I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1 Thousand Thirty-two chapters: Do you understand the piano?

"Nothing, when you follow, I will follow me, I will not be a joke, you should not joke you ..."

Qiao Sakura said casually.


Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakura nodded.

After all, now Chen Mo is a boyfriend of Joe Sakura in the eyes of everyone, and the identity background of Joe Sakura is very terrible, so ordinary people do not have courage to laugh at Chen Mo.

And Qiao Sakuo's performance is not very interested in the programs of those people on the stage, so I will take the initiative to say: "What Chen Mo is bored here, let's modulate the cocktail!"

"Will you modulate the cocktail?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Joe Sakura flashing.

"I have learned some, but I am not very proficiency, try it!"

Qiao Sakura returned to a sentence, and then he walked with Chen Mo's place to modulate the cocktail.

Chen Mo looked at the aerated modulation material, and the eyes were shocked. It is really very suitable for the operation of the Tianyun Clock, if not because Chu is going to take Qin one ice, Chen Mo will leave Qin Yaqi.

"I will give you a cup first, how do you taste it!"

Qiao Sakura said in Chen Mimi.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Qiao Sakuo, the eyes flashed, whispered: "Big sister, can you drink it?"

"Chen Mo, what do you mean? Do you know how many people don't know how many people want to drink me, they don't have this opportunity. You are in the blessing, I don't know if I tell you ..."

"As long as your alcohol gives me something wrong ..."

Chen Mo has some speechless.

"You will wait for a while!"

Qiao cherry faintly, and then started a serious modulation of cocktails.

Have to say, Qiao Sakura should be a real professional studying these actions, and Joe Sakura is still very skilled.

Just a few minutes, Qiao Sakuo made a cup of cocktail, then handed Chen Mo, and said softly, Chen Mo said: "How do you taste the taste?"

Chen Mo hesitated, then reached out and took a glass, smiled and said: "It seems that it seems to be not bad ..."

"This thing can't look like, you have to taste it ..."

Qiao Sakura said.

"Then I will taste it!"

Chen Mo smiled back, and then drunk a bit.

"How? How is it?"

Qiao Yaki is looking forward to asking Chen Mail.

"The taste seems to be true, but the cocktail I drink is relatively small, so I am not very clear at the end ..."

Chen Mo is very seriously evaluated.

"You don't understand cocktails at all, this is a professional person drink, and you will definitely you can taste my level ..."

Qiao Sakura's evaluation of Chen Mo seems to be a little less satisfied, saying his little mouth.


Chen Mo smiled faint, did not say much.

"Chen Mo, I teach you to modulate the cocktail?"

At this time, Qiao Yak blinked and said softly.

"No, I am not interested in this thing ..."

Chen Mail shook his head and said.

"Oh, I tell you this thing is especially simple, and we are idle, I will teach you ..."

Qiao Yaki, got Chen Mai, started teaching Chen Mai to prepare some simple cocktails.

Although Chen Mo is not very interested in this thing, now Chen San is nothing, so I have learned Joe Sakura.

But at this time, a very melodious piano sounded.

You must know that Chen Mo will only have two musical instruments, one is a piano, and the other is Guqin.

These two musical instruments have been teach him when Chen Mo mother is still alive, so Chen Mo is very sensitive to the voice of these two instruments. Now Chen Mo has rarely touching these two musical instruments. The reason is that Chen Mo just wants to hear the piano. The voice of Gu Qun will think of his mother.

Chen Mo seems to be attracted by the sound of the piano, slowly turn around to look at the position of the stage.

I saw a young man who was seriously playing Beethoven ninth symphony.

Chen Mile can listen, this youth should be small, it is not particularly serious when playing this song.

"You can understand the piano?"

Qiao Sakai saw that Chen Mima's face seems to be a little less important, I can't help but ask Chen Union.

"I know a little, I can listen to this one is good ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"Of course, this person is the piano master in our class, and later got a national piano competition in the world ..."

After Joe Sakuo finished this sentence, the beauty flashed a different and slowed down slowly.

At this point, Chen Mai is in the piano, so there is no attention to the emotional changes of Joe Sakura.

After a moment, everyone's performance is almost the same, but only the remaining Chen Mo's two people have no performance.

"What kind of song is you planning?"

Chen Mo said with Joe Sakura.

"How do I always have to be with you?"

Qiao Saki hesitated and looked at Chen Mail.

Chen Mo heard the sentence of Qiao Sakuo, I couldn't help but say it, then I said: "Sister, what song is this? How did I have heard?"

"Oh, what is your singing? What is it? When you come, you will sing me, I chose this song to stimulate Duan Chenjie, I think he heard this song will definitely can't stand, when he will Will take the initiative to find your trouble, you will give me a hit! "

Joe cherry hosted by Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is also helplessness after hearing the sentence of Qiao Sakura, I don't know what to say.

If not because I know what is going on, Chen Mo will definitely feel that Duan Chenjie must do anything more than non-gift, or Joe Sakura will not be so resentful.

At this time, Xue Yuqi stepped on the high-heeled shoes to the side of Qiao Sakuo, then rushed to Joe Sakura: "Sakura, the performances are almost, now there is still you with Chen Mo, you are intended to show together What is it still performed separately? "

"I am going to sing songs with Chen Mo, how do you think?"

Qiao Sakura laughed and said.

"Okay, sing!"

Xue Yuqi nodded.

And Qiao Saki took the initiative to walk on the stage of Chen Mo's hand.

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