I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,366: More than one?

After all, Chen Mo's age is a bit too small, and it seems very common, it is not like a rumor.

"After a while, I plan to get a opening ceremony. I heard that you are a deputy governor Zhao Xi Cheng, can you help me think about it, please come over?"

Chen Mo looked at Shen Lingdi asked.

"This one……"

Shen Lingdi's eyes flashed a helpless, then turned to see Zhao Yuyu, whispered: "I think you still make my cousin help more reliable ..."

"Let your cousin help?"

Chen Mimo watched Zhao Yuyu, and the eyes flashed.

"Yes, I am a sister is my daughter!"

Shen Lingdi helpless.


Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yuyu directly, because he did not think that Zhao Yuyu actually was a daughter of Zhaoxi.


Zhao Yuyu has some speechless to ask Chen Mail.

"Not like, I am just not to think about it ..."

Chen Mo realized that he had a little excited, so quickly explained a sentence.

"I have heard it with Xiao Die's words, are you going to make my father to participate in your clock?"

Zhao Yuyu asked Chen Mail.


Chen Merloo is busy nod.

"Then I advise you to give up this idea, my father will not participate in the opening ceremony of this entertainment place ..."

Zhao Yuyu said directly.

"Then there is no other way? As long as you can let your father participate in my opening ceremony, I can promise anything ..."

Chen Mail asked.

"What can I do, my father doesn't participate, I don't want to participate. No matter what kind of person, please don't move my father, even if I help you talk, I don't like others to intervene. Things, so you still have to waste time on my father, you can find another way or ask other people asking ... "

Zhao Yuyu helidly rushed from Chen Mo.

"This one……"

Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yuyu, I don't know how it should be good.

He did not think that Zhao Yu's attitude would be so resolute.

"Zhao Da Beauty, I haven't seen you for a long time, I heard that you have won a few more times!"

Just when Chen Mo is ready to continue talking, a voice rang.

Chen Mer's consciousness looked at an eye, found that a yellow hair youth rushed to Zhao Yuyu, and the youth followed by a large group of people.

"Xie Yu, I will win if I don't win, I don't seem to have anything."

Zhao Yuyu turned his head to see Huang Haoying Xie Yu, said.

"Zhao Damei, don't be so excited, I will come over, I want to ask, you dare to be more than me ..."

Xie Yu's eyes were wretched, and Zhao Yuyu and asked softly.

"Are you more than me?"

Zhao Yuyu heard the words of Xie Yu, I couldn't help but a smile, and then said: "Have you run me?"

"Running, we have to try it, do it!"

Xie Yu said with a smile.

"I have no mood to waste time with you, what should you do?"

Zhao Yuyu hesitated and said with his mouth.

"One tens of thousands, do you dare to bet?"

Xie Yu asked directly from Zhao Yuyu.

"what did you say?"

Zhao Yuyu heard the words of Xie Yu, and his face was very incredible.

To know that this Xie Yu's car skill can only be described in general. It is not a opponent of Zhao Yuyu, but at this time, Xie Yu is intended to play with Zhao Yuyu tens of thousands. Is this not a money?

"Zhao Damei, if you don't dare to gamble, I will say it directly, I will go to find another person!"

Xie Yu said with Zhao Yuyu.

"Xie Yu, are you sure that I will gambled for 10 million?"

Zhao Wei asked Xie Yu, no expression.

"I certainly sure!"

Xie Yu nodded.

"OK, then I will gamble today!"

Zhao Yuyu did not have any nonsense, directly grabbed the car key from Chen Mai, and then rushed to Xie Yu: "Get a car!"

"Zhao Damei, what are you anxious, my people have not come over, you are waiting a moment!"

Xie Yu said on one side.

"Your person has not come over?"

Zhao Yuyu didn't stand it directly after hearing this sentence, and his face was very surprised.

And Chen Mo's heart is clear that Zhao Yu Yu is obviously in the heart.

"Yeah, my people will arrive!"

Xie Yu nodded lightly.

"Isn't you comparing me?"

Zhao Yuyu frowned and asked.

"Of course, I haven't said that I have to drive with you. I will say that I will bet with you, I will find someone to replace my car ...",

Xie Yu smiled and returned to Zhao Yuyu.

"How can you look like this? Do you not show anything?"

Shen Lingdi seems to be some can't see, and the tone is very excited to rushing to Xie Yu.


Xie Yu smiled, then got up and down, I didn't understand Shen Lingdi. "Little girl, do you not understand the rules of our side? We are allowed to be replaced by people, you are not convinced You can also find someone else to play, but I have no violation of the rules, I don't believe you can ask people! "

"Yes, Xie Gongzi said right!"

"We really can replace it!"

"I don't know why Xie Gongzi has found out this time, I am still a little curious ..."

Because Zhao Yu is still very low, no one knows how terroid relationship behind Zhao Yuyu. At this time, these people are naturally talking to Xie Yu.

Zhao Yuyu looked at Xie Yu with his big eyes, his face was anger, but she was also helpless, because she knew that Xie Yu did nothing.

"Cameard, what to do!"

Shen Lingdi asked Zhao Yuyu with anxious.

"Look at Xie Yu this is what people are saying!"

Zhao Yuyu is still very confident about his car skills, so she is still calm, and there is nothing to say.

And Xie Yu is a proud look at Zhao Yu Yu. He thinks that this win money is a bit too easy.

After a few minutes, a roaring engine sounded.

Everyone turned his head after hearing the sound, and a black Bugati Wilong slowly opened.

After heard the words of Xie Yu and Zhao Yu Yu, Chen Miu was very clear in the heart.

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