I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 128: Are you a man?


"Shang ... go to bed?"

Chen Mo did not hear the words of Lin Qiuwei, and the expression on his face was shocked.

Just now, Chen Mo thought that Lin Qiushi took himself here because he knew his identity, he wanted to kidnger himself, but he did not think that Lin Qiushi actually intended to go to bed with himself.

"This woman is really a chance!"

Chen Mo sighed in the heart, then got it up and down.

At this time, Lin Qiu is wore a black sexy pajamas, the skin is white and tender, and the body is sexy. A delicate melon face can't find any shortcomings, and there is also a unique charm of a burst of mature women.

Such sexy royal sister actively puts forward the requirements of bed, and it is estimated that all normal men should not refuse.

But Chen Mo's face is very entangled, because he doesn't know what the woman is going to do.

"What are you doing here? Don't you take off your clothes?"

On the side of Lin Qiushi, I reached out and wanted to take off the pajamas on my body.

Chen Mo saw Lin Qiushi to take off her clothes, even quickly stopped Lin Qiu Water, then said helplessly rushing to Lin Qiuwei: "Qiu Shujun, I ... I am not the casual man you imagined, you have this Demand, you ... you still find someone ... "

"Don't I be beautiful enough? I am going to bed with me."

Lin Qiushui did not think that Chen Mo will reject himself, and the tone is a little dissatisfied with Chen Mo.

"Qiushu Sister, you are very beautiful, don't be wronged with you, I can't help you, and I don't know why I have to go to bed at all now!"

Chen Mimi said with a collapse.

"Why is it going to bed with me?"

Lin Qiushu heard Chen Mo, then reached out his own fiber, the cash of the tea, said: "Chen Mo, this is 100,000 yuan, as long as you go to bed today, this 100,000 yuan is Your, if you can make me get pregnant, I will give you more than 100,000, now you understand why I have to go to bed with me? "

"Do you want to go to bed with me?"

Chen Mo seems to have some understanding of Lin Qiushui.

"Yes, I just want to have a child!"

Lin Qiusi nodded lightly.

A child with Chen Momo, this is the plan of Lin Qiushi thought.

Because Lin Qiushui is relatively large, her parents have always arranged a blind date, but Lin Qiushui this woman itself has a clean, there is no way to endure those men, and have never met she really likes. Man.

Today, Lin Qiushu parents have already got the last pass. If they are not engaged, they will return to the bar of Lin Qiushui.

Opening a bar is the biggest dream of Lin Qiushui. She is not willing to be hit by such a bar, so she thought of this two full beauty.

As long as she can have a child with Chen Mom, no one is willing to marry her, and her parents can't continue her marriage.

Anyway, Lin Qiushu has been a single life plan, and it is possible to have a child to satisfy her wish as a mother.

"Do you want to have a child with me?"

Chen Mo looked at Lin Qiushui in front of himself, and the expression was very helpless.

Because Chen Mo felt that he had encountered it in this time, it was too much, first, I was inexplicably inherited a lot of legacy, and then more unmarried wife.

Just come to the bar to make a worker, the female boss actually has to hidden rules, let himself help him have a child, this is what is!

"Chen Mo, I have learned your situation before, your parents have passed the world, if you now go to bed and have a child, you can get 200,000, if you think twenty If you don't have a little more, I can give you more ... "Lin Qiuwei said that Chen Mo said.

"No, autumn water sister, why do you want to have children with me?"

Chen Mimi is very unexpected to rush to Lin Qiushui.

"What do you do so? I will give you money, you will sleep with me!"

Lin Qiushu shouted his little mouth.

"That's not, I am not so casual, you must tell me about this matter today, if I think you really need my help, I see it in your body, so beautiful, say If you will pay attention to your requirements, or I will never go to bed with you! "

Chen Mo is now in a very curious forest autumn water why it is necessary, after all, Lin Qiu is good, the figure is ok, if it is a missing man, she can find better than Chen Mo.


Lin Qiushu saw Chen Mo's attitude so firmly, hesitated for two seconds, and then told Chen Mo's plan before thinking.

After knowing it, Chen Mo was shocked, because he did not think that Lin Qiushu was actually in order to avoid marriage, so I thought this approach.

Previously, Chen Mo listened to Lin Qiushui and called her mother, so I confirmed that Lin Qiushui should not lie to him.

"Qiushu, you want to find a child, you can find a better than me, why do you want to choose me? Let's not be familiar with ..." Chen Mo hesitated, rush to Lin Qiushui Tao.

"Because you are poor ..."

Lin Qiushui returned to a sentence.


After listening to Lin Qiu Water, Chen Mo was directly in the original place, and the expression on his face was helpless, because he did not think that Lin Qiushui chose his own reason, it would be so simple.

In fact, why Lin Qiushi chooses Chen Mo, it is not because of Chen Mo.

First, Lin Qiushui's impression of Chen Mo is also good. Chen Mo can still, plus it seems to be a lot more than a lot of men, and there is also the most important point, that is, Chen Mo looks more practical, and very Lack.

Lin Qiushu feels that Chen Mo can only need to get money, but if it is replaced with other men, when it will have feelings to himself, use the child to take it to himself, it is simply after suffering.

Therefore, the poor silk Chen Mo, which is the old, is the best candidate in Lin Qiushui.

Chen Mai got his most lack of money from Lin Qiushui, and Lin Qiushui was directly cut with Chen Mo, and there was no harm to two people.

"What, Qiushujie, now medical technology so developed, you can have a child without a man!" Chen Mo said in Lin Qiuwei.

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Qiu's surface has no expression.

"Yes, this thing!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"I have learned this online, but this thing is not as simple as you think, you need to make a medical examination to make a series of procedures, the most important thing is that I can't take out the reason I want to have children. People's hospitals are simply impossible to do this, even if it is done, the fastest is half a year, my parents have to be engaged in two days, I can't wait at that time. "

Lin Qiushu looked at Chen Mile to stop, then continue: "And I always think I don't know who is some strange, I don't have a way to accept this kind of thing!"

"It turned out to be this!"

Chen Mo looked at Lin Qiushi and nodded.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry to take your clothes to go to bed!"

On the side of Lin Qiushi, I immediately took off my pajamas on my body.

After taking off the pajamas, Lin Qiuwu perfect body was exposed to Chen Mo's sight.

Chen Mer is a dumbfounded.

"Sister Qiu Water, I think I still can't help you, or you still ask someone else!"

Chen Mo saw Lin Qiushui is really going to go to bed, it is completely standing for the instinct, and the expression is helpless.

"Are you discarding me?"

Lin Qiushu asked Chen Mo's expression.

"This is not a problem!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

Although Lin Qiushu is really attractive, Chen Mo does not want to have a relationship with Lin Qiushui, but also have a child, so Chen Mo turns to leave.

"Since it is not a problem, what is the problem? Chen Mo, is you a problem? Do you not do it?"

Lin Qiushui really can't understand that he is not right. According to the reason, Chen Mo is so poor, I have given Chen Mo so much money, and her own is not ugly, the body is not bad, Chen Mo's poor silk does not have a reason Reject yourself!

Don't you do it?

After listening to Lin Qiu Water, Chen Mo was directly stunned, he felt very challenged as a man's dignity.

"I am very healthy, my body doesn't have any problems!"

Chen Mimo shouted in Lin Qiushui.

"Since you are very healthy, why don't you sleep in the door? You must have any questions, you are not a man ..." Lin Qiushui sat on the sofa and put a very awkward posture, tone I disdainfully rushed to Chen Mima.


Chen Mai stands in place in place for two seconds, and then go directly to the position of Lin Qiushui directly.

"I will let you see if I am not a man."

Chen Mo smashed, and then reached out and took it directly to Lin Qiushui in underwear, turned to the bedroom.


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