I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1134: Someone wants to kill me!

This shows that during the paragraph, Chen Jie should now be really intended to move to Chen.

The two killers who stand behind Duan Chen have already taken their own weapons at this time, because two people think that Chen Mo is just an ordinary person, so there is no way to use the gun at all, but choose to use The simplest fruit knife.

You know, the fruit knife is still very common, so even someone discovered Chen Mo's body, there is no way to start investigations from the weapon.

But if you use a gun, things will be more complicated.

Chen Mo saw that the two people took out after the fruit knife, the expression on the face did not matter, because now Chen Mo is worried about the opponent, there is no other worry.

Even if there is a weapon in the hand, it is still two people, then these two people can absolutely can't be the opponent of Chen Mo.

This is the gap between ordinary people with the war.

"Mr. Section, don't waste time with them ..."

The middle-aged people have no expression of Duan Chenjie.

Duan Chenjie took a breath, then rushed to Joe Sakuo: "Sakura, I will give you the last chance, if you still come, then I can only cover it!"

Qiao Sakuo stands in front of Chen Mo's body, the expression is abnormal, as if I don't want to leave Chen Mo at all.


Duan Chenjie saw that Job, even if he was dead, he would stand in Chen Mile, and the heart was more angry, shouting: "Give me a kill this Chen Mo, the woman's live ..."


After the two killers heard the sentence of Duan Morje, the position directly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

Chen Mer is reached out, directly after , then reached out and took out the pistol inside his clothes and gave the head of middle-aged people.

After the middle-aged people saw Chen Mo's handle, the whole person was stupid. When I stopped the footsteps, I was shocked by Chen Mo.

"This ... how this person has a gun?"

The middle-aged people stared at the beads and the expression was very incredible.

Duan Chenjie is also stupid at this time with another killer, they seem to have guessed that Chen Mo has a gun.

Chen Sime is clear, and the number of times he appeared in Beihang City, now I know that Chen Mo's real identity has begun to change much, so the people on the silver business have also received the wind.

Summary, Liu Xuan Xuan told Chen Mo's silver merchant to continue to send killer to assassinate Chen Mo, and these killers are all martial arts.

Although Chen Mo is also a martial author, if it faces the situation, Chen Mo still doesn't have much advantage.

In order to safely, Chen Mo will give Liu Xuan Xuan to prepare a pistol.

After all, the military's skill is how powerful, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of a pistol.

This pistol returned from Chen Mo to Beihang City to start with it, but it has never used it. This is Chen Mo's first shot.

The middle-aged person looked at Chen Mo's hand, and it seems that there is something that I don't know how to describe myself. He originally thought that this task is very simple, killing an ordinary person should not be difficult.

But who can think about it, it is such an ordinary person, there is a gun in his hand.

And these two killers usually kill them like knife, so there is no gun over.

In a moment, there was a change in the earth.

Duan Chenjie stood in the same place, I don't know how it should be good, he has not expected to be such a situation.

Chen Mo got up and down, the middle-aged person, then said that there was no expression: "I have two people with you, I don't want to have no hat, so I don't want to do two hands ..."

"You ... what do you want?"

Middle-aged people try to calm their emotions, and asked Chen Mail whispered.

"I will throw something on both hands, I look at it is a bit fear!"

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.


Middle-aged people got up and down, he can feel that Chen Mo took the gun's posture is not very standard. This shows that Chen Mo should not use a gun, but Chen Mo's eyes are very firm, this shows that Chen Mo is very likely to be true. Will shoot.

In such a case, the middle-aged people don't dare to gamble.

So the middle-aged person threw his fruit knife aside.


Chen Mimo asked with another killer.

The thin young people took a sigh of breath, he knew that his cousin had already gave up, then he continued to leave the weapon, so he also threw the fruit knife.

Duan Chenjie saw that the two killers who came to find so quickly, when they were surrendered, the whole person was stupid, and the stunned looked at Chen Mo didn't know how it should be good.

"What, Chen Mo, I think this matter today, two may be a little mistake, I am looking for these two people, I don't really want to kill you, I just want to scare you, you ... you put it. Let me! "

Duan Chenjie's knotted Baba shouted.

And Chen Mo didn't help but laughed after hearing this sentence, then faintly said: "Duan Chenjie, are you not very arrogant? Do you not say that I am going to kill me? How? I know what it is afraid?"

"I was joking with you at the time, I didn't want to kill you ..."

Duan Chenjie whispered.

"Don't want to kill me, I still found the killer?"

Chen Mo smiled and then continued: "You have given me honesty, I don't want to shoot, but if you are not honest, then don't blame me."

"What do you want to do?"

Middle-aged people disregarded Chen Mail.

"I want to do what you will know ..."

Chen Mo said very calm back, then took out his mobile phone, found a phone number to dial it.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, the other party took the call and asked very respectfully: "Chen Gongzi, Hello!"

"Director of Wang, should you have a rest?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"No, Chen Gongzi, what do you have to say it ..."

The other person is very polite.

"This is the case, there are a few people who want to kill me ..."

Chen Mo smiled and said.

The other party shouted with the words after hearing this sentence: "Chen Gongzi, who is so big courage, even you dare to touch, where are you now? I will save you!"

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