Huang Zhiming is not a fool. On the contrary, he can get Tao Yichao's best because Huang Zhiming is a smart person, so he can see that Chen Mo's relationship between Lu Xiangyang is definitely not as simple as he thinks.

If Lu Xiangyang is just a general friend relationship with Chen Mo, then Lu Xiangyang does not have to listen to Chen Mo's words.

At this moment, Huang Zhiming reacted, perhaps Chen Mo is not an ordinary person, and the opposite of Chen Mo may have an energy that I don't have to imagine it at all!

More than a piece of Li Xiaochuan, which helped Huang Zhiming's dealing with Chen Mo, it was completely stupid. After all, Li Xiaochuan chose to help Huang Zhiming, because he felt that Huang Zhiming may become Tao's son-in-law, but if Huang Zhiming really does not allow When it is close to Tao, then your wishful abacus may be emptied.

And more terrible is that Li Xiaochuan has been sinned today, and Chen Mo, which is very uncommon with Lu Xiangyang, and Li Jia, may also be very impact.

So, Li Xiaochuan intestines at this moment have repented, and his mind is no longer a matter of his face, but what is the next thing of the next thing, but what is the next thing to deal with.

Just when everyone thinks about these problems, Tao Yurheng's uncle Tao finally finished the phone, and then quickly walked to Lu Xiangyang.

"Lu Gongzi, I just passed the phone with my father, my father also agreed to your request, in the future, we won't let Huang Zhiming are also harassing, you can continue to work with our Taojiao?"

Tao Ye said softly to Lu Xiangyang.

Lu Xiangyang nodded very satisfied with this sentence, and then faintly said: "Tomorrow you come to me with a contract!"

"Good ..."

Tang Ye is very excited to nod.

After all, this project with Lu Jia is still very important for their Tao, once the project has succeeded, the interests brought to Tao is definitely not a small Huang Zhiming to be better.

Tao Yurheng's grandfather can go to this position, enough to prove that he is a very smart person, so this is how it should be hiented, and his heart is still very clear.

And the Tao Yiang was standing in the same place. In addition to the shock, it was shocked by the eyes. Because she didn't think that Chen Mo was only a sentence, it solved such a big trouble. At this time, Tao is also secretly in the heart, guessing Chen Mo is What is the identity.

Tao is also able to feel that Chen Mili is not as simple as he saw, or Lu Xiangyang can't listen to him.

Huang Zhiming seems to have no way to accept this result at all, and it is incredible in the eyes.

"If you don't have anything else, I will go first!"

Lu Xiangyang faintly threw this sentence, and then took Lu Nian to go outside the hall.

"Lu Gongzi, I sent you ..."

Tao Ye saw Lu Xiangyang to walk, and then shouted, and then took the initiative to send Lu Xiangyang to the two people.

Huang Zhiming looks at Lu Xiangyang's back. It seems that even now he doesn't matter to believe that all of you can see is true.

After a few minutes, Tao Ye is returned to the hall.

When Huang Zhiming saw Tao Ye, he quickly ran to the face of cultivation, then shouted: "Grandpa Tao, you will not be a marriage contract between me and the same?"


At this time, Tao Ye as if it is like a person, it is like a person, it is very disdainful, and then faintly said: "Huang Zhiming, you are really so embarrassed to say this. You are also When do you have a marriage contract? "

"Grandpa Tao, can you not be a joke with me? Grandpa Tao is not said ..."

Huang Zhiming seems to have some tense to explain.

"What did my father say?"

Tao Ye has interrupted Huang Zhiming, then continue: "My father has really said that I can give you a chance to pursue it, but I have not said to order marriage ..."

"No ..."

Huang Zhiming said.

"Not what? My father gave you so long, you have no progress, I can see it, and I will not have you at all, and you will not have any results between you. Don't you harass you in the future ... "

Cold and frozen.

"Uncle Tao, can you not be a joke with me, I am really true ..."

Huang Zhiming shouted.

"When did I joking with you?"

Tao Ye snorted, then shouted directly from the scene: "From today, Huang Zhiming has no relationship with us, Huang Zhiming, anything does not have any relationship with us. ...... "

Everyone in the scene was stupid after hearing this sentence, and the expression is abnormally shocked, because everyone feels that this is the contradiction between Chen Mo and Li Xiaochuan, but no one has I think that I was only because Lu Xiangyang's appearance made Huang Zhiming a biggest victim.

Li Xiaochuan smashed Chen Mo, but this thing is a nine bull than the loss of Huang Zhiming!

After all, once Huang Zhiming lost the shelter of Taojia people, it is actually a very ordinary rich second generation, and even Li Xiaochuan is not as good!

If this thing is equivalent to today, Huang Zhi Ming has entered the abyss, and it will not turn over.

At this time, Huang Zhiming realized that he had a terrible person.

Shen Lingdi stands in the same place, in addition to shocking outside the heart, she is very shocking, she only understands how horrible energy came over with my classmates!

All of Chen Mo did that, it is not because of impulse and reckless, but because Chen Mo has enough bottom gas.

Huang Zhiming didn't seem to be so losing this. So he quickly ran to Tao Yingran, then the expression excited to shout: "Yes, things are absolutely not what you think, you help me say words OK?"

"Huang Zhiming, I have already warned that you will not listen to Chen Mo, but you have never listened. Now everything is yourself, I can't save you!"

Tao Yishi threw this sentence, then turned and left.


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