However, when Chen Mo didn't know how it should be good, Joe Saki suddenly reached out, Chen Mo, and then took Chen Mo to Xue Yuqi.

"Rain Qi, happy birthday, this is a gift that I will prepare for Chen Mo!"

On the side of Qiao Sakura, I took out a car key to handed Xue Yuqi.

After Xue Yuqi saw the car key, the eyes flashed a lot of excitement, very incredible: "Sakura, how do you send me such a precious gift?"

"I know that you have always like this car, so I will let Chen Mo give you a!"

Qiao cherry turned into a sentence.

But the meaning of Qiao Sakura is still very obvious. That is, this car is Chen Mo's money to buy. In this case, Chen Mo does not have to feel embarrassed because he is not preparing a gift.

"Thank you Mr. Chen!"

Xue Yuqi said very happy to Chen Mo.

"It's ok!"

Chen Mo smiled.

Duan Chenjie, who is not far, after seeing this scene, the expression on the face seems to be more angry, and the heart began to think about how to teach Chen Mo.

When everyone finished the gift, they were directly hosted directly, and then waited for the waiter to get on.

These star gatherings have a big difference with those so-called upper people, and the upper people like the whole wine, so that everyone is private.

But this time Xue Yuqi has got a normal dining center, and five tables were placed in the box. Each table can accommodate eight people, a total of forty people.

Everyone will arrange according to the high and low of the identity, Chen Mo is naturally sitting on the first chapter of the table, and Duan Chenjie naturally sits on this table.

"Li Yan, accompany me to smoke ..."

Duan Chen's faceless is said to yourself.


Youth is busy nod, then walking out of the box with Chen Jie.

After leaving the box, Duan Chenjie took the initiative to take a smoke to Li Yan, then said that there is no expression: "Li Yan, I heard that you can stand in our entertainment circles, because you can compare Drinking is right? "

"It's not particularly able to drink ..."

Li Yan did not understand what the Duan Chenjie means, so it is very low to return.

"Okay, what kind of TV series you pick up is you drinking? What is you still?"

Duan Chen said back to a mouth.

"Duan Gongzi, what do you want to tell me? How do I be a bit confused ..."

Li Yan asked Li Yan asked Duan Chen Jie.

Duan Chenjie huddled around and found that there was no other person to say after the sneakness: "I will give you a task now. When you drink, you will give me the mile of Chen Mo, I have to see the cow. Sailing, do you understand what I mean? "

Li Yan was directly stunned after hearing this sentence, then the expression was a bit helpless: "Duan Gongzi, if you let me alone, I definitely no problem, but the Chen Mo is not simple, and he is still Joe Miss's boyfriend, I am not in Miss Joe? Sinted Miss Joe, I will mix it in the entertainment industry? "

"Sin, I have a way to mix it?"

Duan Chenjie directly looked at Li Yan asked.

Li Yan is directly dumbfounded after hearing this sentence, and stunned: "Duan Gongzi, I don't seem to be guilty, don't you really do it?"

"I don't have trouble for you? I am now in the hand, it is a male No. 1, the female one is the first-line female star in our country. Director is also a big director. As long as you help me this time, I will put this. Let's give you, when your name is definitely doubled, after the future, if you dare to be difficult, you will call me directly! "

Duan Chenjie said very seriously, rushed to Li Yan.

After Li Yan heard the sentence of Duan Chenjie, Li Yan suddenly stopped in an instant, and asked excited: "Duan Gongzi, what are you talking about?"

"How many nonsense is so much? Can I still lie to you this?"

Duan Chenjie has a little irritated back.


Li Yan looked at Duan Chenjie in front of him, then whispered: "Duan Gongzi, you can rest assured, I will definitely complete the task!"

"Well, go in!"

Duan Chenjie took the shoulder of Li Yan, and then took Li Yan into the box.

After entering the box, the waiter began to go to the dish, and Xue Yuqi began to toast everywhere.

Chen Mo did not know that Duan Chenjie and Li Yan's plan, while chatting with Qiao Sakura.

Have to say, the dishes here are still very good, very good, very compliant with Chen Mo's taste.

Duan Chenjie saw that Chen Mo said with Qiao Sakura, and the heart is even more angry, so he turned his head and looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan is all of all the people drinking all the red wine, and the red wine is expensive, but the effective way is very slow, the fastest method is white wine red wine mix.

"Rain Qi, today you have a happy birthday, how can I get a whole red wine? Let the waiter on the two bottles of white wine!"

Li Yan said with a smile.

"White wine is not good, still drinking red wine, red wine can also be beautiful!"

Xue Yuqi knows that Li Yan likes to drink, but she is worried that Li Yan has more trouble, so she frowned back.

"Rain Qi, you are not right, wine is still a good white wine ..."

Duan Chenjie said faint.

"Yeah, red wine is not meaningless, or white wine is delicious!"

"I also think it should be white wine!"

At the scene, the male stars were busy, and they should start drinking.

Duan Chenjie got up and down, Chen Mo's eyes, smiled and asked: "Mr. Chen, do you think white wine is good or red wine?"

"Casual, I can!"

Chen Mo itself does not love to drink, so it is natural to not care about these things, and it is faint to return.

Duan Chenjie turned his head and smiled and said: "Rain Qi, you let the waiter to drink a few bottles of liquor, when we are willing to drink red, drink red, willing to drink white, how do you think? kind?"


Xue Yuqi heard the noddion later after Duan Chenjie, she couldn't find any reason now.

I have come to the next few bottles of Moutai.

Duan Chenjie took the initiative to poured a glass of wine, then raised the wine glasses: "What, let the men who are present, the lady will be free ..."


Everyone has agreed, and then began to pour alcohol.

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