I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 119: Apologize all classes

Everyone looked at Chen Mo, with a vibrant, these people did not think that Chen Mo did not even let it live, let the people who humiliate Chen Mo stand out to apologize.

"We didn't do something wrong, how do you apologize?"

"Yeah, we didn't do something wrong, don't need to apologize!"

Although these students in the class have already known that Chen Mo is not a thief, but they are still reluctant to stand out to God apologize.

"Don't apologize, then give these people to have a big big!"

Chen Mo did not mood with these people, and Chen said that he turned his head and said in Qianze Lin.


Qianze Lin didn't want to have a little bit.

"Chen Mo ..."

Before the joke, a girl who saw Chen Mo saw that I really had to give myself, I quickly stood up and shouted with Chen Mo.

"Are you alright?"

Chen Mo fell back.

"Don't remember it, don't you apologize to you?"

The girl bites his lips and shouted with low.


Chen Mo looked at the girl did not speak.

"Chen Mo, I'm sorry, I just shouldn't say you so much!" The girl walked to Chen Mile, whispered to Chen Mo.

"This person doesn't need to remember!"

Chen Mo saw that the girl has apologized to himself directly, rushing to Qianze Lin.


Qianzelin nodded again.

"I apologize ..."

"Chen Mo, I apologize!"

Although everyone is unwilling to give Chen Mo apologize, they are more reluctant to be a big pass because of this, so they stand out of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at these people to see the appearance of these people, and I couldn't help but feel a little fun.

"Chen Mo, I am sorry!"

"Chen Mo, I am sorry, I shouldn't be mistaken before!"

For a time, the apologized voice was endless.

Whether it is, how much to look down on Chen Mo, at this time, I stood out and took the initiative to give Chen Mo.

The expression on Chen Mo's face is calm and accepts the apology of these people.

Meng Liang looked at Chen Mo's position with Liu Rui.

Chen Mo has gone throughout for more than two years, and when these people humiliate bullied Chen Mo, Chen Mo has never refuted a sentence, only Meng Liang Liu Rui two will stand up to help Chen Mo said.

In the eyes of many people, Chen Mo, is a poor silk that can be bullied.

But today, Chen Mo is like a changing, he finally learned to counterattack others, but also all the humiliations received before, all returned.

Mingmei is also watching Chen Mo at this time, a pair of beauty is full, because she is really unclear, why did Chen Mo's super rich second generation hide their identity?

If you really show Chen Mo's identity, I am afraid it will scare all the students present.

The mood of Yanme is still calm, although she doesn't know Chen Mo's true identity, but she can understand these actions in Chen Mo today.

These students inside the class have always been because Chen Mo is very poor, and it will often humiliate Chen Mo, and these things are clear, but she can't change anything.

Today, Chen Mo finally found a chance to support himself, naturally, he would return his shame to him.

But everything is a normal person, you should do this.

Gaffeffi Li Kai Zhao Hongtao and others have a face, and several people have worked for so long, but they have never thought that it will eventually be such an ending.

Originally, several people wanted to let schools through this matter, but no one thought that, finally Chen Mo did not only be expelled, but almost let them be opened by school.

"What is the matter of this? Why is this money to help him?"

Gao Feifei is still a little unwilling, biting his dental expression and shouting.

Li Kai hit his head and saw Gao Feifei, at this time, he did not care about these things, because he has been worried that he will go to the school at the school, if he really gave Chen default, then he How can I stay in Nanyang University in the future?

A few minutes later.

Before, all those who humiliated Chen Mo took the initiative to showcase Chen Mo.

After hearing these people, Chen Mo did not respond at all, in fact, he made these people apologizes, not really want to retaliate, he just wants these people to understand a truth.

He is not so bullied.

"These people don't have to remember!"

Chen Mimei called the head and shouted with Qianze Lin, and then went to Li Kai Zhao Hong Tao in front of the two people. He said that there is no expression: "What are you still doing here? Don't hurry to the school gate ? "

"Chen Mo, can you change a place?"

Li Kai took the teeth and asked Chen Mail.


Chen Mo listened to Li Kai's sentence disdainful, and then said: "Do you think you have a capital of the conditions now?"


Li Kai was directly asked by Chen Mo.

"I don't have any mood to talk nonsense, still don't go?"

Chen Mo looked at Li Kai shouted.


Li Kai stood in place, hesitated for two seconds, and then rubbed his eyes.

Chen Mail listened to Li Kai, and didn't smile. "I thought you were very bone!"


Li Kai listened to Chen Mo's words to turn his eyes.

"Let's go!"

Chen Mo took directly to the outside of the classroom.

Li Kai stood in place for two seconds, and then biting his teeth and followed Chen Mo out of the classroom.

Zhao Hongtao turned his hand to see Liu Di, and she took a deep breath, and then kept with Chen Mo Likai.

At this time, students are still curious. Li Kai Zhao Hongtao will not really choose to give Chen Mo's admiration, so all is holding a lively mentality to leave the classroom.

Ten minutes later.

These students in the class came to the location of the Nanyang University.

Chen Mimi is calmly looked at the two of Zhao Hongtao.

"Let's kneel down, I have no mood to waste time with you!"

Chen Mo looked at these two people and said casually.

"Chen Mo, I didn't get into you wrong, but I have already known wrong now, I will apologize to you, can you give me a chance?"

Zhao Hongtao saw that many people were around them, and it seems that some changes have changed their minds, and they are really awkward.

"I am now letting you have a mistake, it is already giving you a chance!"

Chen Mo said faint.


Zhao Hongtao looked at Chen Mile for two seconds, then biting his teeth and low voice: "Chen Mo, you let me kneel, but can I change a place? Here people are too much, you will give I can't stay in the face? "

"Leave you to your face?"

Chen Mo heard that I couldn't help but smile, then shouted: "When you fell in the beginning, have you thinking about having to leave some faces?"



Chen Mo is rushing.

" !"

Zhao Hongtao may be scared by Chen Mo's momentum. The knee is slightly bent. It is really in front of Chen Mo's face.

Everyone saw Zhao Hongtao, after this, after Chen Mo's face, the expression on the face was shocked.

At this time, Zhao Hongtao did not have a shame that Chen Mo was cited.

At the beginning, even if Zhao Hongtao did not bully Chen Mo, he did not let Chen Mo gave him a knee!

But now Chen Mo actually let Zhao Hongtao are in front of themselves.

Those who stood on a lively student began to change, they realized this time, maybe Chen Mo, who is now, is not the original Chen Mo.

Chen Mo saw Zhao Hongtao went down, disdain smiled, then turned his head to Li Kai, said that he did not show: "He is all, do you still stand here?"


Li Kai is sluggish to look at Chen Mo's position, and his face is very entangled, because he knows that if you really kneel down today, there may be no way in this life in front of Chen Mo's face.

Li Kai is very unwilling!

I am not willing to lose in this person in Chen Mo.

"Li Kai, we will not be squatting today, I don't believe that Chen Mo can put you!"

Just when Li Kai hesitated, Gaffield suddenly rushed out of the crowd, and the expression was excited to rushing Li Kai.

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