After the rest of the day, Chen Mo has gradually resumed calm.

Because Chen Mo has nothing to do recently, Chen Mo returns to Beihang University, preparing for the old age.

Chen Mo has not returned to school for a long time, Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan has been surprised after I saw Chen Mo.

"Big brother, you don't know if you have come back? We have already returned to Nanyang City in Nanyang!"

Ren Bin saw that Chen Mo was very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"I just put a little thing these days, when did I say to leave?"

Chen Mili is a sentence.

"What have you been busy recently? Is it playing with your beautiful girlfriend?"

Ding Shuo is very envious of Chen Mail asked.

"I am going to do it."

Chen Mo looked at Ding Shui speechless.

"Chen Mo, your girlfriend is really beautiful, how did you catch your hand? You also teach me ..."

Ren Bin said with his teeth.

"Do you already have a girlfriend?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"I have broken up with Song Xinxin, and we have no relationship!"

Ren Bin said directly.

"Is it broken?"

Chen Mo didn't help but stunned after hearing this sentence, and then said: "How do you break your side?"

"Can you still be because of what is the character is not suitable!"

Ren Bin fel away, then continue: "Okay, don't say my things, you are still coming back today, our school holds a celebration evening this evening, and there will be a lot of big three major four The school sister came to the stage performance, I finally saw the ultimate goddess of the North-Hangzhou University ... "

"What is the ultimate goddess?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"do not you know?"

Ren Bin flashed in the eyes of the eyes, then continue to say: "You will not even have the ultimate goddess of our school?"

"Chen Mo is exchanging, and it is also normal to understand the situation of our school!"

Ding Shuo helpless returned.


Ren Bin nodded and then continued: "Well, since you don't know this ultimate goddess, then I will introduce it to it, our North-Hangzhou University has always had an ultimate goddess, and this ultimate goddess is The woman who wants to get the Nothing of North-Hangzhou University, the name of this woman is called Tao Ying! "


Chen Mo listened to this name and stopped.

"Tao Yao? Do you know?"

Ren Bin asked Chen Mail.


Chen Mo looked at Ren Bin didn't know how to answer it.

Although Tao is very beautiful, Chen Mo feels that it should be the ultimate goddess?

Even Tao Yisheng is inferior to Yanme, not to mention compared with Su Mu.

"Is this woman very beautiful?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Beautiful is sure, but it can't be the most beautiful. Compared with the teacher of our class, it may be a little inferior. Tao Ye is able to become the ultimate goddess of our school. It is because Tao Yurheng's grandfather is our Tianyuan Province. Rich, although it may not be, but her home is really very rich, there is no way to imagine the ordinary people ... "

Ren Bin quickly explained a sentence.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo nodded and did not say much.

"So, the school has a lot of boys in the pursuit of Tao Ya, after all, if you can give Tao Yi, this woman will give it hand, then it can be said that it is really going to the peak of life, so Tao is also called the ultimate of our school. goddess!"

"Unfortunately, I have never seen Tao Yiran. When the last school party, Tao also did not appear, but this time I got a very reliable news, Tao was also able to appear, and may also perform a show!"

Ren Bin said with a smile.

"Isn't it a woman? As for you so excited?"

Chen Mili said with a speechless rushing.

And Ren Bin had a vibrant angry when he heard Chen Mo's words, looked at Chen Mo shouted: "Chen Mo, you are standing talking, don't breathe, you have so beautiful girlfriend, you of course I don't care, I am single ... "

"You are a single eight hundred years of people Tao Yao also can't see you, you are still honest ..."

Ding Shuo is very paralyzed.

"What is the meaning of this sentence? Wanzhou is also like this type?"

Ren Bin seems to be a little uncomfortable.

"Unless Potter is also a little punishment ..."

Ding Mas said with a smile.


Ren Bin looked at Ding Shuo.

At this time, Yan Xia walked into the classroom. Maybe after the one after Jinle, the students inside the class were very clear, and the woman was not so messy, so a moment of the whole classroom Quiet.

Yanmei seems to restore the usual premium look and start lectures.

Chen Mo looked at the Yanme sole on the podium, and the heart is also a little fun, because this woman has a change in the school with the school.

The day of the day is coming soon, everyone finally waited until the celebration party.

The Celebration Party is held above the playground of the school, and all students will sit together according to the class.

It is a stage in the middle of the playground.

Chen Mile originally didn't plan to see what the celebration party, after all, he did not have a little interest in this thing.

But helpless Renbin and Ding Shuo have been pulling Chen Mo to take Chen Mo, Chen Mo can only be in the past.

The celebration party will soon start, and Yanme as the facade of Beihang University naturally served as the role of the host. After all, Yanme is so beautiful. If it is unfortunately, it is a bit unfortunately.

The Yan Merry has been very relaxed in the face of such a scene in Nanyang University. It is very easy to face such a scene.

When the Yanmei appeared on the stage, the appearance of the moment, and it was very high in the world.

After a few words, the colorful gains, the celebration party is also starting.

A student next to go to the stage to perform the show, some people sing someone dancing and saying that the atmosphere is very lively.

A blink of an eye, the time has passed a half.

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