I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,153: Voluntary!

In the eyes of Liu Xuan Xuan, Chen Mo is a man.

And the biggest weakness of men is a woman.

"Master, please ..."

At this time, Liu Xuan Xuan took the initiative to walk to the front of the box.

After hesitating, Chen Mo took the steps into the box.

After entering the box, Chen Mo worried about what ambush, so he didn't pay attention to the woman above the table, but a simple observation of the style inside the box.

The style in the box is still very elegant, and the details are also very in place, giving people feel very comfortable.

"Master, how do you think it is here?"

Liu Xuan Xuan smiled and asked Chen Mail.

"is acceptable……"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then I walked two steps in front, and I saw girls lying on the table.

Perhaps because of the angle relationship, Chen Mo did not see the length of the girl, but Chen Mo can clearly see a beautiful girl in quiet lying on the table, put a variety of foods.

At this time, Chen Mo finally understood why Liu Xuanxuan would so confident that he would like this meal!

Chen Mo's eyes flashed in the gods, then rushed to Liu Xuan Xuan: "Is you preparing for me?"

"Does the owner don't like it?"

Liu Xuan Xuan saw that Chen Mima's face was very calm, and the beautiful glance was flashing. Because in her feelings, there should be no men to refuse this temptation!

"Sorry, I am not very interested in this kind of thing. You don't use this method in the future."

Chen Mo fell back Liu Xuan Xuan, and then turned and planned to leave.

But in this, the girl who was lying on the table was heard after hearing Chen Mo's voice, as if she felt some familiar, so she turned his head to see Chen Mo's position.

And I have already left Chen Mo, and I also see the position of the girl.

When Chen Mo saw the girl's look, the whole person was in the original place, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

After the girl saw Chen Mo, the pretty face was blushing. The whole person is like a ripe peach!

"Is it her?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a different.

The girl's tears flowed out, she did not think that she had encountered her knows the first day.

Chen Mo looked at the girls in front of him for two seconds, and immediately rushed to the girl's face, then took off her jacket, and said softly: "Put the clothes ..."

The girl looked at Chen Mo, the expression on the face seems to be a bit nervous, but she didn't dare to move.

And Chen Mo saw that the girl did not dare to move, directly reached out and gave a girl, and then put his clothes on the girl.

At this moment, the girl tears, the strength of the original heart was also thoroughly collapsed at this moment.

"Master, do you know this girl?"

Liu Xuan Xuan saw the situation and quickly asked Chen Mail after the situation.

"she is my friend……"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

And Liu Xuanxuan is a smart woman. She naturally knows how this is something, so I am just shouting: "What do you still have to do, hurry to bring Chen Gongzi's friends!"

The staff inside the restaurant heard Liu Xuan Xuan's sentence, and quickly took the girl to go out.

And Chen Mo looked at the back of the girl.

Because this girl is not someone, it is the girl who encountered in the community in the community.

Chen Mo is still don't know what this girl is called, and he only knows that the girl's friend seems to call her month.

Chen Mai delayed the girl's interview because of the blocked the girl's car, so Chen Mo simply gave his BMW car to the moon, but the moon seems to have never moved Chen Mo's BMW.

Even when Yesterday, Chen Mo is still in the curious of his BMW, why is there always stopped there.

However, Chen Mo did not think that he would be such a scene with the second meeting of the month.

Half hour later.

Chen Mo's moon has Liu Xuanxuan three people come to the other restaurant in Nanxuan.

At this time, I saw that Chen Mo's eyes were still very nervous, because she didn't think of this person who unintereganmonious understanding will take himself from this Wansian's abyss.

And Month Month is also very curious about Chen Mo's identity. She knows that Liu Xuanxuan is very high in Nanxuanhui, and those employees look at Liu Xuan Xuan's eyes are also very fear, but Liu Xuanxuan has always called Chen Mo as the master.

"Is Chen Mo's boss of Nanxuan Meet?"

On the side of the month, Chen Mo is secretly confused in his heart.

Chen Miman looked up at the moon, then he asked in the moon, "" "What is your name?"

"My name is Zhao Yueyu ..."

The girl has a very nervous expression.

"Oh ..."

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

He felt that Zhao Yueyue came here to do this job should have any difficulty, so he said softly: "I remember that you didn't say that you have to go to Central Asia Group? How do I ran here now?"

"This one……"

Zhao Yueyue heard the words of Chen Mo, and his eyes flashed, he didn't know that he should tell Chen Mo in all the truth.

"Little girl, you don't have to worry, I am the boss of Nanxuan Meet, is it the people we will force you to come to work?"

Liu Xuanxuan asked in Zhao Yueyue.

After all, those people in Nanxuan will do things. Liu Xuan Xuan is also very clear, so she feels very likely to be her own employee to force Zhao Yueyue.

"no no……"

Zhao Yueyue heard Liu Xuan Xuan's sentence, and then quickly put his hand, then whispered: "There is no one to force me, all this is my voluntary ..."


When I heard the sentence of Zhao Yueyu, I lost my eyes.

After all, if there is any problem in Chen Mai, if you have any problems, there should be no resources to work such a job.

"Month month, what is this? You don't have to worry, there is something to say it directly!"

Chen Mo felt that he had a fate of this girl with Zhao Yueyue, and Chen Mo feels that Zhao Yueyue should not really want to do this, so she is definitely what is hard to say.

Since it is also a fate of two consecutive times, Chen Mo feels that if he has the ability, he is willing to help a group of girls.

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