I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,387: Do you have a thief?


The Yanmei inside the room was obviously obvious after heard this sentence, and then asked softly: "Is you really true?"

"Of course, I am talking!"

Chen Mo replied.

"Well, leave after half an hour!"

Yanme is unhappy and promised.

And Chen Mo's eyes flashed a helpless, then sit on the sofa waiting.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo came to the mall in Behang City.

After entering the mall, Yanme will start a family, and all are luxury stores.

In less than half an hour, Yanme will bought more than ten skirts, seven or eight famous brace bags, know that the price of these bag skirts is not cheap, if not because Chen Mo is really rich, It is estimated that the heart is painful.

After more than an hour, Yanme finally got a visit, then helped Chen Mo selected several gifts to Qin Ib.

"Big sister, you bought so much, then bought this thing for Qin Yimei, is it not suitable?"

At this time, Chen Mo is obviously regretted to let Yan Xiacheng, because it is busy for more than an hour, it is completely to buy things.

"What do you know? You are the first time to give Qin Yi Ice gift, you have too much inappropriate, you have to understand the gradual truth, so this time, I will come back next time. I am accompanying you ... "

Yan Been tried to rushing to Chen Mima while loudly.

"Next time I will definitely take you ..."

Chen Mo bite his teeth and said with Yanme.

"You are going to unload the killing?"

Yan Xia teamed his head asked Chen Mail.

"Mainly, you are so too bought, so many things I can't let go!"

Chen Mo said helpless.

"Nothing, you can't let your home can put it in my new home!"

The Yan Xia has returned to the waiter and then said: "Trouble with me!"


At this time, the waiter hitting the eyes of Yanme, and he was very enthusiastic.

Yanme will continue to pick up.

"Big sister, let's go almost."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"You have money, you still have a good money? How many times have you gave you? Do you not know your own heart? What happened to me now?"

Yan Xia said faint.


Chen Mo looked at Yanme, I don't know what to say.

More than half an hour.

Yanme finally got a lot, and a lot of packaging bags took a taxi.

Chen Mo took the taxi to the Tianyun.

When Chen Mo came to Tianyunhui, it was already more than ten o'clock in the morning, so Chen Mo felt that Qin Yi ice should also wake up.

Perhaps because of the opening ceremony yesterday, the business of today's rhyme will be very good, and the morning is already full.

After watching Chen Mo, the manager saw Chen Mo, then said: "Chen Gongzi, come over?"

"Well, I will find Qin!"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.

"Qin always should still be upstairs, I will help you call it!"

The manager of duty replied.

"No, I will go straight!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then walked into the elevator.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo came to the office door of Qin Yi Bing.

At this time, the office door of Qin Yibing did not lock, and it was still bright, Chen Mo did happen to prevent the last thing from happening, so he gently knocked on the door.

But after I knocked a few times, I didn't respond. Chen Mo slammed it only to go to the door.

After entering the office of Qin Yi Bing, Chen Mo smelled a very tempting aroma, as if Mer, every time I came in, I would smell such an aroma, very awkward, and the taste of Qinyi Ice is almost the same.

"Qin always?"

Chen Mo saw no one inside the office, so shouted softly.

But there is nothing to respond.

"Should it be?"

Chen Mo sighed, and then sat quietly on the sofa.

However, Chen Mo has waited for nearly more than ten minutes, and Qin Yi Bing still didn't come back. Chen Mai took his mobile phone to Qin Yimei and found that the other party was turned off.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a helpless, then prepared to leave.

However, when Chen Mo has just been planning to leave, he suddenly heard a very slight sound in the lounge.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a different, he faintly felt that there should be someone in the lounge.

Moreover, Chen Mo shouted several times of Qin Yip's name, no one responded, this shows that Qin Yibing is absolutely not in the lounge, otherwise Qin Yibing can't come out so long.

"Is it a thief?"

Chen Sime is shocked.

But he quickly demonstrated this idea, because Chen Mo knows that the security work of Tianyun will be very good, and the ordinary people can't come in.

The last time, Chen Mo can come in because Tianyun will carry a semester, most of the security guards are in front, and there is no one in the office building.

"Is there a kidnapping?"

Chen Mo's heart flashed a bold idea again.

Because Chen Mo felt that Qin was shut down, but there was a sound in the lounge, which indicates that there are certain people in the lounge.

It is very likely that Qin Yi is kidnapped, but Chen Mo suddenly came in, so the other party can only bring Qin Yibei to the lounge.

Chen Mo, the more I think it is not right, and I will walk directly to the door of the lounge.

Chen Mo put his ear on the door, and he was very clear to hear that there was indeed movement in the lounge.


Chen Mo took a breath and then pushed the door.

At this time, the door did not lock, and Chen Mo pushed the door to a gap.

But helpless Chen Mo's scope can be seen very limited by this gap, it can't see the situation inside the lounge.

Chen Mo worried that Qin Yi Bing was really dangerous, so the courage to gently pushed the door, and then walked into the room.

But after Chen Mo's entered the room, his whole person was in the original place, and his face was very incredible.

Because Chen Mo's hair is not kidnapped at all, the Qin Yibing is even in bed.

Of course, this is not the most shocked by Chen Mo.

The most shocked by Chen Mo is that Qin Yibei is even naked, and the quilt is all being kicked by Qin Yimei.

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