I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,66: Plan to start

After the people around Tao Jiwei saw this scene, he was speechless, and his face was abnormal.

You must know that Huang Zhiming just sent so expensive gift. Tao Yisheng didn't look at it. However, Chen Mo just sent a very common platinum necklace, Tao was so happy.

This is really letting them have some can't understand.

"very nice!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing, Tao, said.

The Huang Zhiming, who is not far from seeing this scene, the expression on the face seems to be more angry, because he thinks this is obviously naked!

I wanted to have a lot of strength to buy, Tao Yisheng didn't look at the top of the table, and Chen Mo just bought a necklace. At this time she actually likes this, Huang Zhiming does not know should Say something is good.

In fact, in the eyes of Tao Yisheng, she didn't have anything from urinating. Some expensive watch jewelry may be very precious in the eyes of ordinary girls, but in the eyes of Tao, there is no difference with some ordinary gifts.

Tao Yisheng didn't care about someone else, because she had anything, but she cares only to send things.

After the receipt of Chen Mo's gift, Tao is also left with those gifts. It should be to put a gift.

And Huang Zhiming turned his eyes, Li Xiaochuan, who he was, whispered: "When is your plan to start you tell me?"

"Huang Gongzi, my people have arrived ..."

Li Xiaochuan can feel Huang Zhiming's anger, and quickly returned to the tense.

"Since you have arrived, what are you waiting for now? Is it necessary to wait until the end of the birthday party?"

Huang Zhiming shouted.

"I understand……"

Li Xiaochuan nodded softly, then rushed to the sexy girls around him, and the girl nodded in hesitation, and then went directly to Chen Mo's position.

"Can you find this woman? I see how it is a bit nervous ..."

Huang Zhiming looked at the back of the girl, and the eyes flashed in a doubt.

"Huang Gongzi, you can rest assured, this woman is more than half a year, certainly there is no problem, she is also the first time, there will be more tension in the heart, very normal ..."

Li Xiaochuan said very confident.

And Huang Zhiming did not say much after he took a breath.

At this point, this girl is called He Jie, which was originally a student of Behang Music Institute, but met Li Xiaochuan in a chance.

Li Xiaochuan has begun to hit the fierce, but when he has a boyfriend at that time, he refused Li Xiaochuan several times.

Finally, Li Xiaochuan has no way, can only choose the boyfriend to give poison, then have a boyfriend who threatens He Jie gives He Jie, and finally sent it to the bed of Li Xiaochuan.

Afterwards, Li Xiaochuan gave He Jie 50,000 yuan, but He Jie insisted on the alarm.

Li Xiaochuan began to use He Jie's parents as a threat, and promised He Jie. If he has been given him a mistress, he will arrange a good job in his company, and everyone gives He Jie 100,000 yuan.

He Jie itself is born in a common family, and the heart is clearly fighting Li Xiaochuan. Once the alarm, her parents may have been involved, and 100,000 yuan per month. It's not a small number for her, so I have no way, I can only choose a mistress of Li Xiaochuan.

Now He Jie has served as executives in Li Xiaochuan's family, and the annual salary has to be a million-level, plus Li Xiaochuan gives him a living fee every month. These money is a very considerable number.

So He Jie's ideas is still very simple, wait until Li Xiaochuan is tired, you can leave Li Xiaochuan, and then find a man to marry, so that she can eat and earwar in her life, as for this past, He Jie nature is not Will file with anyone.

He Jie and Li Xiaochuan are now the state of the needs, everyone can get what they want from this transaction, so it is not unfair.

And Li Xiaochuan just gave He Jie a call and handed over a very important task. As long as He Jie can complete this task, Li Xiaochuan promised to buy a house in the city center.

Just a set of people can get a house, this is a very suitable sale for He Jie, so he does not have any hesitation at all.

Although He Jie is a mistress of Li Xiaochuan, but in fact, she is just an ordinary person, so she is in the face of this task, the expression on the face is still very nervous.

After a while, He Jie finally walked to Chen Mo's.

At this time, He Jiejie is only less than five meters away. When she saw Chen Mo, the heartbeat was obviously accelerated, then the instinct stopped.

Because she knows that her current behavior is in harming, she started some entangled.

However, Huang Zhiming, who didn't stay, couldn't help but frown, whispered: "Li Xiaochuan, why don't you move?"

"I do not know……"

Li Xiaochuan also unexplained at this time, frowning back to a sentence.

And this time, He Jie seems to have finally decided, because she knows that she can't complete this task, then her next place will definitely be very miserable, so she is now not a way.

He Jie once again rushed to Chen Mo's position, but maybe because He Jie was so nervous, even did not pay attention to the steps of his foot, the whole person lost balance, fragrant, and fell directly In the ground.

"Rely, this woman is simply a waste!"

Huang Zhiming saw this scene, biting his teeth, an anger of an expression on his face.

Li Xiaochuan's face is also very ugly. After all, He Jie immediately went to Chen Mo, and it turned out.

But at this time, Huang Zhiming once again saw hope.

Because Chen Mo saw He Jie fell to He Jie, he reached out and reached He Jie helped up, then asked softly: "Do you have anything?"

"I don't have anything ..."

He Jie stunned, then loudly back.

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