I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,321: Playing a person?

"So you are still going to refuse now?"

Chen Mo looked at Joe Sakura.

"Yes, I still will not help you participate in the cut color!"

Qiao Ying said directly.

Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakuo directly stunned, and his face was abnormal.

"I am not familiar with you, even if you are Chen Gongzi, there is no relationship with me, and it is not to attend such an event, so all the big bosses will be invited to me to participate in the cut color, I will not break This rule, you still go to others, I will definitely not promise you! "

Qiao Sakura said very seriously.


Chen Mo looked at the god of Joe, because Chen Mile originally thought that as long as she looked out, then Joe Sakura definitely could not refuse myself.

But Chen Mo has a little underestimated Qiao Sakura.

Qiao Sakura is still very resolute.

"I have changed, you have any conditions, you can say it directly, I tried to satisfy you, as long as you come to my opening ceremony!"

Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakura.

Qiao Saki heard this sentence is very disdain, faint: "You are Chen Gongzi, Nanyang City, but I really don't know what can you get on you. If you give me money, I am making money now. A lot, I spent me, so I am not interested, I don't seem to be missing, I don't seem to have this qualification, so I don't participate in your opening ceremony, I don't understand what I mean. ?"

Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakura, and the expression on his face helplessly said: "Miss Joe, you don't have a way to help you?"

"Yes, I am so confident!"

Qiao Sakuo nodded directly from Chen Mo.

"You must not be lacking, this is clear, the famous arrogance is not to say, after all, you are the most red female star, as for men, definitely I can't reach me, you are talking about it. of……"

Chen Mile stopped, then continue: "But Miss Joe, everyone in this world is mortal, and mortal avoids all kinds of such problems, simply say, I don't believe you don't have any troubles. , I don't believe that you are now nothing, but you can't do it ... "

"Can you do something you can't do?"

Joe cherished his mouth asked Chen Mail.

"Yes, as long as you can promise me to participate in the opening ceremony, you will try our best, no matter what is not illegal!"

Chen Mimi said very seriously.

And Qiao Saki heard this sentence, I couldn't help my mouth, and then said softly: "Do you think you are an goddess? What else can be done!"

"You can talk about it!"

Chen Mo said.

"I want the stars now, can you pick me up?"

Joe asked the little mouth.

Chen Mo looked at the Qiao Sakura in front of him. Some time, some don't know how it should be good.

"If you can't do this, you can also choose to resurrect my grandfather. These two things you look at yourself!"

Qiao Sakura said disdain.

"Miss Joe, I think you have not seriously chatted with me, I am sincerely and sincerely, but you don't, this way, my opening ceremony has a few days, you can consider it. If you change your idea, let me contact me! "

Chen Mo slowly stood up, then went to the front of Qiao Sakuo, whispered: "I don't believe you really don't worry, you can't lie to me ..."

Qiao Saki looked at Chen Mo took a breath. She just said with Chen Mo is indeed some ingredients, because she has always been angry with Chen Mile to refuse his things.

But Qiao Sakuo really doesn't have any troubles?

the answer is negative!

The family of Joe Sakura is very superior. Even if Qiao Sakura is not very star, the money in her home is enough for her life, and I don't have to worry for a lifetime.

And she is very rich now, and she is also very famous, so she doesn't miss anything.

But she also has her own troubles.

"You wait!"

When I was going out of the room in Chen Mai, Joe Sakura suddenly shouted.

Chen Mo was slowly stopped, and then laughed and asked Qiao Sakura: "Miss Joe, is you changed?"

"What do you say if you say something?"

Qiao Sakura looked at Chen Mail.

"As long as it is not picking stars, there is also a resurrection, your grandfather is some of the illegal things, there is nothing else, I will try my best to help you!"

Chen Mo said firmly.


Qiao Sakuo hit Chen Mo, the expression on the face seems to be a little hesitant, because she doesn't know that she should not tell her trouble.

After all, Qiao Sakura really tried his own, and that, Chen Mo told reporters, I would like to be trouble.

But Qiao Sakura also thinks that since Chen Mo is Chen Gongzi, Nanyang City, it should not make such a shameless thing.

"Miss Joe, you don't have to worry, I just want you to participate in my opening ceremony, I don't have other ideas ..."

Chen Mo seems to see that Qiao Sakura is hesitant, so it takes the initiative.

"I am worried that I can't do what you do!"

Qiao Sakura said with Chen Mo.

"You can say what is going on ..."

Chen Mo said helpless.

In fact, Chen Mo's idea is still very simple. He doesn't know what Qiao Sakuo is ready to make him do, but Chen Mo has already thought about it. After what is something, I will try my best, but if I can't do it, Chen Mo can only think about something else.

Anyway, now I am most important for Chen Mile, or I'm going to participate in the opening ceremony.

"I really have an annoying thing now. If you can help me solve it, I will go to your opening ceremony, you can't solve it, then it is ..."

Qiao Sakura said with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the god of Joe, because he didn't think that Qiao Sakura was going to make this one, but he had said that this is, Chen Mo can only work hard. : "Big sister, what do you want to do?"

"I want you to make me a person!"

Qiao Sakura said seriously.

"Playing a person?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, it was straightforward, and the eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Help you hit a person?"

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