I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,380: officially opened

"I started to invite guests at 9:30, I have just arranged the sequence in accordance with the guests of the guest, but because the guests coming today are too much, I added it fifty seats!"

Qin Yimei looked softly in his hand.

"If you can't make it, you have been to Jiang Ziwei's guest standing ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

Qin Yi Bing heard Chen Mo's words and couldn't help but laugh, and then whispered: "If all the guests can sit down, then they are definitely as possible to arrange them to sit down ..."

"Well, you look at the arrangement!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Wait until these guests have entered the seat, the Siyi came to the stage to introduce the guests to the game. This is definitely an important introduction, some unimportant guests will not introduce ..."

Qin Yibing looked at Chen Mai to continue.


"Wait until the company introduces the guests, it is the leader to go to the stage, and after the leaders, he will go to the forefoot."

Qin Yifu slowly said.

Chen Mo didn't help but slammed it after hearing this sentence, and then wrinkled his brow. "I have to go to stage to speaking?"

"Chen Gongzi, you are the boss of our Tianyunhui, you certainly need to go to the stage ..."

Qin Yi Bing helid said.

"What, I can't go up, or you go to the fore, I think you are more suitable, and I haven't prepared before, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say."

Chen Mo has helplessly rushed to Qin Yi Bing.

Qin Yipi hesitated after hearing Chen Mo's sentence, then whispered: "Chen Gongzi, do you really not plan to spend a speech?"

"Of course I can't go up, or go up!"

Chen Mo replied.

"OK then……"

Qin Ya was agreed, then continue to say: "After the end of the speech, we started to start the color!"


Qin Yibing looked at Chen Mo and did not say anything, directly turned and left.

nine thirty.

All the guests have already entered the seat, and Ren Bin Sai and others are directly arranged in the second row because Chen Mo's relationship is actually arranged.

All the first row is all the people like Lu Xiyang, so Ren Bin is still very nervous in their hearts, and they are also situated in the first time, such as the so-called big leadership.

First of all, the person who came to the stage was definitely Zhao Xi. After all, no matter what people can't grab Zhao Xi Cheng's limelight.

Zhao Xi has not said much because of the relationship between identity, just a cold.

Then Qin Yimei picks up a speech.

Because the current Qin Yibing represents the entire Tianyun meeting, her speech is very important, but Qin Yibing is not the first time in the face, so the Qin Yiping is still very natural. The face hangs a touch of smile, and I have a high-heeled shoes that is very elegant and embarked on the stage.

After picking up the microphone, the sound of Qin Yibei rang.

"First of all, I welcome the VIP leaders to participate in the opening ceremony of our Tianyun Club. Although our Tianyun will be established for a long time, this time we changed a new boss, the identity of the boss changed However, the service tenet of our Tianyun will have no changes, and our Tianyun will still serve this society with 100% enthusiastic. It is also necessary to do something helpful to this society while working hard. ...... "

At this time, there are countless cameras to align the position of Qin Yibing, so every sentence in Qin Yibing is to be extraordinary. After all, this occasion, you said that the impact of the wrong sentence is still very big.

Because of the need to delay time, Qin Yiben speaks a whole fifteen minutes.

But in these fifteen minutes, Qin Yibing did not have a nonsense, all of which were grounded.

This also leads that everyone is still very fast, even Zhao Xi has also praised the speech of Qin Yi, and the staff of the TV also decided to broadcast the words of Qin Yibing. Go out.

This may be the biggest affirmation of Qin Yi.

After Qin Ying, after the next step, the expression on his face was extremely tense.

Chen Mo also took the initiative to support Qin Yibei to the sofa, whispered: "Ice sister, you just said it is too good ..."

"What is good, just don't know, you have to give me nervous ..."

Qin Yimei helplessly white Chen Mo's eyes.

After all, if I just didn't want Chen Mo, I didn't have to say so long.

After Qinyi ice next step, Lu Xiangyang was speaking as a business representative.

Lu Xiangyang's speech was obviously more practical than the speech of Qinyi Ice. He simply analyzed the economic development of the future Tianyuan Province, and these contents were simply the existence of the Bible for those bosses. Some people even took directly. A paper pen is recorded.

Zhao Xi seems to be very interested in these things that Lu Xiangyang said, even actively invited Lu Xiangyang to have the opportunity to say these things.

So today, all people who come to Chen Mo's opening ceremony are basically not not white.

Lu Xiangyang can cooperate with Zhao Xicheng, and others can analyze some projects that can earn money from Lu Xiangyang. This is a good thing for who is for anyone.

Everyone started to cut color after the speech.

Chen Mo's ribbon lineup is still unusual, so it is naturally very successful.

After waiting until the shelter, Jiang Ziwei found the nets of the nets, and the news that Jiang Ziwei has begun to send Weibo, and the news opened by Tianyun will directly search, and even a lot of ordinary people don't understand one. Why did I open a hot search of Weibo?

In less than half an hour, it seems that everyone knows the name of Tianyun.

You know, there is no ads in this world than this kind of advertising effect.

It is estimated that only these net red can be done in a short period of time.

Chen Mo's ribbon ribbon is very successful, but Jiang Ziwei is very poor, only one Xue Yuqi is a ribbon guest, and the rest of the people are abused, and even if those media are too lazy. Even if you are taking pictures, I have intended to write some news.

After the end of the ribbon, it is time to eat.

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