I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,87: Only one month!

All of this document is the evidence of Liu Jin's crime. Although it is just a part, even if this is a small part, if he is given to the police, then Liu Jin goes to squat for ten years. of.

"I have no relationship with you, such a criminal evidence that I have a lot in my hand. If I put all these evidence, what you are in the heart, you should compare I am clearer! "

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Liu Jin.

"What do you want to do? Do you plan to let me help you deal with the silver business?"

Liu Jin is very excited to rushing to Chen Mail.

"Do you help me deal with the silver business?"

Chen Mail listened to Liu Jin's sentence, I couldn't help but a smile, and then said: "Liu Jin, you are just a small Beihang City person in charge, if I want you to help me to deal with the silver business , Then I am a little too too real ... "

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Jin said asked.

"It's very simple, from now on, I will let you do what you do, I need to do what you do, can you understand what I mean?"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Liu Jin.

Liu Jin reacted after hearing Chen Mo's sentence, Chen Mo is intended to use these evidence to threaten himself.

"Chen Mo, I will not betray the silver business!"

Liu Jin said firmly to Chen Mo.

"Well, let's take a look at you will not help you!"

Chen Mo took his foot and turned to go outside the room.

Liu Jinwan did not think that Chen Mo acts so confident. He is afraid that Chen Mo will give these evidence to the police. After all, once these things fall into the police's hands, then he is a dead road.


Liu Jinlian shouted.

Chen Mo slowed down to Liu Jinyi, then smiled and rushed on Liu Jin: "How? Change the idea?"

"Chen Mo, how much do you need? I can buy the evidence in your hand!"

Liu Jin bite his teeth and asked Chen Mail.

And Chen Mo didn't help but knew after hearing this sentence, and then said: "Liu Boss, you should know what people are right, you think you can take it out, I will see it. Is it? "

"What is you want to do?"

Liu Jin said excitedly.

"I just said it was very clear, from now, I will let you do, what do you do!"

Chen Milo has no expression of Liu Jin.

"If the person who is being killed by the silver business, I betrayed the silver business, then I am a dead road!"

Liu Jin bite his teeth, rushed to Chen Mo.

"If I have all the evidence, are you dead? You are working together with me, but if you don't work with me, then you are a dead road, understand what I mean? ? "

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Liu Jin.


Liu Jin looked at Chen Mo, who was hesitated for two seconds, then asked whispers: "If I want to cooperate with you, what is the benefit of me?"


Chen Mo heard the sentence, I couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Liu Jin, now you haven't figured out the situation yet? Do you think you are eligible to talk to me?"


Liu Jin looked speechless in front of Chen Mo in front of him, and the whole person was sitting in the same place. I don't know how it should be good.

"Liu boss, how is it considering?"

Chen Mo's top and down, Liu Jinyi, laughing, rushed to Liu Jin.

"I don't seem to have any other choice now!"

Liu Jin took a breath and lowered Chen Mo.

"It seems that Liu Boss, you are a smart person ..."

Chen Mo smiled and then took Liu Jin's mobile phone and dialed his phone number.

"Your mobile phone number I record, don't change the number, I have something to call you!"

Chen Mo's light rushed to Liu Jin.

"okay, I get it!"

Now Liu Jin's criminal evidence is in the hand of Chen, so Liu Jingen does not dare to have a sense of resistance. It can only nod.

"There is also the first task I gave you is to find a way to let me meet you in the people of Tianyuan Province."

Chen Mo said calmly looked at Liu Jin said.

Liu Jin looked at Chen Mo's eyes and shocked, whispered: "You are planning to take advantage of Feng Xing?"

"Yes, Feng Xing's identity is too mysterious, I can't investigate Feng Xing's information, so I can only find Feng Xing through you!"

Chen Mo said calmly looked at Liu Jin said.

"I want to see Feng Xing is not so easy ..."

Liu Jin looked at Chen Mo shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Mo smashed, and asked in tone.

"Feng Xing is very mysterious, even I have never seen Feng Xing, Feng Xing Contact us is also contacted by email, I even even Fengxing's contact information is not, so you want to pass me. It is impossible to find Feng Xing. "

Liu Jin looked at Chen Mo's low voice.

After heard Feng Xing's sentence, Chen was surprised, because he did not think that Feng Xing was still careful than Liu Jin.

"I don't care what method you use, I have to see Feng Xing within one month, otherwise I will give these evidence to the police!"

Although the heart is shocked, Chen Mo also knows that Liu Jin and Feng Xing are someone who is a silver business. Liu Jin must have a way to find Feng Xing.

"Chen Mo, I really can't find Feng Xing, you are forced me!"

Liu Jin listened to Chen Mo's words and showed some angry shouting.

"Yes, I just forced you, I only give you a month!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Liu Jin.


Liu Jin was speechless after hearing Chen Mo's words, and looked at Chen Mo when he was sluggish. I don't know how it should be good.

"Let's go!"

Chen Mimo went to see Yanmei and said softly.

The Yanmei looked at Liu Jinyi, and then he got up and followed Chen Mile to walk outside.

Liu Jin is sitting in bed, and his face is unusually anger, but he has no choice but, because his evidence is all in Chen Mo's hands, once Chen Mozhen puts these evidence, then he may really It is a dead road.

So now Liu Jin has only one choice, that is, according to Chen Mo's request, try to do everything, let Chen Mo see Feng Xing.

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