I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,358: How can you take me?

"Qi Ye, what is this?"

Ren Bin is incredible to rush to Qi Ye.

"Ren Bin, sorry ..."

Qi Ye low returned to Ren Bin.

"Qi Ye, you didn't tell us before you didn't want to be with this person? How do you have him now? How is this? What are you playing?"

Ding Mas is very excited and excited.

And Niu Fei got up and down, then smiled and said: "Dead fat, can't you figure out what happened? I have previously stunned a little contradiction, now I am The contradiction of the has been unspeakted, so we have two more ... "

"It's impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Ren Bin seems to have some can't believe that Niu Fei said that these are true, and the expression is exciting, and then asked Qi Ye: "Qi Ye, you tell me the truth, really this one Do things? "


Qi Ye looked at Ren Bin in front of him, and his eyes flashed.

"Qi Ye, you talk, this is not true!"

Ren Bin glared at the eyes of the beads.

"It's true, I have now computed with Niu Fei ..."

Qi Ye bite his lips whisper.

Chen Mo looked at Qi Ye, the expression on his face was very calm, and there was no saying.

And Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan is also incredible, they feel that I feel like a fool, if it is not because Qi Ye said that Niu Fei is how bad, Ren Bin also It is impossible to help Qi Ye's head.

But now, the two people have completed.

Ren Bin and others don't know what to say.

"Okay, I have no mood to talk nonsense with you. Since I have already complicated with you, you are also a friend, so I don't plan to continue to be more than three people, you will now give me now. About this apology, I will not pursue the responsibility of all of you ... "

Niu Fei smiled and said.

"Do you apologize to you?"

Ren Bin stared angry with an eye with an eye.

"Yeah, all of you hit me, do you have three not intended to apologize? If you don't want to apologize, then you can wait for my lawyer to sue you!"

Niu Fei said with a smile.

"Really fucking, obviously, you have made us three into this, you don't have anything, now let us apologize, why?"

Ren Bin may be because of the betrayal of Qi Ye, so the mood is very bad, and the tone is angry.


Niu Fei is crying, then said: "I will tell you now, I have money than you, I have a background in the old man, so you have to apologize now, if you don't apologize Let's stay in the prison for a lifetime! "

"Ren Bin, don't be impulsive, apologize, I will love you!"

Qi Ye Ye is excited to rush to Ren Bin.

"It's right, now you can leave, I can just let you have three in the face of, if it is not because of the , I just don't plan to put you!"

Niu Fei sits on the chair and said unusually arrogant.

"Ren Bin, apologize, you are not the opponent of Niu Fei, there is no need to continue to make it!"

Qi Ye is very excited.

"What apologized?"

Ren Bin flashed with tears in his eyes, and the sound shouted.

At this time, he is very unwilling, but he doesn't have any way, because he knows that now I only apologize can you leave here, if you don't apologize, there is no way to leave.

"I have no mood to talk nonsense with you, give you the last chance, do you apologize or not?"

Niu Feyi asked Ren Bin.

"What really apologizes should be you?"

But at this time, Chen Mer suddenly opened.

Niu Fei took the words of Chen Mo's words and watched Chen Mo and then said that it was disdain: "Who are you? Are you qualified?"

"Who isn't important, but I know that you put my friend, and then fell into my friend, and people who should apologize now are you!"

Chen Mo said calmly rushed to Niu Fei.

"Oh, I am in, you are a small child ..."

Niu Fei talks while talking to standing up.

And Qi Ye reached out and stopped the Niu Fei, then loudly rushed to Chen Mo's shouting: "Chen Mo, you don't know what is going on, can you don't talk, now you can apologize if you apologize? This is the past! "

"This is the past?"

Chen Mo looked at Qi Ye and smiled, then reached his finger, whispered to Ren Bin and others shouted: "You gave me a good look, Ren Bin, who is giving it to the three people? Now you actually said I apologize, I have passed, why did you tell me? "

"What do you know? Things are not what you think!"

Qi Ye shouted.

"Isn't what I think so like? Isn't this a bit of a little background? Is it a bit a bit of a bit of relationship?"

Chen Mo glared at the beads and asked Qi Ye.

"Chen Mo, I am asking you, don't add anything here ..."

Qi Ye bite his lips and said very excited.

"I have not added a chaos, and today, there must be a saying!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"What is your mother counts something, you actually want to find a statement?"

Niu Fei heard Chen Mo's words, it was very dissatisfied, and he stood up and stared at the eyes and shouted.

"Niu Fei, don't be impulsive, Chen Mile him is a timely, said wrong ..."

Qi Ye is busy standing up and wants to stop the Niu Fei.

"You gave it to Laozi ..."

Niu Fei reached out and pushed Qi Ye to the side.

Niu Fei's strength is very big. Qi Ye is just a weak woman, so it is pushed by Niu Fei, it is directly on the ground.

Qi Ye looked at Chen Mo's position, the expression on his face was extremely desperate, because her heart was clear, all the efforts to do before, because Chen Mo was losing.

Niu Fei went to Chen Mo's face, and bowed up and down, and then I asked Chen Mail disdain: "Little son, is you planning to find me?"

"Ren Bin, what are these three people, are you hit?"

Chen Mo's faceless asked.

"Yes, these three people are me, can you take me?"

Niu Fei said with his mouth.

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