I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1415: Lovers in Xi Shi

Chen Mo took the bar to the Mercedes-Benz that Su Mu Bai after leaving the bar.

"What are you going to go next? I will send you home first?"

Su Mu Bai took the initiative to sit in the main driving, and the twist was shouted in Chen Mail.

"I am because of the Nanyang City you come, are you going to make me go home alone?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"What are you going to do? I will take you to the hotel open a room?"

Su Mu Bai asked with Yingying.

"Go to the bar to open a room?"

Chen Mo did not help but heard the sentence, then said helpless: "Two people with a house, why do you want to go to the hotel? Wasted what? Or you Take me to your home, or you go to my house with me, you look at it! "

Su Mu Bai flashed over and shy, she instantly understood Chen Mo's meaning.

"How is it? How is it? Are you going to your home or go to my house?"

Chen Mo smiled asked in Su Mu Bai.

"That is still going to my house, your home has no longer lives so long ..."

Su Mu Bai hesitated and said softly.

"Is your parents at home?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

Su Mu Bai turned his head and glared in Chen Mo and did not continue to take care of Chen Mo and launched the car directly.

And Chen Mo is still a bit nervous, no matter how Chen Mo is already together, no matter how Chen Mo, Su Mu Bai, but two people have never conducted the last step, so Chen Mo feels now is a very rare opportunity. .

After all, the two men widow, and the two are still a male and female friend, so even if there is something that happens, it is very normal.

As for Su Mu Yin Xin, I naturally clear how Chen Mo is planning. If you have not experienced so many things, Su Mu Bai will never agree with this matter, after all, Su Mu, it is still a very traditional woman. She has no way to accept this kind of thing in front of the pre-marriage.

But now Su Mu, who feels that Chen Mo is his own fiance, and this time Su Mu Bai really fell in love with Chen Mo, so it is a willingness to give Chen Mo, she is also willing.

But at this time, Su Mu Bai's mood is also very nervous, and the small hands have always died in the steering wheel.

I didn't know how long it took, the car finally slowly stopped.

"Go home ..."

Su Mu Bai hooks to Chen Mo and said softly.

"Is it?"

Chen Miman pushed the door, then got off the car and got a lot of Su Mu's house.

This villa is not the same as the villa before Su Mu, maybe because the family's things, so Su Mu Bai is now with Su Chengkai couple, but a person lives outside.

The area of ​​the villa should be around four or five hundred squares, with a small yard in front, plant some flowers, giving people a sense of feelings, still very nice.

However, in fact, according to the current price of Su Mu, it is already very low in such a villa. After all, Su Mu, but the girlfriend of Chen Mo, even if it is in the best villa in Nanyang, it is normal. Best.

"This villa can not stand you, or you can live in the palace first, anyway, I am not always in Nanyang City, the villa is empty ..."

Chen Mimo went to see Su Mu, whispered.

"Oh, I usually live alone, I can't use more places. I have been used to it here, and this place is also very close to my company, I don't have to change the place ..."

Su Mu Bai directly refused.

"But I think there should be more safety, after all, where is the best community in Nanyang ..."

Chen Mail said after it.

"No, now people who are basically the whole Nanyang City know that I am your girlfriend, and there is also that Zhao Lei has always followed me, so I won't hurt me at all, you can rest assured!"

Su Mu Bai said helpless.

"But I still think that there is no one in my villa, but I am a pity ..."

Chen Mo said.

"What is this unfortunately, if you feel unfortunately, you will sell it. Anyway, I will not go live. Only the place where the earth is still going back to live ..."

Su Mu Bai returned to a small mouth, and then Chen Mo rushed to walk in the villa.

After a while, Chen Mo walked into the villa with Su Mu.

The renovation in the villa is very warm, and there are a lot of purple things, such as curtain sofas, can see Su Mu, still very much like purple.

"Chen Mo, you take a break here, I will go in and change clothes ..."

Because Su Mu Bai is still dress, it is inevitable that it will feel uncomfortable at home, so she will replace a little pajamas every time she go home.

"Well, go!"

Chen Mo nodded.

Su Mu Bai walked directly to the clothes.

After walking into the clothes, Su Mu Bai directly reached out and picked up the pajamas wearing it and then started to change clothes.

But after Su Mu Bai replaced with pajamas, she looked at myself in the mirror. Suddenly I feel so much, I'm too active, after all, this pajamas are very sexy exposed, if it is a person who is in home is naturally There is no problem, but helpless now Chen Mo is still in the living room, Su Mu, who feels that he wear is very bad.

So Su Mu Bai has hesitated a black tether after a moment, and the lower body wears a denim shorts, then standing in front of the mirror.

The slender legs, the slim arm plus the beautiful face, Su Mu Bai is still very satisfied with yourself.

After a few minutes, Su Mu Bai stepped out of the coat room in a pair of pink offshoots.

When Chen Mo saw Su Mu Bai, I couldn't help the eyes, I have to say that Su Mu Bai's body is the perfectness of the perfect, as if everything is so delicate, Chen Mo feels that she can find such a My girlfriend, it is simply a blessing in eight generations.

Although Chen Mo has recently seen the beauty of this time is too much, no matter how beautiful woman is placed in front of Chen Mo, they are not as good as Su Mu White in Chen Mo's eyes.

This may be a lover's eyes in Xi Shi!

"What are you doing this?"

Su Mu Bai found that Chen Mo seems to be staring at himself, and asked some nervous.


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