I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1119: Transfer Problem

"How can I, last time I have been very interesting, so I will definitely give you this money, and in order to apologize, I am still going to ask you to eat meals, or two meet it!"

Chu is busy.


Chen Mo said some hesitated.

"How? My big beauty took the initiative to ask you to eat, do you still not give the face?"

Chu-blue feels that Chen Mo has hesitated and asked after a dissatisfaction.

"No no……"

Chen Merloo had returned to a sentence, then continue: "That place is to pay with time, I will go to you for a while ..."


Chu-blue saw Chen Mo's promised directly to hang up the phone.

After the call was hanged, the eyes flashed a different, because he always felt that Chu Blue this woman was very strange, but Chen Mo did not say that it was strange.

Chu Lan gives Chen Mo's feeling is not like an ordinary woman.

Just when Chen Mo was confused, he received a text message from Chu-blue, the top of the restaurant.

Chen Mo didn't think about what I thought, and I left my home after I greeted Yan Xia.

After more than an hour, Chen Mo came to the door of the Sichuan Restaurant.

The decoration in the restaurant is still good, although it is not very luxurious, but it feels very comfortable.

"Mr., hello, please ask you a few!"

The waiter took the initiative to come to Chen Mo's, and the laughing took the way.

"I am coming to find my friend!"

Chen Mo looked with him.

"Are you a friend of Miss Chu?"

The waiter asked.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Then you ask ..."

The waiter quickly took the initiative to give Chen Miman.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo's followed the waiter into a box.

At this time, Chu Lan is already waiting in the box. Today, the Chu Blue is wearing a white long skirt, and the black hair is disconnected on the shoulder, and the last time Chen Mo is simple and blue, this time Chu-blue looks very elegant atmosphere and also with a silky elevation.

"Mr. Chen, have you come over?"

Chu Lan saw Chen Mo and smiled in the future.

"Miss Chu, don't be a long shouting, Mr. Chen, call me Chen Mile!"

Chen Mo looked at the Chu blue.

"Well, then I will call you Chen Mo!"

Chu blue nodded, and then replaced Chen Mer sitting down.

Chen Mo sat opposite Chu, and Chu Lan did not talk to Chen Mo, but picked up the tea set in front of him began to set up.

Although Chen Mo is unless of this kind of tea, he will see Chu-blue to play with these tea sets, because Chu blue moves very beautiful, people look very comfortable.

Chen Mile can feel Chu Blue should be a person who really likes to drink tea.

"Chen Mo, do you usually drink tea?"

Chu Blue, I gave Chen Mima, and asked Chen Mail while loudly.

"Don't drink ..."

Chen Mo didn't want to swite directly and continue to say: "I think that tea is a taste, I don't like it ..."

Chu Lan heard this sentence faint smile and did not say much.

And Chen Mo took the tea cup directly to drink the tea inside.

"Tea is not so drink, you have to slowly grace the aroma in tea, if you drink, then what tea is a taste ..."

Chu Lan said with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hesitated, pick up the teacup, slowly in the Chu blue method.

"how do you feel?"

Chu-blue looked at Chen Miao.

"Still like that ..."

Chen Mo said helpless.

Chu Lan heard Chen Mo's rhetoric angle showed an unusual charming radians, and Chen Mo lost some gods.

Chu-blue smile is very clean, and very fascinating, Chen Mo feels that he has never seen such a clean smile.

After a few minutes, the waiter began to go to the dishes.

And Chu is chatted with Chen Mo's dinner.

Through the conversation, Chen Mo knows that Chu Lan is just five years old, but she went to the UK in Chu Bank, and then lived in the UK. I have just returned to China recently. As for some more detailed questions, Chen Mo did not ask, Chu is not said.

The food in the hotel is still very good, so Chen Mo's part is placed on the top of eating, and Chu Blue will take the initiative to talk about Chen Mail.

In short, this meal Chen Mo is still very happy.

"Chen Mo, you tell me your bank card number, I will give you money!"

Chu Lan saw that Chen Mo was almost the same, and he took the initiative to take out the mobile phone to give Chen Mo.

Chen Miman put down his chopsticks, then said softly: "In fact, I spent thousands of dollars. Today, you have already asked me to eat, I think this money is even more ..."


Chu Lan glanced at Chen Mo and then said: "Well, if you have anything else need to help you can contact me, as long as I can help you, I will help you!"

Chen Mo looked at Chu Lan helpless smile, and the heart secretly sighed his own things. It was not Chu. The woman can help, what is the most important thing to do now is to find the boss of Tianyun, but this is more than this There is no way, and Chu Lan is just a sea that has just returned to China. This kind of thing Chu is definitely helping.

Although I thought I thought in my heart, Chen Mo still nodded and agreed.

Chen Mo has left the hotel with Chu blue.

Chu Lan saw that Chen Mo was going to drive to send Chen Mo to go back, but he was rejected by Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo also found that the car opened today is a Ferrari is not the Lamborghini that day, so his heart is clear, the woman is really not simple, it should be a rich man.

At night.

Chen Mo returned home, then prepared to discuss the things of the Tianyun.

But I still don't wait for Chen Mima, and his mobile phone rang again.

This time, I called Chen Mo's call.

"Forest, what happened?"

Chen Mer was connected to the phone and asked softly.

"Chen Gongzi, I just received the news, the boss of Tianyun Club is ready to hold a seater at five o'clock tomorrow, and when she will announce the issue transferred by Tianyun!"

Lin Qingyue said seriously.

"It is going to announce tomorrow?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence and shocked it in the eyes.

"This is still unclear, maybe it is to talk about the transfer of Tianyunhui, or it may also be directly announced that Tianyun will transfer, now everything is unknown!"

Lin Qing is slowly said.

"Is the message accurate?"

Chen Mail asked.

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