I am the heir to the richest man

The first thousand four hundred and four chapters: I am a fiancee is Su Mu Bai!

"You can really brag!"

Wei Meng Meng looked at Chen Mo's slightly mouth, did not continue to say more.

After a few minutes, everyone came to the door of the unchanglo bar.

Zhang Ping Li Xueer and others are waiting for them at the gate.

Not a bicycle is actually the same, it is the industry of Sujia people, and it is also a member system, and a member card must be present.

Zhang Ping himself has a member of the hotel's membership card, so it is also available here.

After entering the wine bar, everyone is still very excited. After all, if he doesn't because Zhang Ping, there is no chance to come to such a good bar.

Chen Mo also felt that this bar is really a very good, and there are many luxury cars at the door, indicating that you can come here, you should be some rich people.

"Is it too luxurious here?"

Li Xueer's expression was excited, and then began to take a photo of his mobile phone.

Zhang Ping huddle and looked at everyone, whispered: "This bar is now the best bar in Nanyang City, but you all pay attention, don't make trouble inside this bar, no matter what the problem is Tell me a time, this bar can not tolerate someone ... "

"I have heard that there is a rich second generation, and the home is doing business. It is very background, but because of the trouble here, it is directly interrupted, I don't know if it is true?"

A boy asked softly.

"There is really a matter!"

Zhang Ping nodded and then continued: "The kid is not only a rich second generation, but fuck is like a man, so there is money in his own home, and even the pedestrian manager's face is not given. It's been playing with others, and later I have been interrupted by my legs ... "

After heard Zhang Ping's sentence, the heart was also very surprised, and Li Xueer, who was yelling, was also significantly low.

"You also know that this bar is the Sujia's industry, and Su Jiaren has a relationship with Chen Gongzi, so there is no one dare to provoke Su family in Nanyang City."

Zhang Ping stopped, then continue: "But you don't have to worry, as long as you don't take the initiative, you will not have someone to get to you, and even if there is any contradiction, you can tell me, after all, I Now is the employee of Hui Ding Group, the manager of the bar is still to give me a little more difficult ... "

"Still Zhang Gongzi is amazing!"

"Yeah, Zhang Gongzi has faces without walking ..."

Everyone quickly started to shoot horses.

And Zhang Ping said this, in fact, it is just to show yourself.

Chen Mo quietly followed the people, he did not think that Sujia now has developed into this.

When Chen Mo had just met Su Many, Su Jia was only a small family, even if it was a top-level family in the place in Sujia Town, now Su family seems to look at the entire Nanyang City. It is unique.

"It seems that Li Juncheng didn't take care of Su family during this time!"

Chen Mo was softly sighed.

Zhang Ping has already set a box in advance, so everyone did not stay in the hall, directly came to the box.

After entering the box, Zhang Ping is very cool to give a good wine of 100,000 yuan.

After all, I didn't spend money at the hotel, he could only choose to spend money here to show off a look.

After the wine is coming, some people began to chat, and some girls began to sing.

Chen Mo quietly sat in the corner and looked at these people. It is not because these people don't bring Chen Mo's play, but Chen Mo is not very interested in this kind of thing, as if there is no such a lively environment.

"Chen Mo, come over with us to play the truth!"

Wei Mengcheng said with Chen Mo.

"You play, I will make it ..."

Before Chen Mo and Ren Bin have a few people playing truth, but Chen Mo is not very interested in this game, so it is refused.

"Oh, you are idle, come over!"

Wei Mengcheng said with Chen Mo.

Chen Mimei watched Wei Meng Meng and did not continue to refuse, but with Wei Mengmeng came to everyone.

At the beginning, the bottle has never turned to Chen Mo, so Chen Mo is also lively in Quiet.

After playing, I finally turned Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo, do you choose to be true or big?"

Wei Meng Meng smiled and asked Chen Mail.


Chen Mo said faint.


Wei Meng Meng looked at Chen Mo smiled and asked softly: "Chen Mo, do you have a girlfriend now?"


Chen Mer shook his head and then continued: "But I already have a fiancee ..."


Everyone heard Chen Mo's words revealed the surprise expression, very incredible to watch Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo, you won't be a joke? You don't have a wife?"

Wei Mengmeng was very surprised to rushing to Chen Mo.

"I haven't joked, I really already have a bad wife!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"Who is your unmarried wife? Is it a Nanyang City?"

Wei Mengmeng asked very curious.

"This should be the second question?"

Chen Mo smiled and said.

"Okay, let's continue ..."

Wei Mengng put his hand and then continued to turn the bottle.

The second bottle is still pointing to Chen Mo.

"Now Chen Mo you can answer my question just now?"

Wei Meng Meng looked with Chen Mail.

"My fiancee is Nanyang City, and we have two more than a year ..."

Chen Mo replied.

"What is your name?"

Wei Mengmeng continued to ask.

"My fiancee is called Su Mu Bai!"

Chen Mo didn't think much, replied directly.


On the side, Zhang Ping, who is surprising to hear Chen Mo, sprayed it directly to the wine you just drink.

"Oh, Zhang Ping do you do?"

Zhang Ping's wine sprayed Li Xueer's back, Li Xueer shouted.

"Sorry, I have not controlled it!"

Zhang Ping has some embarrass explains, then takes out the paper towel to rub his mouth, watching Chen Mail asked: "Chen Mo, who did you say that your fiancee is?"

"Su Mu Bai, what happened?"

Chen Simeg asked.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Ping looked at Chen Mo and laughed and then continued: "Chen Mo, you are too joke? You know who Su Mu Bai is?"

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