I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,84: Peak Turning


You You can't help but smile after seeing these chips coming out of Chen Mer, and then whispered: "The rich people are different, spend so much money, do you listen to a story?"

"Yes, even if you don't give you, I will lose it, it is better to listen to a story ..."

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"Then you don't worry, do you have any stories to cheat you? I have heard of a lot of stories that make people feel moving, and my friends can say that I can tell yourself. ...... "

Youyou looked at Chen Mo and said calm.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I think your story is touching, these money is yours ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

And Youyou looked at Chen Mile and then said softly: "Well, since you want to listen, then I will talk to you ..."

Chen Mo looked at You You did not speak in front of him.

"In fact, the conditions in my home are still very good. My father operates a company. The company's benefits are very good. Although I can't compare with some real rich people, it is already very good compared with ordinary people, but just Three years ago, my father came to this casino, and then fell into this abyss. My father may also control control, but the money is more and more, my father has no mood. To manage the company's business, plus him in this casino, the deeper, so just in less than two years, my father squandered all the assets of our family, and finally owned a big betting debt ... "

Youyou looked at Chen Mo in front of him, and the tone was very calm and said with Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo couldn't help but smile after heard these words, then whisper: "So you come to help your father to pay for those gambling debts, come here to work, don't you? Your story is not very exciting. ! It's a bit too old ... "

It is very calm and watching Chen Mo and then continued: "My father has owed too much gambling debt, and finally by the casino, the people are directly being used as a plant. My mother can't bear to watch these people. It's really like this to kill my father, so she started working for money. When I started, my mother had to play three workers a day, but the money earned, but the money was not repaid enough, and then my mother will go. Miss ... "

"and then?"

Chen Mo looked at Youyou asked.

"At that time, I was still going to college. When I learned that my mother was in the lady, I didn't have a way to accept this fact. I didn't even contacted my mother for a long time until my mother got a big disease. I only know the truth of the matter! "

Youyou paused, then continued: "When I learned that my mother is in order to pay back, I found the casino, and then took the initiative to go to work, and I earned all the money I earned. Remove my father's debt, after all, it is the easiest to earn money here ... "

Chen Mo looked at the excellent sentence in front of himself.

It is also very calm and asked whispering Chen Mail: "How do you think my story?"


Chen Mo smiled back and then handed the chip directly to You You, whispered: "These chips are yours!"

"Thank you!"

Youyou has no helves, and directly reached out and passed the chips that Chen Mer.

And Chen Mo took the step forward to the front, Chen Miman won't go to the things that excellent and excellent, because Chen Mo felt that there was no need, he can feel the heart of Youyou, must be hidden. A secret, but this secret is not very clear, it is not very clear.

In the eyes of Chen Mo, it is just a passerby. After today, two may never meet again, Chen Mo is impossible to have any intersection with You You, so Chen Mo does not want to overemploying excellent things.

On the other hand, Liu Jin's people have observed the Yan Musk. After more than ten minutes, I found that Yanme has been sitting in front of the gambling table, as if all the attention is placed on the poker in my hand, and there is no friend around you. Follow, so any of the Yanmei is still very safe, it should be an ordinary gambler.

The bodyguards have been simple to Liu Jin, Liu Jin seems to feel no problem, so I will show my bodyguard to give the Yanme.

Liu Jin can become the person in charge of Yinhang in Beihang City. From this point, it can be seen that this person is still very powerful, and Liu Jin is also very careful.

He likes gambling, but only comes to this casino, because this casino is a silver business casino.

He likes a woman, but Liu Jin will try to investigate the woman before touching the woman, ensuring that this woman will start after he has no threats.

But today's Yanmei is an extra class. Liu Jin's people just observed the Yanmei, but there was no investigation of the true identity of Yanme, because Liu Jin has already been defeated by Yan Hom. So he I can't wait to investigate the information of Yanme.

The bodyguards directly went to the side of Yanme, and then rushed to Yanme: "Beauty, you are good!"

Yan Miang heard the bodyguard, after the heart flashed, but the expression on his face was very calm, even didn't look at the bodyguard, faintly said: "If you have anything, don't affect my play, don't affect my play ... "

"Beauty, is like this, our boss now want to see you, don't know if you are convenient?"

The bodyguards are very politely rushing to Yanme.


Although Yanme knows that the other party is Liu Jin's people, but they have not directly agreed. On the contrary, they also refused.

"Miss, this is a million chips, as long as you go to see it with our boss, these chips are yours!"

Bodyguards know if you don't take a sweet look, Yan Xia must not be a heart, so he directly prepared the chips in advance in front of Yanme.

After seeing the bodyguards, the eyes will change, after all, Yanmei is the post-shadow, and there is still no problem.

"Are you sure these chips are mine?"

Yan Hojing is a little excited to rush to the bodyguard.

"of course!"

The bodyguard looked at the Yanmei nodded in front of him.

"Well, where is your boss, take me!"

Yanme deliberately pretended to take a pair of money, directly collected his chips, and then got up and plan to leave with the bodyguard.

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