I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,396: How can you not come?

Su Tuyu paused, then turned his eyes and then continued: "Fortunately, I have encountered you today, or those people in Nanyang people know that our hotel does not let the famous Ding Chen Gongzi, estimate Those people have to join a piece to resist us ... "

After the saying, Su Yutu took the initiative to take Chen Mo into the hotel, then he said that he said: "You are really a big courage, I didn't have anyone to see you. Chen Gongzi's photo? Even Chen Gongzi dare to stop outside, do you know that Chen Mo is a boyfriend I am here? Don't you want to do it? "

Several security guards after hearing this sentence of Su Tuyu, in an instant eyes, his face is very incredible.

Where can they want to get this young man who looks generally, it is the famous Chen Gongzi in Nanyang City.

"Okay, they don't know me is also very normal, you can don't need it to them ..." Chen Mo smiled and said in Su Tuyu.

"That line, I will give you a face, don't pack them ..."

Su Yingying said.

"You will act less in front of me, I will let you expel these people, you won't be expelled ..."

Chen Mili said helplessly.

Chen Mo knows that the girl of Su Yucu is a knife mouth bean rot, and it is very powerful, but it is not a person who is iron.

"Oh, how so, how much, you can go to your friends soon ..."

After the Su Miler was wearing, he was very embarrassed to sway his hand.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Su Yucu, and then smiled in the future, and then went to the boxed box.

Su Tuyu looked at Chen Mo's back, standing in the same place, hesitated a two seconds, and the beauty flashed a different, then whispered: "No, how can I say that Chen Mo is going over?" Is Chen Miman stolen? "

She knows that Chen Mo is not honest in Nanyang, I know a lot of beauty, so she is worried that Chen Mo may not come to participate in the classmates.

Su Tuyu took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Mu-Bai's phone, and then asked softly: "The cousin, you guess, who just saw who?"


Su Mu Bai asked.

"I saw Chen Mo!"

Su Tuyu whispered.

"You don't have a joke with me. Chen Mo is now in Behang, how can I be in Nanyang?"

Su Mu's voice said helplessly.

"I didn't lie to you, I really saw Chen Mo!"

Su Tu Yu is very anxious to return, then continue to say: "Chen Mo came to our hotel, and also said to participate in a party ..."

"Chen Mo actually came to Nanyang City?"

Su Mu Bai's tone also took a wonderful doubt.

"I just talked to him, this is certain, but Chen Mo is coming to Nanyang City, why didn't you tell you?"

Su Tuyu couldn't help but rude.

"Maybe because Chen Mo has anything else!"

Su Mu Bai said faint.

"This is something else, he must come to find a small three, cousin, you can rest assured, I will give you now to see what people seek in Nanyang City, you will wait for my call ... "

After the words were finished, Su Yuci didn't hang up the phone and then quietly embarked on the second floor.

The expression on the Sue Mongbai face on the other end of the phone is very helpless.

After all, Su Mu Bai is now very confident that Chen Mo, she knows that Chen Mo will definitely not make things sorry, so that Chen Mo has come to Nanyang City, there is certainly his own reasons, Su Mu Bai has no doubt.

And Su Tu Yu does not understand these things. She is only a kindness to help supervise Chen Mile, so Supuki hesitate to stop Su Cupyu.

At the same time, among the bunters of the classmates.

Wei Mengmeng waited for a long time, I didn't see Chen Mo, so I couldn't sit.

At this time, Zhang Ping just entered the box.

Wei Meng Meng stood up and asked Zhang Ping: "Chen Mo? Haven't come over?"

"I think Chen Mo should not come today, I have waited for a long time at the hotel's door, I didn't see him ..."

Zhang Ping replied.

"How is this possible?"

Wei Meng Meng said.

"Is this impossible, Chen Mo is just a classmate for a year, it is nothing feelings, he is not coming today, it is also normal things ..."

Zhang Ping said.

"It's impossible, just Chen Mo will send me a text message saying that he will come after ten minutes, Chen Mo will pay attention to me will come here today, he will definitely come over ..."

Wei Mengmeng said very firmly.

"Oh, isn't a Chen Mo? He can't come over, he is not very good? I am still worried that he steals me ..."

Li Xueer said yin and yang strange.

Wei Mengmeng has heard a trace of anger in the eyes of Li Xueer, and said no expression: "When did Chen Mo stole you, can you say that if you are listening to it? How much is it? "

"I didn't talk about it. Zhang Ping didn't say that Chen Mo was transferred to the way."

Li Xueer has returned to a sentence.

Wei Mengmeng is also too lazy to take care of Li Xueer, and I took a breath and got up and plan to see if Chen Mo came to the end.

But at this time, the door of the box was suddenly pushed from the outside, and Chen Mai took the step into the box.

When Zhang Ping saw Chen Mo, his face was very incredible.

Because he remembers that Chen Mingming has turned to leave, and Chen Mo does not have this hotel's membership card, how did Chen Mo come in?

"Chen Mo, you can come over, I thought you didn't come ..."

Wei Mengmeng glanced over, when I saw Chen Mo, I was very excited, and I was very happy with Chen Mail.

And everyone may be because of the words of prior to Zhangping, so treating Chen Mo's attitude is not very enthusiastic.

"Do you don't remember Chen Mo?"

Wei Meng Meng saw that everyone did not respond, couldn't help but asked softly.

"It turned out to be Chen Mo?"

"Meng Meng, if you don't say, we really can't recognize this person, Chen Mo ..."

"Chen Mo, what are you going? Why didn't you contact us after the primary transfer?"

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