"Chen Mo, you ... what do you want to do?"

Su Mu Bai was pressed by Chen Mo, after the sofa, the mood is extremely tight, and there is no usual high-level goddess model.

After all, there is no matter how cold, how is it outside, however, she is a woman, she is a woman, she will finally serve in a man.

"What do you want to do?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"No ..."

Su Mu Bai struggled, and shouted.

"You are my unmarried wife, what is it possible?"

Chen Mo smiled and put his gaze in Su Mu Bai's pair of seductive legs.

Su Mu-white leg fiber, white gli, Chen Mo has always been curious about this big long leg.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo directly put his right hand on the long leg of Su Mu.

This is also Chen Mo and Su Mu Bai once a close contact.

When Chen Mo's right hand touched Su Mu Bai's long leg, Su Mu-Bai felt that it was a touch of electric shock. After all, from the small to Dasu Mu, he did not have such intimate contact with any heterosexual, this is also Su Mug Bai has a very wonderful feeling for the first time.

"Chen Mo, you will let me go!"

Su Mu Charm's openings shouted.

But Chen Mo will not give up such a good opportunity at all, so he naturally does not want to let go.

Of course, this situation can't be blamed, and after all, with the big beauty such as Su Mu, a room, and this sexy is actually his own unmarried wife. It is estimated that even a normal man will control his emotions. Therefore, Chen Mo is now a normal thing.

Chen Mo's right hand began to continue, and Su Mu Bai's response seems to be more resistant.

"Chen Mo, you let me go!"

Su Mu Bai pushed Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stopped the movements in his hand, then rushed to Su Mu Bai: "Are you not willing?"


Su Mu Bai looked at Chen Mo, I didn't know how to answer Chen Mo's problem. After all, the feeling just made to make Su Mu Bai felt very wonderful, at this time, her body has been completely soft, but she still instinctive wants to refuse .

"I just feel weird here ..."

Su Mu Bai whispered.


Chen Mo stunned, then smiled and said: "Then I take you to bedroom ..."

"No, you let me calm down, I am still not ready, otherwise you will give me a little more ..."

Su Mu Bai was red, whispered to Chen Mo.

At this time, Sue Mu Yin is not ready to prepare, after all, it is a bit suddenly.

"Then you are kissing me!"

Chen Mo said helplessly rushed to Su Mu.


Su Mu Bai thought that Chen Mima is to give up, so quickly agreed, and then pursued Chen Mo's face.

But at this time, Chen Mer is reached directly to the Su Mu, and then bowed to Su Mu Nai's ruddy lips kissed.

" ..."

Su Mushen's ability is struggling, but her strength does not have Chenmer.

Therefore, Chen Mo quickly succeeded.

Two people kissed together, when I started, Su Mu Bai moved very jealousy, but soon adapted to this feeling, and still responded to Chen Mo.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo began to prepare the clothes of Su Mu Bai.

"Chen Mo, I will take a shower first ..."

At this time, Su Mu Bai seems to have been prepared, and the sound of Chen Mo is said.

"What kind of bath is there?"

Chen Mo has some speechless.

"What are you anxious? I am very fast ..."

Su Mu Bai directly reached out to push Chen Mo, then ran into the bathroom.

At this time, Su Mu Bai is already prepared, so she is going to wash itself after being cleaned.

Chen Miman is anxiously sitting on the sofa waiting.

"Mu Bai, you hurry!"

Chen Mer screamed the scorpion shouted in Su Mu, who was inside the bathroom.

"I know……"

Su Mu Bai Jiao laughed back.

After almost more than ten minutes, Su Mu Bai finally gone from the bathroom.

At this time, Su Mu Banyan only put a white bathrobe, and the whole person looked like the water hibiscus, an abnormal temptation.

Chen Mermathered in this long time was finally released, directly rushed to Su Mu Bai, and then reached out to hold Su Mu Bai.

After a few seconds, Chen Mai hugged Su Mu Bai came to the bedroom. It was very rude to throw Su Mu, and then three times and five eliminated her clothes, and rushed to Su Mu Bai. Go up.

However, when Chen Miman wanted to take the bath towel on Su Mu Bai, Su Mu Bai was very easy to avoid.

After all, Su Mu Bai often practiced yoga, so the flexibility of the body is still very good. She has her own little foot blocks in Chen Mo's chest, whispered: "Chen Mo, you have to know what you have touched today, then You are my man, I don't have to happen to other women, but I can't betray me anything from you, you can't betray me again. Do you understand what I mean? ? "

"I understand……"

Chen Sail didn't want to, and he was busy nodded.

Obviously, Su Mu Bai is still a little understanding of the things between Chen Mo and other women, but now Su Mu Bai is ready to pay attention to Chen Mo, after all, she also clears the temptation of Chen Mo's side. And it is not in China after that.

Su Mu Bai's truth represents that she can choose Chen Mo who is forgiving to the past, but there will be such a thing in the future.

"bring it on……"

Su Mu Bai came back to Chen Mima, and then closed his eyes closely.

Chen Mo is very clear, Su Mu Bai, what is the meaning of this sentence, directly on Su Mu, then put the bath towel on Su Mu Bai.

Although Su Mu Bai also wore underwear at this time, the perfect figure was also very stupid.

Chen Mo felt that Su Mu Bai's body was perfect, especially in the black underwear, and it was an instant a feeling of hot blood.

Chen Mo slowly kissed Su Mu, and Su Mu Bai also began to respond to Chen Mo.

At this time, Su Mu is still very sensitive. The body has been shaking slightly. Chen Mo kisses the buckle of Su Mu Bai who reached out to the underwear.


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