I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,374: big things is not good

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

Jiang Ziwei shook his head directly, then whispered: "Zhao Xi is my father's classmate, my dad said that Zhao Xi became the personality of this person, in general, in addition to truly interacting with the people, he will participate, like this The pure business activities Zhao Xi is absolutely impossible, I think Zhao Yuyu is because of the relationship with Chen Mo, so will come over, don't worry ... "

At this time, Jiang Ziwei feels that Chen Mo is in the fairy and there is no way to ask Zhao Xi into that kind of person.

"If you say this, I have a good thing. After all, we have the martial arts of the martial arts, waiting until the Mayor of Wang, the people of Chen Mo are all white!"

Huang Zhiming has long been tone, whispered.

"I am now worried that the Mayor doesn't have time. If the Mayor will come over, it is fine!"

Jiang Qiwei said something concerned.

After all, there is more things behind the martial arts, so no one can determine that the Mayor will come over today!

On the other hand, Chen Mo saw Zhao Yu Yu and quickly walked to Zhao Yuyu in front of Zhao Yuyu, and then smiled: "Come here?"


Zhao Yuyu returned to a small mouth.

At this time, Zhao Yuyu is still very angry, because if not Chen Mo's words, she will not seek Zhao Xi.

Although Zhao Xi Cheng has promised Zhao Yuyu, it is not very good, and it is not talking to Zhao Yuyu for two or three days.

"What did the Zhao Governor?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked Zhao Yuyu.


Zhao Yuyu heard Chen Mo's eye, then slammed the silver to his eyes, then grinding the silver teeth: "Do you know how much I don't know if I have given my father?"

"You can rest assured, I will definitely not treat you in the past, I promise you to become the most powerful car master in the country!"

Chen Mo said very seriously.

"Is what you said true?"

The expression on the face of Zhao Yuyu seems to be slightly eased, and it will be asked in Chen Mail.

"How can I swindle you this kind of thing!"

Chen Mo smiled and said.

In fact, Chen Mo is not a joke, but Chen Mo has contacted Li Taibai, let Li Taibai refines a medicinal medicine, which can improve a normal person's response speed.

The most important thing of the car is the reaction speed.

Therefore, when I arrived, I just had this Tan medicine. Her reaction speed will be a normal person. At that time, Zhao Yu Yu faces the normal brake hand must have no problem.

"If you dare to lie to me, I am definitely not finished with you!"

Zhao Yuyu took the little mouth and said with Chen Mo.

"You can rest assured, I will not lie to you, when is your dad come over?"

Chen Mo asked Zhao Yuyu.

"I just gave my dad a call, my dad said that he is still meeting, it is estimated that you can come over."

Zhao Yuyu said softly.

"OK, just can come over ..."

Chen Mo nodded very happy.

"Yes, there is still something I have to tell you in advance ..."

Zhao Yuyu looked at Chen Mo.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Mail asked.

"This, my father said that he has never participated in any business activities. Of course, it is certainly no exception. After all, if it has been passed, it has a bad impact, so I tell you that today is the Minister of the Minister of Education. At that time, you will say that you have donated one hundred hopes in primary school to the province. The cost of a primary school is 500,000. You have to prepare for 50 million. "

Zhao Yuyu looked at Chen Mo.

"Okay, this is no problem, I am going to prepare for check now!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, and then sent Zhao Yuyu into the hall.

"Ice, you can help me prepare a $ 50 million check!"

After the arrangement of Zhao Yuyu, Chen Mo went to Qin Yibing, whispered.


Qin Yimei also didn't ask Chen Mo to do what, directly agreed, and then started calling.

After a few minutes, the assistant of Qin Yibing sent a check.

Qin Yimei turned his head to see Chen Mo, then rushed to Chen Mail in the tone: "Chen Gongzi, who is the girl?"

"Zhao Xi Cheng's daughter!"

Chen Mo replied.

After heard Chen Mo's sentence, Qin Yimei was shocked by Chen Mera's powerful relationship.

First, Taojia people, then Joe Sakura, now is a daughter of Zhaoxi.

These three people Chen Mo actually really gave an invitation!

Qin Yi Bing feels even if it is Chu blue, there will be such a big face.

And Qin Yi Bing also found that Chen Mo's beautiful woman, because there is still a beautiful woman outside Lu Xiangyang at this time.

"I didn't expect Chen Gongzi's woman, it would be so good!"

Qin Yimei couldn't help but secretly sigh.

And Jiang Ziwei has also begun to lose loss. After all, these bosses have realized how horror of Chen Mo's person, they don't want to be sinned by this thing, plus Chen Mile is a beautiful woman. These beauty can't have a way to the existence of how much money they spend, so many bosses are because of these beautiful women.

It was originally in the case that a very large change has now occurred.

Jiang Ziwei looked at the people here, and the heart was very urgent. After all, if it was really waiting for time, it is estimated that they may be alone here.

Jiang Zi Weimen plans to use this opportunity to play Chen Mo's face, and then promote his own Yulong Club.

But all the plans now have fallen, because he knows that he is not bad today, it is very good, you want to play people, Chen Mo's face is basically impossible.

Jiang Ziwei kept changing Feng Hao's call, because now there is only Feng Hao to save yourself.


Jiang Ziwei didn't know how much phone, Feng Hao finally turned on.

"Mr. Feng, big things are not good!"

Jiang Ziwei pressed down the sound and said very excited.

"What is wrong, what happened?"

Feng Hao asked in confused.

"Chen Mima is too powerful, not only invisible Tao family, but also please Qiao Sakuo, there is Lu Xiangyang and the daughter of Zhao Xi, and how many people are there now, what should I do? what?"

Jiang Ziwei asked very anxious.

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