I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,376: At any identity?

"How do you know that I am worse than you?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"Don't you see this situation now?"

Huang Zhiming rushed to Chen Mail with his mouth.

"I really didn't see the situation of the situation, should you be two?"

Chen Mo smiled and then continued: "My guest should go ..."

After that, after this sentence, Chen Mo took the step forward to go in front.

Jiang Ziwei's ability to look back and saw that several cars hanging on the provincial party license slowly stopped.

"Chen Mo actually invited people from the provincial party committee?"

Jiang Qiwei said shocked.

After a few seconds, several middle-aged people came down from the car.

When everyone in the field saw these middle ages, all of them widened their eyes and very incredible.

Jiang Ziwei is also a stupid eye that is completely, and the mouth does not dare to believe in everything you see.

At this time, the middle-aged people who are going in the most in front are not someone else, it is Zhao Xi Cheng!

Who can I want to get Zhao Xi?

It seems that everyone can't believe that they see is true, and Zhao Xi, who has not participated in business activities, is coming!

Moreover, Zhao Xi is still alone. At this time, Zhao Xi Cheng has followed the Gao Yifan Wang Jun and others, and a middle-aged man with glasses, this person is the Minister of the Ministry of Education.

After the horrible lineup, everyone was quiet.

Jiang Ziwei really can't understand why this is something!

Before Chen Mo can give Qiao Sakuo, Jiang Ziwei has no way to accept it, because he really can't think of Chen Mo, what is the use of people who have used it, I have invited Joe Sakura.

At this time, the emergence of Zhaoxi became more and more difficult to understand.

Feng Hao even never considers inviting Zhao Xi Cheng, because he is very clear that Zhao Xi is absolutely impossible.

But this is something that makes everyone feel impossible. Chen Mo actually did it.

"Who is Chen Mo?"

Jiang Ziwei sent a sentence.

At this point, he felt that he was as a fool, and he had a very strong frustration.

Before Jiang Ziwei has always been very uncomfortable to Chen Mo, because Jiang Ziwei felt that Chen Mo was just a kind, it was the of Li Juncheng, Chen Mo did not even match his opponent.

But at this time, Jiang Ziwei found that Chen Mo or it was not what he imagined.

Today, Chen Mo was invited to come out, one, one, which is that it is very incredible, and Qiao Sakuo has two people in Feng Hao, there is no way to invite it, so Li Juncheng has no way to invite these two people. .

"In addition to Li Jincheng, Can Chen Mo also use who's relationship?"

Jiang Ziwei wanted to find a suitable answer anyway.

And Chen Miles may also think that Zhao Xi can come over to participate in his own opening ceremony is because Zhao Yuyu is, but in fact, things are not like this.

From Chen Mo to the day of Behang City, Zhao Xi has begun to pay attention to Chen Mo.

Zhao Xi Cheng is also very simple to pay attention to Chen Mo.

Zhao Xicheng can go to this position today, all is because of the attention of old leaders.

But there are very few people who know why old leaders attach great importance to Zhaoxi!

In fact, the reason is very simple. At the beginning, Chen Yuanpeng Chen Yuanpeng introduced Zhao Xi Cheng to the old leadership, and the old leaders were also because of this. Zhao Xi became this person.

Zhao Xicheng can have such a achievement all because of Chen Mo's father, so Zhao Xi will come to the opening ceremony of Chen Mo.

These things are already in the past, and Zhao Xi has not mentioned anyone, but it does not mean that Zhao Xi has also forgot these things.

Chen Mai took the step to Zhao Xi Cheng, and then said very well: "Zhao Governor, Hello!"

"Hello there!"

Zhao Xi became faint, and then introduced the people around him to Chen Mima.

Qin Yibing looked at Chen Mo's tale with everyone, and the heart was abnormal.

She knows that those who have said that Chen Mo has now given it.

Qiao Sakura and Zhao Xi became the two people in the same opening ceremony. Once this matter, the effect will definitely be very horrible.

Ren Bin Sai and others are now thorough, how horror is known about Chen Mo's identity. They feel that they have a little bit more than the knowledge of Chen Mo, a person who can talk to the governor education minister. How can it be an ordinary person?

Some reporters seem to be very curious about Zhao Xi's emergence, so they have conducted a simple interview with Zhao Xi Cheng, Zhao Xi Chengyi can explain this opportunity, so it is naturally not refused.

"Zhao Governor, I don't know if this is the opening ceremony of the Tianyun Club this time?"

The reporter asked directly.

"Of course it is the identity of my position!"

Zhao Xi became faint to reply.

"But since you participate in the opening ceremony with the governor, isn't it?"

The reporter continued to ask.

"Who tells you that I am here to participate in the opening ceremony?"

Zhao Xi became a reporter asked.

And the reporter heard the sentence of Zhao Xi and also flapped, and then whispered: "Today is the opening ceremony of Tianyun Club. Don't you come to the opening ceremony?"

"Of course not!"

Zhao Xi became shook his head, then smiled and said: "Mr. Chen donated one hundred hopes of primary school for the poor mountains of our province. I am representing the provincial party committee. Of course, if I happened to Mr. Chen In the opening ceremony, I am also a good congratulations in love! "

Everyone heard the words of Zhao Xi Cheng, and I realized how this is something.

In fact, Zhao Xi achievements are to participate in the opening ceremony, and that hope that primary school is just an excuse.

But just such an excuse, but it can block a lot of mouth.

Jiang Ziwei looked at Chen Mo's position deeply breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was clearly lost, and the lost is still very thorough.

Original Jiang Ziwei thought that he was able to reverse the situation in the emergence of Wang Zhenqing, but where he can think that Chen Mo is so embarrassed, it actually shouted Zhao Xi into this kind of person.

To know that a Zhao Xi's appearance effect can be directly crushed all the guests.

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