I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,326: How many more than half a year?

And Chen Mo's attitude is very indifferent. After all, they don't know, Chen Mo's beauty is too much too much. If such goods, Chen Mo will not see it, even if Qiao Sakura, I have no anything. Interest, let alone?

Just when Chen Mo was rounded by these beautiful women, there was a footsteps again at the door, and a young woman wearing a white suit and smiled came in.

The young people of youth are indeed very handsome, and the temperament on the body is also extracted, and it should be professional training.

Because Chen Mo has found this person's information, Chen Mo looks out that this person is the target of today's goal!

After Duan Chenjie played, almost everyone put the attention on Duan Mart.

Although Duan Chenjie is not a big red star in the entertainment circle, but because of the terrorism of Duan Chenjie, these little stars still want to do every way to go to Duan Chenjie.

"Duan Gongzi, have you come over?"

"Duan Gongzi, we are waiting for you for a long time, you can come over ..."

In an instant, almost everyone stood up and took the initiative to hear it with Duan Chenjie.

Especially those female stars, see Duan Chenjie directly gave up Chen Mo.

After all, Chen Mo is now with Qiao Sakura. They want to hook the probability of Chen Mo, but Duan Chenjie is different, Duan Chenjie is very good, and this matter is also famous in the entertainment circle. Basically, as long as it is able to accompany the morning to sleep, then in the entertainment circle will change smoothly.

Duan Chenjie couldn't let himself fire, but there is a way to let others fire.

This is why those female stars have such enthusiasm for Duan Chenjie.

Although Duan Chenjie is a good color, the brain is very awake.

He is just playing with the female stars in the entertainment circle. There is no too much idea at all. If you really get married, he will still choose a woman who is right with him.

Qiao Sakura is the most suitable choice of Duan Chenjie.

The conditions of Qiao Sakura are very good. Whether it is a matter of relationship or economic strength, plus the Qiao family in Qiao Sakuo is also a world, if Duan Chenjie can be with Qiao Sakuo, then For Duan Chenjie, there is still a very good help, so Duan Chenjie began to pursue Qiao Sakura, but Joe Sakura is not interested in himself.

Even so, Duan Chenjie still did not choose to give up, but continued to die, and also cleared all the obstacles in front of themselves.

To put it bluntly, Duan Chen Jie felt that Qiao Sakura will definitely with himself, because Qiao Sakura has no other choice.

Duan Chenjie's relationship with Xue Yuqi is only a general, but Xue Yuqi has no big background, and I don't dare to go to Duan Chenjie. Today's birthday party is naturally invited to Duan Chenjie.

Duan Chenjie knows that Joe Sakura will also come to participate in this birthday party, so he deliberately rushed.

Duan Chenjie simplely followed those stars, and then started to find Qiao Sakura.

After a moment, Duan Marter finally saw Qiao Sakuo, who is chatting with Chen Sile.

Duan Chen Jiexing has gone through the past, and Qiao Saki naturally noticed Duan Chenjie, so she made a move that Chen Mo didn't think.

Qiao Sakuo took the initiative in the arms of Chen Mo, and then called Chen Mo's hand on his shoulder, and continued to laugh with Chen Mo.

Chen Mima can stand up, but he also knows that it should be the death of Duan Chenjie, so Joe Sakura will be like this, so Chen Mo did not say anything.

Duan Chenjie in not far saw this after seeing this scene, he was in the original place. He looked at Chen Mo Qi Sakura. At this time, his eyes were like a husband who just came back to see his wife. Man lying on the bed.

Duan Chenjie's eyes were filled with fierce and angry!

"Duan Gongzi, that person is a boyfriend of Joe Sakura ..."

A male star has a good relationship with Duan Chenjie, so it takes the initiative.

"Joe Sakura Birder?"

Duan Chenjie has heard the expression in his face, and biting his teeth, saying: "When did Qiao Saka have a boyfriend?"

"This is not very clear, this kid is Qiao Sakay, and Qiao Sakuo said that this person is his boyfriend ..."

Youth looked at Duan Chenjie explained.

"This is impossible, I have always stared at Qiao Sakura, how can I get out of my girlfriend?"

In this time, Chenjie's heart is full of doubts. He still can't believe that Chen Mo is a boyfriend of Joe Sakura.

"Is this kid not to live impatient? Dare to grab a woman with Laozi ..."

Duan Chenjie took a breath, and then went directly to the position of Chen Mo Joko Sakura.

After seeing the expression on the morning face of Duan Chenjie, the eyes flashed in the eyes, because she knew that her plan was already succeeded.

"Sakura ..."

Duan Chenjie walked to the front of Qiao Sakura, and I wanted to speak.

"Duan Chenjie came over?"

Qiao Yaki watched Duan Chenjie and asked faint.

"Sakura, who is this person?"

Duan Chenjie did not mood with Qiao Sakura, and immediately reached his finger in the position of Chen Mo.

"I will introduce you, this is my boyfriend, Chen Mo!"

Qiao Sakura rushed to Duan Chenjie.

"Your boyfriend?"

Duan Chenjie smiled and then biting his teeth: "Sakura, you don't have to kidding me, when are you a boyfriend? If you really have a boyfriend, I don't know?"

"Duan Chenjie, what do you mean by this? I have to return to you if you have a boys?"

Qiao Sakuo asked directly.

"It's impossible, this person is absolutely impossible to be your boyfriend, you are less here!"

Duan Chen said firmly.

"Duan Chenjie, this kind of thing I have to lie to you? I have been with Chen Mo for more than half a year, but I have never said it with others, so you don't know that it is very normal!"

Qiao Saki looked at Duan Chenjie.

"Is it more than half a year?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Qiao Sakura, it flashed a helplessness.

I have to say that Qiao Sakura is an actor, and there is no problem with acting.

If not because Chen Mo knows how this is something, it is estimated that even if Chen Mo can't see any flaws.

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