I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,3004: Huangshan Road

Because Chen Mo only knows that Shen Lingdi is doing business, he doesn't know that Shen Lingdi's has such a big energy!

Once Chen Mo wants to be able to persuade Shen Lingdi's, then the effect is definitely very good.

"Thank you for your news!"

Chen Miman is excited, then run into his room.

After entering the room, Chen Mail intends to give Shen Lingdi to make a call.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, Ren Bin turned on the phone.

"Chen Mo's big brother, what are you doing in this time? How did you have never come to school?"

Ren Bin shouted his voice.

"What, I have been busy with your stay in this time, I will explain it with you, I ask you, do you know that I don't know the phone of Shen Lingdi?"

Chen Mo did not feel too much to say too much, asked directly.

"Yes, do you find a squad leader?"

Ren Bin replied.

"You give me a call, I have something to say to her!"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.

"OK, wait, I will find it!"

Ren Bin returned to a sentence, then found the phone of Shen Shan Die to tell Chen Mo.

Chen Mo knew the call of Shen Lingdi and dialed it directly.

However, the phone rang for a long time, no one was connected. Chen Mo looked at time and found that now at 7 minutes later, Shen Ling Butille can't sleep so early, so Chen Mo is played again.

When I gave up in Chen Mai, the phone was finally connected.

"Hello, who are you?"

Shen Lingdi's voice is very noisy, the noise is also very large, giving people feel like it is in the nightclub, but he can't hear the music.

"Shen Lingdi, I am Chen Mo, I am looking for something ..."

Chen Mo said helpless.

"what did you say?"

Shen Lingdi highly asked.

"I said that I am Chen Mo, I am looking for you!"

Chen Mo has repeatedly repeated.

"You are Chen Mo, how do you think of calling me?"

Shen Lingdi shouted.

"You are too quarrel there, where are you? I am going to find you ..."

Chen Mo felt that these things were well said.

"Yes, you come to Huangshan Road to find me here!"

Shen Lingdi returned to a word, and then hanged the phone.

"Huangshan Road?"

Chen Mo heard the name of this place, and there was a lot of ideas, but there were not many things, wearing a clothes and walked out of the room.

"Do you want to go out?"

Yan Merk saw Chen Mo and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I will go to see this thing with Shen Lingdi!"

Chen Mo has returned to a sentence, and then he walked out of the house.

Yan Mo's back of Chen Mo did not help but hurt, whispered: "I didn't expect to do things so fast ..."


On the other hand, Chen Mo has stopped a taxi directly after leaving home, and then told the taxi driver to go to Huangshan Road.

When the taxi driver heard the name, I couldn't help but say anything more, quietly opened the car.

Chen Mo looked at the scenery outside the window, thinking about how to say that you should see it with Shen Lingdi.

However, after half an hour, Chen Mo suddenly realized that the problem was somewhat incomprehensible, because the taxi had already opened to the top of the mountain.

"Master, is we going to Huangshan Road?"

Chen Mo is aware of the driver of the taxi.

"Yes, are you not going to Huangshan Road? This is the way to go to Huangshan Road ..."

The taxi driver said faintly.

"We don't seem to go to the mountain now?"

Chen Mo has some speechless.

"You see your child, Huangshan Road, Huangshan Road, it must be in the mountain ..."

The taxi driver smiled, and then continued: "Two are men, I can't think about you, I don't want to be so far!"


Chen Mo hesitated and took out his mobile phone to open a map. He found that Huangshan Road, San Lingdi said, is indeed in the mountain, and the taxi driver does not have a pass.

However, Chen Mo has some curious satellite, a girl who is a girl who ran to the mountain, and when he called, Chen Mo felt that Shen Lingdi was very chaotic. It was not like in the mountain. Chen Mo suspected that it was wrong. Therefore, he once again dialed the phone of Shen Lingdi.

But this time is not connected.


Chen Mo looked at his mobile phone for two seconds, and then rushed to the taxi driver: "Master, what is this Huangshan Road?"

"This Huangshan Road is still very famous in Behang City, are you the first time?"

The taxi driver turned his head and saw Chen Mo and asked softly.

"It is the first time!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"When you look at you, you will go to Huangshan Road. It is the rich second generation of the opening car. How can someone take a taxi? Huangshan Road is the holy place in Beihang City, there will be a lot 1 to Friday. The second generation has passed the car! "

The taxi driver explains one side.


Chen Mo suddenly stunned in the moment after hearing this sentence, and his face was very surprised.

"Is Shen Lingdi actually go to the car?"

Chen Sime flashed a very bold idea.

After all, Shen Lingdi said that he was in Huangshan Road, and it was really noisy on the side of Shenling, but it was really in the truck. Everything can be explained.

But in Chen Mo's impression, Shen Lingdi's girl is very quiet, and always wants to go to the entertainment circle in the future, how can it be like this kind of hobby?

"Little brother, let's go to the place!"

When Chen Mo was confused, the taxi driver turned his head and shouted with Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded and then took out the fare to handed a taxi driver.

"Little brother, there is a railing in front, I can't go, only the sports car can go in, you will go in the past!"

The taxi driver passed the fare, and said softly to Chen Mo.

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo nodded and then took the steps directly.

Chen Mo's car got almost ten minutes, suddenly saw a large group of people together, there were no number of sports cars parked quietly on the side of the road. These sports cars will come out, one may be worth 10 million. Existent, the deafening roar makes some dizziness.

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