I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,341: You don't deceive too much!

"What is the management of the management, just someone helps you call the morning, this is not very good? Let's see the lively."

Chen Mo said faint.


Qiao Sakura looked at Chen Mo smiled and didn't speak.

"Stepping ..."

But at this time, a very urgent footsteps sounded.

Everyone turned his head and saw it. I saw more than ten security guards directly to Duan Chenjie and Tao, and the position of the two people rushed over.

"Give your hand, what are you doing?"

Among them, the security team leaders shouted very excited.

After listening to this sentence of the security captain, everyone turned his head to the position of the security guard.

"You don't know where you don't know if this is this? Here is the Tianyun Club, so I will go out, there is any contradiction to solve it outside, don't affect others here!"

The security captain speaks very bad, this is the style of the Tianyun Club, even if it has already changed the boss, but it is still so arrogant.

Duan Chenjie realized that this is a Tianyun Clock, and he is still going to deal with Chen Mo today today, so I don't want to continue with Tao and wet waste time, the instinct stops the action on my hand.

However, Tao is also lifting his relationship with Tao Yao, and he did not stop it at all. Instead, it was a punch to directly smash the top of Duan Chenjie.

Duan Chenjie fell to the ground directly, then struggled to stand up.

"You now apologize for my girlfriend, otherwise I have not finished with you today!"

Tao is also very arrogant, rushing to Duan Chenjie.

The security captain also stopped in front of Tao, and then shouted: "I just said that if there is any problem between two, now you can go out, you have to move your hand, Do you believe that I will take your legs directly? "

Tao Yiang suddenly heard a context of the security captain, and then looked at the security captain asked: "Do you know who I don't know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are, but no matter what people can't be there!"

The security team is long whispered.

"I tell you, the boss here is my brother-in-law, my sister is Tao Ying!"

Tao also looked at the beads.

After the security captain heard the sentence of Tao Yiang, the eyes were shocked, and then quickly asked: "Chen Gongzi is your brother-in-law?"

"Of course……"

Tao also said that the expression is proud.

And the security captain's eyes began to change, because he knew that if Chen Mozhen is Tao Yiang's brother-in-law, then this matter may be a bit trouble, after all, the relative of the family, this little security captain Don't dare to manage!

Everyone in the field has fallen into the shock. After all, they never thought that Tao also had such a background. They also understood why Tao also had such a big courage, dared to make trouble here.

Chen Mo stands in the crowd, the expression is unusual.

First, Chen Mo did not know the pottery, and it is not aware of it, and Tao is not his own little scorpion!

Of course, Chen Mo also clear that if Tao is also brighter, it is Tao Yur's brother. Today, Chen Mo really gave Tao also bright a face. After all, Chen Mo has just found Tao Yun Ren, now, if you pick her yourself, it is some Can't say it.

"I didn't expect this person to have a relationship with you ..."

Qiao Sakura said with Chen Mo.

"What is the relationship with me, I don't know this person at all, but I am a friend with his sister. He is here, I have a good relationship with her sister, Yao Wu Yangwei!"

Chen Mimei watched the heart of Qiao Yak, and the tone was very helpless.

"So this is ah!"

Qiao Sakura smiled, didn't say much.

"But this kid is very good. If he has contradicts others, I may not let him, but since he contradicts Chenjie, then I can close one eye, I I still have no chance to pick up Chenjie, now someone helps me do it! "

Chen Mai continued.

At this time, Chenjie looked at Tao Yiang, the expression on his face began to have a variety of changes, and his heart is very clear, how horror behind the boss behind Tianyun, if this youth is really a Tianyun Club The boss's little scorpion, then you may be a big trouble, so Duan Chenjie is still a little.

Duan Chenjie now blamed all things on Mermail, because he felt that if he met Chen Mo, it would not happen so much.

I was humiliated by Chen Mo's embarrassment in the box. After leaving the box, I had a sinful little scorpion. Today, Chen Chenjie can only be described in unlucky.

On the other hand, the security captain also somewhat the identity of Tao Yiang, so he did not dare to act rashly, only let people go to the Qin Ib, let Qin Yibing personally handles this.

Tao Yiang saw that the security captain did not speak, the expression on his face seems to be more arrogant, and go straight to Duan Chenjie directly, then shouted in Duan Chenjie: "I will give you a chance now, you give me right away. My girlfriend apologizes, otherwise you don't want to leave here ... "

"You know, don't know who I am?"

Duan Chenjie is naturally unwilling to really apologize in the face of so many people, so I bite my teeth.

"My mother, I certainly know who you are. You are not an actor? What is amazing, I tell you, if you don't apologize today, I will not only interrupt your legs, I have to find a reporter to take today. This is written in a news, I see how you will mix it in the entertainment industry in the future ... "

Tao also shouted.

Duan Chenjie after hearing this sentence, it is dumbfounded in an instant.

Because he thought of people Tao Yiangliang did not have any entertainment. If you really expose this thing, the morning may be destroyed in this life.

"You don't deceive too much ..."

Duan Chen's faceless said.

"You don't talk to me here, are you apologizing now?"

Tao is also asked.

Duan Chen Jie heard the words of Tao Yiang, the eyes were flashing, and at this moment he didn't know how he should be good.

If you apologize, it is too shameful.

But if you don't apologize, then the consequences may be very horrible.

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