I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,17: Do you know Chen Mo?


Zhao Yuyu took a deep breath, then said softly: "Dad, in fact, the boss of this Tianyun will be my friend, he is still very good with my relationship ..."

Zhao Yuyu did not speak too clearly, but said it is very euphemistic.

However, in fact, Zhao Yuyu's meaning has not been obvious. She is telling Zhao Xi Cheng, the boss of this club is my friend, can you have to participate in this opening ceremony.

Zhao Xi Cheng is also very intelligent, heard Zhao Yu Yu's meaning, then smiled and said: "I understand how this is something ..."

"Dad, what do you understand?"

Zhao Yuyu asked with a smile.

"You have made so many dishes today, but also give me a drink. In fact, don't you want me to agree to you to participate in the opening ceremony of the Tianyun Club? I said there should be no problem?"

Zhao Xi became faint.

"Dad, if you understand this, it is also possible ..."

Zhao Yuyu smiled very embarrassing, then continued: "Dad, I am still quite good to with this person, if you have time, go to it, okay? After all, I have promised it, you want If you don't go, I am a bit too shameful ... "

"I haven't agreed, you have promised people? So what do I do if you don't promise you?"

Zhao Xi became a question of Zhao Yue asked.

"Dad, you are so good to me, I have to refuse this small requirement? For so many years, I seem to have never come to do anything?"

Zhao Yuyu said very poor.

And Zhao Xi Cheng did down and down, and then whispered: "Yu Yu, not participating in things, let's not talk, I have a very curious ..."

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Yuyu asked with a gap.

"Yes, you have just said it, so many years have never come for me, and you are also very clear about your character, but if you have such business activities, I will not take it. So why is you still promised? You should know this thing in your heart. "

Zhao Xi became very calmly rushed to Zhao Yuyu.

Zhao Yuyu heard a sigh of breath after heard about Zhao Xi Cheng, then whispered: "Dad, my heart is clearly clear, normal situation, you will definitely don't agree, but this time is really different ... "

"Why isn't you talk to me!"

Zhao Xi asked.

"Because I owe this person a human condition, I really don't know where to help him. He took the initiative to find me, I want to take this opportunity to change this person ..."

Zhao Yuyu said very helplessly.

"Who is your friend? Is it a woman?"

Zhao Xi felt that Zhao Yuyu is indeed uncomfortable today, so I asked with brows.

"It's not a woman, it is a man ..."

Zhao Yuyu said hello.

"the man?"

The expression on the face of Zhao Xi seems to be more shocking, because he is very familiar with Zhao Yuyu's character, so many years, Zhao Yuyu is still very obsolete, and there is no boyfriend, but this is no boyfriend. Once, I will see yourself because of an opposite sex, then this is absolutely not simple!

"Yu Yu, you told me, what is your relationship with this person?"

Zhao Xi wrinkled frown.

"We are friends' relationship!"

Zhao Yuyu said quickly.


Zhao Xi Cheng shook his head directly.

"How can I not be possible?"

Zhao Yuzhen shouted with the Water's big eyes and then continued: "We are really an ordinary friend relationship, I can swear ..."

"If you have a vow, you are very clear. I am very clear about how many years have you found me for so many years, and if you have anything, you haven't found it, you now actually because of an ordinary friend Looking for me, do you think I will believe? "

Zhao Xi said directly.

Zhao Yuyu's beauty flashed a helpless, then whispered: "Dad, I have already said, I owe this people, you must go!"

"Your human feelings go back, I won't go, don't you persuade me!"

Zhao Xi refused.

"Dad, I am so big, don't you do this?"

Zhao Yuyu shouted with some angry.

"No ..."

Zhao Xi shook again.

"OK, if you don't help me, I will go, I will attend your daughter's identity, and the anti-effect is almost ..."

Zhao Yuyu saw soft can't be hard.

"Yu Yu, what is your friend? Do you have any handle in the hands of people?"

Zhao Xi can feel very obvious that his daughter is not angry, so he is very worried that Zhao Yuyu is threatened, so it will look like this.

After all, Zhao Xi came to this position, and he will definitely be full of a variety of threats. He has already used it for these means, plus he is very clean, and it will not let people catch the handle, but My daughter is different.

Coupled with the people in the club itself is mixed, even if it makes some confessed, it is very normal.

"How can I have a handle?"

Zhao Yuyu helped back to a sentence, then continue: "Now I know that I am a very little person in your daughter. I will not have someone to threaten me!"

Zhao Xi Cheng has always let Zhao Yuyu concealed her identity. The reason is to worry that Zhao Yuyu is used by people, so in addition to relatives, even if Zhao Yuyu's best friend doesn't know Zhao Yuyu.

"What is this?"

Zhao Xi wrinkled with brow and asked very confused.

"Dad, my friend is Chen Mo ..."

Zhao Yuyu said to explain.

"What do you say? What is your friend?"

Zhao Xi became the expression on his face after heard Zhao Yuyu, and his eyes were very excited to shout.

"My friend is called Chen Mo, Dad, do you know this person?"

Zhao Yuyu stunned, and asked in a doubt.


"It is not known to know, but I have heard of this Chen Mo. He is the Nanyang City people right?"

Zhao Xi has an expression that has no expression.

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