I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,89: Also compensate?

Chen Mo's head hit the top of the steering wheel, but Chen Mo is now a warner, so the quality of physical fit is definitely not ordinary people, and there is no coma on the spot.

But if you sit in the car at this time is an ordinary person, it is estimated that it will definitely be coma.

Chen Miman pushed opened the door, then swayed his head and wanted to wake up, and checked how the car was.

But I still don't wait for Chen Mo to see how it is clear, I heard a crisp sound in the Lamborghini sports car.

"Hey, how did you drive this person? I didn't see my car. Why don't you hide? Will you drive?"

After hearing this sentence, Chen Mo is very angry in the heart.

If the attitude of the other party is better, Chen Mo may not care about the maintenance fee of the car. After all, this is nothing wrong with this money in Chen Mo's eyes.

But after hearing the other party, I didn't play a place in an instant. After all, Chen Mo did it normally, and the other party slammed directly. This is obviously the responsibility of the other party, but the other party is still wicked. Conduct, maybe you may also find Chen Mo's maintenance fee.

So Chen Mo turned around to prepare for the theory of the other party.

However, there is no waiting for Chen Mo, and the standard scissors door of Lamborini is open.

The first thing is a leg, a pair of black stockings, the fiber is well-used, the legs are on the legs, and the high heels are placed on white.

Although Chen Mo did not see the long phase of the owner, it is a woman who can see this owner to see that this owner should be a woman, and there may be a beautiful woman, so Chen Mile originally wants to say that there is directly Chen Mile. Go down.

Combining, the owner finally gone from the car.

The woman's body is very tall, especially when getting off, the chest towering double peaks outline an abnormal amazing curve.

At this time, Chen Mo also finally saw the length of this woman.

The woman is very sexy. The long-distance phase is also a beautiful thing. It is incredible. A delicate appetitious face will not find any flaws, as if it is a well-created artwork.

The woman's dress is very cool, it is simple, wearing a black tight t-shirt, and the lower body is a short skirt black stockings high heels, but it is so simple to dress up, and there is a silky I am a might.

Chen Mo has just guess, there is no mistake, the opponent's owner is really a woman, but also a super beautiful woman.

At this time, Chen Mo did not know that his luck is good or not, it is hit by his car, but people who hit their own car are actually a big beauty.

However, at this time, the expression on this big girl is unusually anger, directly stepped on the high-heeled shoes, Tingting, and then pointed to Chen Mo's shouting: "What is this person? What is this? Why do you just retrore Hit in my car? Do you know I don't know if this car is my new buy? "

Chen Mimo has smashed his car and there is the Lamborghini sports car. The expression on his face is unusless, because it is clear that the other party is retrograde, and now I still say that I am retrograde, this is a matter?

"What do you see? I haven't heard it with you? How is this person whose people don't have?"

After seeing Chen Mo did not speak, he continued to force the momentum.

As the beauty is gradually close to Chen Mo, Chen Mo's hair is really very beautiful, and this woman seems to be a mixed-blood beauty, and the exquisite facial features give people a different beauty. Chen Mo met the beautiful beauty, but Such a beautiful mixed-blood beauty, he still met, this woman touched the TV old woman with Yan Mo, and the TV showcased Cartier, which seems to be similar.

"Do you have a driver's license?"

Chen Mo said with a beautiful woman.

When the beauty heard Chen Mo's words, I couldn't help but say this: "What is the meaning of this sentence, I took a driver's license in the UK three years ago?"

"Your driver's license is in the UK?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"Yes, what happened? Is the British driver's license not used in China?"

Beauty asked Chen Mail with a small mouth.

"The British driver's license can of course be used in China, but you have to make it clear that in the UK, it is leaning on left, but in the country, it is close to the right, so people who have just retrograde are not me, but you!"

Chen Mai finally understood why this beauty would hit himself, and he also said that he is reversed.

After all, the UK is not the same as domestic.

"Drive in reverse?"

The beautiful beauty of the beautiful beauty flashed a doubt.

"You can observe the car passing the car, they all drive ..."

Chen Miman is unusually returned.

And the beauty quickly turned his way to observe those cars around, and then took his mobile phone and didn't know what was searching.

After a few minutes, the beauty said very embarrassing: "It's really too sorry, I just returned to China, today I will pick up the car from the 4s store, so I have forgotten the domestic rewards, I just still Why is there so many cars that have been retrograde, I didn't expect it to be in retrograde ... "

"Now you know that you are wrong?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"I know, I know……"

The beauty looked at Chen Mo nodded.

"Since you know that, you should make it clear that the domestic traffic rules are driving, or this will be very dangerous. Fortunately, you hit it today, if you change others, you will get a big trouble. ...... "

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

Chen Mo said that this sentence is not scaring this beauty, but very serious, because if you just not sitting in the car, it is an ordinary person sitting inside the car, now it is not fainting, then it is a brain. Shock.

"I know, I will pay attention to it next time!"

The beauty is very good after aware of his mistakes, and he quickly said with Chen Mo.

Chen Miman intends to check the situation of the car. If the car can open, Chen Mo is intended to drive away the car directly.

But at this time, the beauty of the beautiful woman took directly Chen Mo and then said softly: "What, don't worry, don't say anything else to compensate!"

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