Tao Yisheng was very clear in the heart after hearing these words, in fact, this matter is no longer private affairs between Chen Mo and Li Xiaochuan, Chen Mo's behavior is obviously provocating ceiling.

And Tao is also very clear. If it is not because of seeing his face, it may now be thrown out, so he wants to let Tao Ye really letting Chen Mima is simply impossible. Best.

"Yus, Uncle also knows this person is your friend, so I will give you a face today, let these people bring Chen Mile to my office, then let Chen Mo will solve this problem with Li Xiaochuan. Benefits to both sides, how do you see? "

After Tao Ye hesitated, he said softly to Tao.


Tao Yisheng nodded helpless.

Anyway, Tao is also thinking that the way to Tao Ye is already the best way.

"You bring this kid to the office!"

Tao Ye saw that Tao also agreed to the next, shouted directly to his bodyguard.

Several bodyguards heard this sentence and walked directly to Chen Mo's position in the future, and it seems to be a plan to be moving to Chen.

After seeing these bodyguards, Chen Mo came over, and the eyes flashed a helpless, whispered: "I advise you to do it better, otherwise you will regret it ..."

"Kid, how many fucks are so many ..."

A bodyguard taking the lead in the eyes of the bead, shouted with Chen Mo.

But his sentence has not been finished, Chen Mo's rack is a foot, directly on the bodyguard's belly.


A loud noise.

The body of the body is directly flying directly, then hit the top of the table.

After the scene of the scene saw this scene, all were stupid, and the expression on one face was very shocked.

They didn't think that Chen Mo's courage was so big. Not only did Li Xiaochuan Huang Zhiming hands, but now I dare to turn to the bodyguards.

Moreover, Chen Mo's legs have been very fast, and everyone has never reacted what is going on, and I saw that the bodyguard flew out.

"Where are you doing? Give me it!"

After seeing this scene, Tao Ye said that his expression was extremely angry.

The rest of the bodyguards can judge Chen Mo's skill through Mo's foot. So these people don't dare to pay attention, all of them rushed to Chen Mo's position.

In an instant, seven or eight bodyguards directly put Chen Mer in the middle.

Huang Zhiming looked at Chen Mo's position with Li Xiaochuan, and two people think that Chen Mo is definitely a dead road. Even if Chen Mo's skill is so powerful, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of so many bodyguards!

But after a few seconds, these two people stunned directly.

Seventeen bodyguards in front of Chen Mo seem to be a paper paste, a blink of an eye is all in the ground, and there is no room at all.

These seemingly strong bodyguards can only be used in front of that thin and weak Chen Mo's face, these people are only in a few seconds.

In an instant, it seems that everyone is in the original place, and the expression on the face is still shocked. No one thinks that Chen Mo's skill will actually be so horrible.

Even if the eye of Tao, it also flashed a different, after all, all of these bodyguards are all his people. He is very understandable for his strength of these bodyguards, but he does not think that this Chen Mo is so powerful.

For a time, Tao Ye's expression is somewhat standing in place, I don't know how it should be good.

Chen Mermail turned his eyes and looked at the way, then said that there was no expression: "I have long said to you, you can't stop me at all ..."

"Kid, you know, don't know if you are doing this, it is enemies with us, you know, don't know how to sin, our Tao family?"

Tao Yugui shouted.

"Defense, you are in the end of Taojia?"

Chen Mo heard the sentence, I couldn't help but smile, then said that there was no expression: "What can I count in front of me?"

After saying this sentence, Chen Mai is planning to leave.

And everyone looked at Chen Mo's back shadow is complex, especially Chen Mo just said in the last sentence, there is a Tao family in front of me to count!

This sentence is simply a joke in many people. After all, how horror is still very clear, but I don't know why, everyone feels that Chen Mo's sentence seems to be joking.

Tao Ye looked at Chen Mo's back, and his eyes were full of anger, because he felt that Chen Mo's roots did not put Tao family in his eyes, this is the humiliation of Taojia people.

"It seems that I don't want to move to you, you don't know the power of our Tao!"

Tao Ye took a breath and then took out his own mobile phone.

He is clear that Chen Mo's hand is extraordinary, but they are not so bullied. The seven or eight bodyguards are not Chen Mo's opponent. It is twenty or thirty?

If the twenty or thirty bodyguards are not Chen Mo's opponent, then the cultivation will spend money.

Now Tao Ye is very simple, that is, you must retain Chen Mo at any price. If you really let Chen Mo leave, what is the pain of Tao Jia?

Tao Yiang stood in the same place, at this moment, she doesn't know how it should be good at this moment.

Jinlele and Shen Lingdi seem to be shocked by Chen Mo's horrible skills. In addition to shocking outside the eyes, it is still shocking.

However, when I just took out my mobile phone, I laughed into the hall.

The boys are not old, wearing a white suit, the long-term Handsome handsome, giving people a feeling, the gorge of rich people.

The age of girl should be around twenty years old, wearing a light pink short skirt, the long phase is exquisite, the body is sexy, and the feet are placed on a pair of high heels. The swaying waist has a tenderness. Attracted the eyes of countless men present.

After seeing these two people, Tao Ye has flashed a lot of excitement, whispered: "How come this time? This is worse!"

After the words were finished, Tao Ye quickly put down his mobile phone and hurriedly walked over the position of youth men and women.


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