I am the heir to the richest man

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-nine chapters: big star's role!

Under normal circumstances, the shear is minimized to be four or five heavyweight guests, and Chen Mile now has only one Tao Ying, can't you be two people?

So when Chen Mo is still very shameful!

However, at this time, a crisp high heels tapped the sound of the ground.

Everyone turned his head after hearing the footsteps.

I saw a big beauty with sunglasses slowly gotting over the assistant.

Although this big beauty with sunglasses, everyone can still see that this beauty is the most hot female star Xue Yuqi in the entertainment circle.

In recent date, Xue Yuqi took a few small idol dramas, and the ratings were very high. Plus topics continued, this also caused Xue Yuqi's popular line to rise. Basically, whether it is a star, still don't like it. I have heard about Xue Yuqi's name.

Original Xue Yuqi is not intended to participate in this opening ceremony, but helpless her broker tells her that the price of the other party is very high. Just participate in a ribbon, I can get a lot of play, so Xue Yuqi directly agreed. Down.

You know, not everyone is Joe Sakura.

Xue Yuqi is the most important thing for the star or to make money, she will not put the money in white, and this is the same as a lot of ordinary people.

And Qiao Sakuo is the kind of itself, and then Qiao Sakura's entertainment company itself is my own home, so Joe Sakura will be so good. Some events don't want to participate, if you don't want to participate, no one has no way. .

When Jiang Ziwei saw Xue Yuqi, his face revealed a happy smile.

After all, Xue Yuqi's appearance is equally very good, especially those reporters, there are nets, and have begun to take pictures against Xue Yuqi.

Because Xue Yuqi is very high in the popularity of young people, so Xue Yuqi can play a very good propaganda effect.

Xue Yuqi found that there were so many reporters in the future, and directly took the sunglasses on his face and started with those reporters to take pictures. Of course, these reporters will all take the words of the Yulong Club. Because it is necessary to know that Xue Yuqi today is to participate in the opening ceremony of the Yulong Club.

Today, Xue Yuqi wear a white dress, exquisite face with a touchless makeup, and the tempting body under the dress, and instantly attracted countless people's attention.

"I didn't expect it to meet big stars ..."

"Yeah, I am watching her TV series a few days ago!"

"The opposite people are too embarrassed, even Xue Yuqi is coming ..."

Ren Bin et al. Looked at Xue Yuqi's position in whisper.

If not because Ren Bin they know that Xue Yuqi is coming to participate in the opening ceremony, then they may also take the initiative to find Xue Yuqi, after all, they are also Xue Yuqi's fans.

But now they can't pass, and they don't want to pass.

A few minutes later, Jiang Ziwei saw that the reporters were almost the same, showing a very proud smile, and then quickly walked to Xue Yuqi, laughing: "Miss Xue, welcome to participate in the opening of our Yulong Club ceremony……"

"Ginger boss, congratulations!"

Xue Yuqi laughed back to a sentence.

Jiang Ziwei heard the expression in his face, and then said: "Miss Xue, you should be tired, you should take a morning? Let's take a break, the ribbon ribbon ceremony is 10 o'clock Start! "


Xue Yuqi nodded gently.

"Miss Xue, please ..."

Jiang Ziwei took the initiative to walk in the hotel with Xue Yuqi.

However, when Xue Yuqi immediately went into the hotel, Xue Yuqi suddenly stopped the footsteps, and then turned his head to the position of Chen Mo.

When Xue Yuqi saw Chen Mo, his face was very surprised because she didn't know why Chen Mo would appear here.

Although Xue Yuqi already knows Chen Mo and Qiao Sakuo is a fake men and women, but she also knows that Chen Mo's identity background is very uns.

"Miss Xue, what happened?"

Jiang Ziwei saw Xue Yuqi and didn't help but asked softly.

"What is the one, Mr. Jiang, I saw a friend, I will say a say!"

Xue Yuqi returned to a word, then stepped directly on the high heels and rushed to Chen Mo's position.

"Chen Gongzi, how are you here? Do you also come to the opening ceremony of Mr. Jiang?"

Xue Yuqi is excited to rushing to Chen Mail.

After the Qin Yimei saw Xue Yuqi, after talking to Chen Mo, the expression on his face seems to be a bit surprised, because she didn't think that Xue Yuqi didn't know Chen Mo, and I also came to talk to Chen Mo.

Ren Bin Sai and others were naturally surprised. They didn't seem to think that Chen Mo will actually know this kind of person of Xue Yuqi.

Only Jiang Qiwei's face is a little ugly, Huang Zhiming stands in the same place.

The reason is very simple, no one thinks that Xue Yuqi actually knows Chen Mo.

If Chen Mo knows Xue Yuqi, it is still very normal. After all, Xue Yuqi is a big star, and people who know Xue Yuqi still have a lot, this is very normal.

But Xue Yuqi knows Chen Mo, it is another concept.

Jiang Ziwei suddenly had a bad premonition.

"I also want to participate in the opening ceremony of Mr. Jiang, but people don't want to invite me!"

Chen Mo smiled back to Xue Yuqi.

And Xue Yuqi stunned, the expression on his face seems to be more confused.

Because Chen Mo's dress is still very formal, so Xue Yuqi feels that Chen Mo is definitely to participate in any important activities will be like this.

But Chen Mo said that he is not to come to Jiang Ziwei's opening ceremony. What is it?

Xue Yuqi couldn't help but looked up at the hotel behind Chen Mile.

When she saw the words of Tianyun Club, she understood this moment.

"Today my Tianyun will also hold an opening ceremony ..."

Chen Mo looked at Xue Yuqi whispered.

"Chen Gongzi, is your Tianyun Will not have already opened? Are you open branches?"

Xue Yuqi asked some innocent.

"It's not a branch, I am also just taken this day rhythm, so I plan to hold an opening ceremony, good propaganda ..."

Chen Mo said.

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