I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 137: Father and female dialogue

The conference room.

Su Mu Bai quickly walked to Chen Milo, reached out and picked up the contract, and then his expression was very disgraced. Chen Mo shouted: "Chen Mo, you don't know if you sign the word above this contract, what is it?"

"Of course, what is it clear? I will come over, I will bring investors at noon tomorrow, you can rest assured!"

Chen Mo said very calm back.

"Big Brother, how do you make sure you will bring people around you tomorrow, and you will bring people over, people will really invest in me?"

Su Mu Bai glared at the big eyes of Water, and shouted very excited.

"Yeah, you want to die, why should you even be tired of my sister?" Soviet Yuxi said with Chen Mo with a small mouth.

"If I can't find people to invest in your company tomorrow, I will cancel the marriage contract with you, and this dismissal fee will be borne, I will not be tired to you!"

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu's words and calmly.

"Chen Mo, you ..."

Su Mu Baizhi wants to talk, but Chen Miman did not continue to stay here, directly turned to the meeting room outside.

"What do you want to do this?"

After Sue Mutan saw Chen Mo, the expression was very collapsed to sit on the chair.

"The cousin, this Chen Mo him is absolutely impossible to find investors tomorrow, he is lie to you ..."

Su Tuyu went to Su Mu Bai's side, and the tone shouted.

Su Mu Bai hixed his eye, and the expression helplessly sighed, whispered: "Now this contract has been signed, saying these still? Still think about other ways!"

"What can I have, if Mo can't find people in investing in your company tomorrow, your company will face bankruptcy, but also need to pay a lot of scattering for those shareholders ..." Su Youth Yu also Say very much.


Su Mu Bai did not speak with his eyes, I don't know what to think about.

"If we can't find Chen Mo tomorrow, then those shareholders will definitely ask you to pay, if you have no money to give them, they may go to the court to sue you ..." Su Tuyu watched Su Mu Bai continued.

"What should I do this!"

Su Mu Bai has been unsatched by these people at this time, and the expression is extremely desperate.

"Congji, if you really don't work, you will go to see your money, after all, what I will be with Chen Mo for the company, now make such a thing, I am responsible!" Su Tuyu hesitate I have suggested it.

"Now my father's situation is not very good. If I find him this time, I am worried that he can't get so much money!"

Su Mugior whispered back.

"But now, in addition to finding me, there is no better way!"


Su Mu Bai sat in place for two seconds, then directly got up and rushed outside the meeting room.

"Where are you going?"

Su Tuyu shouted.

"I went to find my dad to talk about this, see if my father can have any way!" Su Mu-shi has a flashback, then take his bag and ran out of the company.


On the other hand, Chen Mo has been very annoyed after leaving Su Mu, the company.

Originally he thought he was able to get a marriage certificate with Su Mu Bunshun, this, did not have to conceal the identity in front of Su Mu Bai.

But he did not expect that there was such a thing.

However, Chen Mo is now not worried about tomorrow's things. After all, he knows that Li Juncheng will return tomorrow, and even if Li Juncheng has no way, Chen Mo can also invest in investors from Xinyi people to invest Su Mu-Bai.

The only thing that made Chen Mo feel uncomfortable is that Su Mu Bai actually wants to cancel the marriage with himself.

Although he knew that Su Mu Bai had no feelings for himself, he wanted to understand that he had always helped Su Mu Bai today, why did Su Mu Bai did not believe in himself, but also risks his father company Cancel your marriage contract with your own.

"The rich is right, the poor is wrong!"

Chen Mer sighed, and then reached out to stop the taxi and prepared to go to work in the day.


On the other hand, Su Mu Bai left the company directly, I came to my father Su Chengkai.

"Little white, how come you?"

Su Chengkai, who was sitting in the office, seeing the document, after seeing Su Mu, the expression shouted.

"Dad, today's shareholders in our company have went to our company ..."

Su Mu-shi said that there is no expression.

"Are those people not often do? I think you should turn that company now to help me ..." Su Chengke smiled back to a sentence.

"This time they came over, they often followed, they came over and returned!"

Su Mu Bai whispered.


Su Chengkai didn't help but heard this, then he said: "Xiaobai, what is going on, you talk to me ..."

Su Mu Bai took a breath and then originally happened to this. The original and Su Chengkai said it.


Su Chengkai fell into the meditation after listening to Su Mu Bai.

"At the beginning, for Dad's company, I booked a marriage with a person you all met, and this thing I didn't think of you, but I didn't expect that the other party made you married people a poor boy. And now there are so many things! "

Su Chengkai lamented a sentence.

"Dad, now not to say these times, Chen Mo has signed the contract with those people. I will pay for those who will pay for those people, but my company now can't get out so much money. What should I do? "Su Mu Bai said very urgently to the Su Chengkai.

"You determine that Chen Mo can't help you find a new investor?"

Su Chengkai asked softly.

"I think Chen Mo must not find it. He is a poor student. How can I know the rich people?" Su Mu Bai said.

"If Chen Mo can't help you find new investors, then we have to take a big dismissal fee, but you should also clear it here, the company has just returned to normal operation, can't get two thousand Wan ... "Su Chengkai seems to have a certain accusation.

"What can I do?"

Su Mu-Bai heard this moment, and a pair of water-wide eyes were tears, and the expression was extremely poor.

"Little white, I am now there is a way to solve all your problems!" Su Chengkai hesitated.

"What is the way, Dad, you say it!" Su Mu Bai asked quickly.

"Little white, you now take the marriage contract with Chen Mo, and then with Zhang Ze, so you can solve these troubles!"

Su Chengkai said softly.

After hearing this sentence in Suicai, Su Mu Bai directly stunned.

"Dad, I don't like that Zhangze at all!"

Su Mu Bai shouted.

"Do you like Chen Mo?"

Su Cheng Kaiki has no expression.

"I ... I don't like Chen Mo!"

"Then why do you have to marry Chen Mile, can you do with Zhang Ze?"

"I was in order to solve your company's trouble, and if I cancel the marriage contract with Chen Mo now, the other party will definitely cancel the investment in your company, so although it saves my company, but your company It is also necessary to face the risk of closing! "Su Mu Bai shouted.

Today, in the conference room, although Su Mu Bai also said to cancel the marriage with Chen Mo, it is just that Su Mu Bai's best choice, and Su Mu-Bai wants to cancel yourself with Chen Mo's marriage contract is not to be with Zhang Ze. Together.

"If you can be with Zhang Ze, even if Chen Mo has canceled the investment of our company, Zhang Ze is very rich, let him take tens of millions of investment my company. I don't think there is something wrong! "Su Chengkai said slowly.

Su Mu Bai immediately understood that Su Chengkai's meaning in an instant.

Su Chengkai is now going to let Zhang Ze will take Chen Mo's position.

Anyway, Sudu Banyan's marriage is only because Su Chengkai's company has problems, as long as someone can invest in our company, Su Chengkai does not care about the other party.

And Su Mu Bai has no feelings about Zhang Ze, and there is no feeling, but also can't talk.

At this time, if Su Mu, if you can follow Zhang Ze, you can not only solve all the problems now, but they can have Zhangjia's big tree after Su Jia.

But if Su Mu, if you continue to be with Chen Mo, it is only to solve the current problem of Su Chengkai, and Chen Mo has not used value for Sujia.

"Little white, I know that Dad may say that it may be a little hard, but you think that you marry Chen Mo is also married, you marry Zhang Ze is also married, why can't we maximize the value of this marriage? Su Chengkai said softly.

"Dad, Zhang Ze is not to find you?"

Su Mu Bai rushed to Su Chengkai.

"Zhang Ze just gave me a call!"

Su Chengkai did not deny that he replied directly.


Su Mu's white looked at Su Chengkai, and his eyes were extremely helpless. It didn't speak for a long time.

"Little white, I have said to you, I have already told you, as for what you think, that is your business!" Su Chengkai said calmly rushed to Su Mu.

"I know……"

Su Mu's eyes nodded.


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