I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,50: Don't move?

"Yes, the company's project has a little thing, so I've dealive ..."

Su Mu Bai replied.

Chen Mo hesitated, then whispered: "Mu Bai, is you safe in the United States? Otherwise I will come to you!"

"What do you come over? I am going to handle things. If you have finished processing, I will go back. I don't have time to accompany you. You are still waiting for me in Nanyang!"

Su Mu-white felt that Chen Mo should have not seen himself for a long time, so I want yourself, so I am still very happy.

"OK then……"

Chen Mo helpless agreed.

"Is your business handle it?"

Su Mu Bai hesitated, and then asked softly.

"Well, I have handled it ..."

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue to say: "Mu Bai, no matter what you have encountered in the United States, you have to contact me, and there is no matter what you have to come back, because I have now there. Very very important thing to tell you ... "

"What is important thing? Can you say now?"

Su Mu Bai heard Chen Mo's words, and asked in tone.

"I have to say this to you, so do you have to come back?"

Chen Mo stressed.

"What is something, let you get a mysterious look ..."

Su Mu Ying said.

"Oh, it is a very important thing. I have no way to talk to you in the phone. So what you deal with the company, know?"

Chen Mo said seriously.

"Yes, I know, rest assured, I will definitely go back, and I will tell you in the first time!"

Su Mu Bai seems to have helplessly said.


Chen Mo listened to Su Mu Bai's sentence and relieved.

At this time, Chen Mo must put the serious thing, such words, Su Mu, can know that Chen Mo is serious, not joking.

"Okay, I don't tell you, I have to get on the bus here!"

Su Mu Bai said faint.


Chen Mo nodded and then hanged the phone directly.

After putting down the mobile phone, Chen Mo's long has a tone. At this time, he can feel that the tone of Su Mu Bai is still very easy. This shows that Su Mu Bai should not encounter any trouble to leave, so Chen Mo temporarily It is also able to rest assured.

After hesitating, Chen Mo stopped a taxi and returned to his home.

After entering the community, Chen Mo issued his BMW car actually there, and I haven't moved so long, and the car has been covered with dust.

"Is that girl really don't plan to have this car? Or that girl has encountered any unexpected you?"

Chen Mo's mind flashed a such idea.

But helpless Chen Mile may even know the name of the girl, I only know that her friend calls her month, and the rest is not known.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not have a way to find this girl, and Chen Mo is now in his own things, he has no mood to manage this girl.

Chen Mail got directly after it was directly.

After the upper floor, Chen Mo took the key to open the door.

But let Chen Mo will not think that the woman is still in his own home.

Chen Mo saw that Yan Xia was flashing in a surprised, then asked in the tone: "How did you still move?"

"Isn't you talking to your savior?"

Yan Xia gerbene Chen Mima, then he said on the side of the potato chip: "My new home has encountered a little trouble, the renovated worker brushed the wall into red, but I like pink, So this time has been re-brush, I can only live in your home ... "

"What is the difference between pink and red?"

Chen Mo is a bit helpless.

"How? Are you planning to drive your life-saving?"

Yan Wei asked Chen Mail with a small mouth.

"You are so powerful, I don't dare. What should I do if you kill me?"

Chen Mili said helplessly.

Even this time, Chen Mo still has no way to wear the sexy pajamas in front of him, eat snacks and look at the beautiful girls of idol drama and linked with the cold and ruthless killers.

Chen Mo felt that this woman would be too actuated. In the school like a teacher, at home like a normal neighbor's big sister, and when it is a killer, Chen Mo is difficult to determine the only one. It is her real personality.

"I heard that you seem to be hurt, what is going on?"

The gimmicks got up and down, I found that Chen Mo seems to be very normal, so I can't help but ask.

After Chen Mo hesitated, it was simply tied to Yan Yue in Yue Valley.

After listening to Yan Mus, I also felt Chen Mo's impulsive, and I should not eat three borrowed gods.

Chen Mo did not say much about this matter. After all, at that time, Chen Miman did not have other options.

After chatting with Yan Mus, Chen Mo entered the bathroom, ready to take a bath and then slept, after all, Chen Mo has never take a good rest.

But when Chen Mo took his own clothes, he found that he had a lot of wounds.

All these wounds stayed when they fight with those people in the Valley, but Chen Mo at that time was borrowed from God Dan, so there was no more concern.

Chen Mo looked at the wounds of his body helplessly smiled and then started taking a shower.

After taking a shower, Chen Mai was lying on the bed.

When I opened my eyes next day, I was already noon. Chen Mo looked at the mobile phone and found that today is the Saturday school.

Therefore, Chen Mia walked out of the bedroom, and found that Yanme is still lying in the sofa, looking at idol drama, his face is abnormal.

"Big sister, can you have a cold-blooded killer? How do you watch TV dramas in the sofa every day?"

Chen Mo is very speechless to shout.

Yan Mermere hurts, after listening to Chen Mo, I said, tired of tired: "What should the killer look like? Go out to kill every day? And I am not a killer, I am just a military person. ...... "

"Then you don't need to practice martial arts?"

Chen Mail asked.

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