I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1133: Don't say it!

If Chen Mo has not been extortion today, Zhao Yuyu's impression of Chen Mo is still very nice, but after the experience, Zhao Yuyu has an unlimited resentment for Chen Mo.

Wang Zifei's luck is not as good as Chen Mo. The last path did not give prince to the prince to fly any opportunity.

After a few seconds, Chen Mo finally saw the sign of the end.

Chen Mo took a breath and then stepped on the throttle.

The car rushed to the past in front of an incomparably horrible speed.

Zhao Yu Yu was scared by the speed of the car. The fear of the expression on the face, shouting whispered: "We have won, what do you still do so?"


At this time, Chen Mo took directly to the brakes.

There is no flow of flowers without drift, just a very simple car, the car stopped in the end of the end after sliding a few meters.

After a few seconds, the prince flew the car chasing.

Although only a gap between a few seconds, prince flew, and the loser was very thorough, and the heart of the loser was orally.

After the car stopped, Zhao Yujian sat in the same place, did not say a word.

"What happened?"

Chen Mimo watched Zhao Yuyu and asked in confusion.


Zhao Yuyu said that he had to speak, suddenly pushed the door, and then started to return to the pain, and his face was abnormally painful.

Chen Mo saw Zhao Yuyu, after the eyes, the eyes flashed a helpless, whispered: "The car will happen to hare?"

Original Chen Mo is intended to comfort Zhao Yuyu, but Prince flying, she took the woman, and then took the initial hand to say: "You win!"

"you're good!"

Chen Mo flew her hands with prince and laughed back.

Have to say, Prince's mentality is still very good, if the same situation is replaced by others, it is estimated that you can't say it early, and it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to talk to Chen Mo.

However, Prince fate actively, I can still take the initiative to congratulate Chen Mo. From this point, he can see that he is discouraged today, but more let him recognize his shortcomings.

In general, such an opponent is often the most terrible opponent.

"I have participated in a lot of car games, but I have never seen you like this, you are the biggest crazy brake hand I have ever seen, and your technology makes me feel very incredible, your body There are many places to be worth learning ... "

Prince said that Chen Mo said very seriously.

Chen Mo listened to the sentence of prince, couldn't help but smile, and then whispered: "You are very powerful, I think you may have a big thing in the future!"

"Are you a professional racer?"

Prince flew asked Chen Mail.

"No ..."

Chen Mer shakes his head.

The woman in Prince said that she couldn't help but smile after heard this sentence, then whispered: "It seems really a master!"

"I can't be a master!"

Chen Mo said back to a sentence, then got it up and down.

Prince flying this person and humble, but the heart is very crazy, and this woman is gentle as soon as the water.

The character of the two can be considered by the water, but it can play a complementary effect. When the prince flew, someone made him calm down, so these two people can be considered a perfect match.

"No matter what, I am lost today, and I lost my heart, I will go down now!"

Prince flew lightly in Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded.

Prince flew with a woman's top, and Chen Mo took a bottle of mineral water to Zhao Yuyu, and smiled and said: "Drink water!"

Zhao Yuyu turned his head to see Chen Mo and then reached out of the water.

Chen Mo knows that he is there. Zhao Yuyu will be embarrassed, so he returns to the car waiting.

After a few minutes, Zhao Yuyu finally returned to the car.

Chen Mimo watched Zhao Yuyu, then smiled and said: "I think you are not suitable for car, how can I play this way?"


Zhao Yuyu heard the words of Chen Mo's eyes, the eyes flashed, the instinct would refute it, but she didn't have the strength, so she could only shouted: "You are still too embarrassed to talk? Just now What is so happy? Although I like to brain, I don't like to play, I have already won, if you can't stop the car, let's die, you don't know? "

"It's a life with this master, if you don't have a life of life, then don't go!"

Chen Mo said very calm.

Zhao Yuyu couldn't help but heard Chen Mo, then wrinkled with Chen Mail: "Do you really have no car before?"


Chen Mer shook his head.

"But I think your technology is very delicate, or how do I accept you? I teach you a car ..."

Zhao Yuyu smiled in Chen Mail.

"Big sister, your technology also wants to teach me to hurry? I teach you that you are still almost ..."

Chen Mo is often helpless.

"That's okay, you teach me a car!"

Zhao Yuyu blinds and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Zhao Yuyu, I couldn't help but laugh. Now I understand that Zhao Yuyu is going to worship himself.

"Do you want me to teach you?"

Chen Mo asked Zhao Yuyu.

"Yes, Miss this is going to be wronged today, let you teach me!"

Zhao Yuyu nodded.

And Chen Mima thought softly: "This way, you will take my things first, as long as you do my things well, I will accept you as a disciple!"

"Is it necessary?"

Zhao Yuyu shouted.

"Of course……"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

And Zhao Yuyu hesitated and whispered: "I still have a request ..."

"any request?"

Chen Mail asked.

"I can't tell anyone else, I can't tell anyone!"

Zhao Yuyu said very seriously.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence faint smile, then nodded: "Well, you can rest assured, I don't say it!"


Zhao Yuyu saw that Chen Mo was obviously rest assured, and then closed his eyes closed.

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