I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,390: back to Nanyang City

Qin Yimei can't kill Chen Mo or dig Chen Mo's eyes?

And Qin Yi Bing has followed Chen Mo or to meet, so Qin Yibing has no way to not forgive Chen Mo.

"Ice sister, how do you think this is right?"

Chen Mo Xiaozheng asked Qin Yes.

And Qin Yimei looked at Chen Mile to hesitate for two seconds, then whispered: "I hope that the third person knows, I also hope that you can forget this thing directly, never mention me. Do you understand this? "

"You can rest assured, I will definitely forget, I am absolutely impossible to tell others!"

Chen Merloo is busy nod.

"There is also the second condition, that is, in the last week, I will see you, if I let me see you, I will resign!"

Qin Yibing looked at Chen Mai to continue.

"Well, I will not in Behang City this week, I promise that you can't see me!"

Chen Mai nodded again.

"That's, you leave here!"

Qin Yi Bing was very helpless, and Chen Mei swayed.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, I walked towards the office outside the office.

Chen Mo is originally planning to have a good idea, but who can think that the last thing is actually made to make this look, Chen Mo's heart is also very helpless.

And Qin Yibei sat on the sofa, and the expression on his face was natural.

She didn't understand what I have recently, I never encountered such a thing, but I have never encountered twice, and it is also the same person.

Qin Yi's conscious saw the gifts that Chen Mo took over, and the eyes flashed a different, then suddenly stood up and wanted to retain Chen Mo, and Chen Mo explained that he had just somewhat.

But helpless Chen Mo has left.

Qin Yi Bing feels that Chen Mo must not deliberately, but she is really a little bad about Chen Mo's attitude.

"Chen Mimo will not be angry because of this matter?"

Qin Yifu is a little worried.


Qin Yibing may not know that Chen Mo will definitely not be angry because of these things, after all, now Chen Mo is still too late, how can it be angry?

And Chen Mai did not appear in front of her in the last week. Therefore, Chen Mo intends to go to Nanyang City to avoid the wind. After all, I haven't seen Su Mu Bai for a long time, and there is no Northland City. What is going on, so Chen Mo is going to wait until Qin Yibing has forgotten this.

Chen Mo let Lin Qing shallow to set a ticket, then take a taxi to the Northland Airport.

Two a few hours in the afternoon.

Chen Mima got a plane and found his position.

Because it is Lin Qing, the ticket, it is definitely the first class.

The passenger in the head and other cabins is not a lot, very comfortable.

When Chen Mo sat down, he placked his eyes closed. After all, Beihang City went to Nanyang City or take several hours.

But Chen Mo just closed his eyes, he screamed a faint aroma.

Chen Mer's consciousness opened his eyes and found that a girl was holding a bag.

The girl's face is still quite good, keeping a red wave short hair, giving people a pure and lively, very playful, very good, a good body, a pair of legs.

Chen Mo saw a wonderful doubt of the gods after seeing this girl, because he thinks that this girl seems to be a bit familiar.

Just when Chen Mo stared at this girl, girls seemed to pay attention to Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo?"

The girl is very surprised by Chen Mail.

"you are?"

Chen Mo saw that the girl shouted out his name, and the expression on his face was a bit confused.

"You don't know me? I am Wei Meng Meng!"

The female voice shouted.

"Wei Mengmeng?"

Chen Mo's eyes were flashing, because he finally remembered who was in this girl in front of himself.

This girl is called Wei Meng Meng, which is Chen Mo's high school classmate.

When Wei Meng Meng was sitting behind Chen Mo, it was quite good with Chen Mo's relationship.

However, Chen Mo and Wei Mengmeng did not have a classmate who had been too long, because Chen Mo has sinned a rich second generation in the school, so he can only choose to transfer.

After Chen Mo's transfer, he didn't see it with Wei Mengmeng again!

"Do you think of who I am?"

Wei Meng Meng smiled and asked Chen Mail.

"I have passed so many years, you are still old ..."

Wei Mengmeng looked at Chen Mo smiled and then continued: "You are mixed now, it actually places the class and other cabins ..."

Wei Mengmeng's home condition is very good, so the co-first class is also very normal.

However, when he was high school, Wei Mengmeng knows that Chen Mo's home is difficult, so I will see Chen Mo in the first class at this time. Surprised.

"Others give me a plane ticket ..."

Chen Mo smiled and explained a sentence.

"So this is ah!"

Wei Meng did nodded and then continued: "Chen Mo, what are you doing now?"

"Go to school!"

Chen Mo replied.

"How are you still going to school? I have already graduated ..."

Wei Mengmeng said something surprised.

"I didn't read the high two after I transferred, but I was read from the high one, so I graduated more than you ..."

Chen Mo explained.

"Is this!"

Wei Meng Meng got up and down, then he continued to ask: "Do you want to go to Nanyang City?"

"Yes, go to Nanyang City!"

"That's very good, I also go to Nanyang City, I held a classmate party, and the classmates of our class will pass, you haven't met them for a long time? Otherwise you have passed it? "

Wei Mengmeng was very happy to rush through Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo didn't help but heard the words of Wei Meng Meng, and then whispered: "I am not very familiar with the classmates of our class, I still don't go, you play!"

"Don't, today we can meet, you can't go, why don't you go, and a lot of students in our class, you have to listen to your situation, you still have passed!"

Wei Mengmeng is very enthusiastic.

Chen Mo saw Wei Mengmei so enthusiastic, hesitated, then asked softly: "When is the classmate party?"

"It is 7 o'clock this evening, the newly opened in Nanyang City!"

Wei Mengng replied.

"That's, if I have time today, I will have a good time ..."

Chen Mo hesitated and nodded.

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