palm of the palm to play Chen Mo's chest.

Chen Mo's speed is very fast, and it is busy to block his own hands in his chest.


A loud noise.

The palm of the Great Persons is taking the arm of Chen Mo's arm.

Chen Mo's body is back and retreat, and the distance from ten meters after the whole will be stopped.

Those people in Yue Valley suddenly broke out for a while after seeing this scene, because they finally saw hope at this moment, otherwise they may think that Chen Mo did not have a way to defeat.

After Chen Mo stabilized his body, Chen Mo slowly looked up at the giggles in front of himself.

At this time, Chen Mo was found to have some power to underestimate this Google. The original Chen Mo thought that the strength of the valley should be almost similar to Temperature.

But after the hardcore, I just found that Chen Mo found that the strength of the Valley Valley may be more horrible than Teminated days.

"Chen Mo, now you think I have eligible to talk to you?"

After I finished Chen Mo's palm, I didn't immediately attack Chen Mima, but I asked Chen Union.

"You still have no qualifications!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"Isn't it eligible?"

Gully looked at Chen Mo smiled, then faintly said: "How do you think is it qualified? Don't you have to kill you?"

After saying this, Gutu was directly rushed to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo knows that he has not retired now, so he has directly taken the third borrowed God, then throws into his mouth.

"Chen Mo actually eaten three borrowed gods?"

After seeing this scene, I was glad after seeing this scene. There was no other than shocking.

Zhou You can think that Chen Mo will be crazy to soaster, and they have done directly to Shen Dan.

Two borrowed goddan gave Chen Mer's body has caused very much pressure, and when Chen Mo took three borrowed God Dan, it will have a very terrible impact.

But there is no way, now Chen Miman has already considered so much, he is very clear if he doesn't eat three words, it will die.

Anyway, no matter how it is a dead road, Chen Mo wants to fight.

When I was going to Chen Mo's face immediately, Chen Mo shinked directly to the front of the crowd.

The Great Grain saw this scene, and the eyes flashed in a surprise.

Because he did not think that Chen Mo's speed would be so fast.

In the next second, Chen Mo's appeared behind the owner.

The Great eyes flashed a different, suddenly turned back and looked back to Chen Mo.

"Xuan Tian Zhenwu, crack!"

Chen Merger screamed, then raised his fist, smashed in the chest of the Great.


A loud noise.

Chen Mo's fist is like a big hammer. It is generally directly smashed in the chest of the Great.

The body of the Gugang fly directly, and the hit the hit on the wall.

Zhou Yu looked at Chen Mo's position, and the face was shocked outside his face. Because she didn't think Chen Mo didn't fly directly.

After flying in a boxing, Chen Mo flew, there was no one-stop, and when the Lord had not reacted, he rushed to the front of the Valley, and then lifted his legs was a foot.

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